Monday, July 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

As tough as Justin Theroux pretends to be, you would think that he and Jennifer Aniston could dispense with the bodyguard when they go out.
Jewel celebrates the holiday weekend with a random kid she picked up on the street. Or it could be her son.
Jamie Foxx gets ready to board a boat in St. Tropez.
Jordin Sparks at an awards show sponsored by McDonald's. Do you think they have a Happy Meal Awards? Like who came up with the best maze or word search or best toy idea?
Jwowww at a pool party in Vegas. They hired her for her brains.
Katherine Heigl and her husband vacationing over the holiday.
Also vacationing, but spending it shopping were Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy.
Kimberly Stewart and her constant companion. She spends a ton of time with her daughter.
Lena Dunham on the set of Girls.


  1. Is it just me or is jwow not as hot as she used to be?
    K. Stewart has no friends because she slept with all their boyfriends.

  2. I would hope Kim Stewart would spend time with her baby, it's not like she has anything else to do.

    Heigl looks great.

    Still love Aniston, you can't make me dislike her!!!

  3. J Woww is GROSS. She has ruined her face w surgery, her tits look like she got the same place Courtney Stodden got hers.

  4. kate looks pregnant.
    kim's daughter looks like the little kids in the movie, "the dark crystal"

  5. lena is disgusting. everyone else looks great.

  6. Jewel's son is not very happy in the pic. Moms should know that these movements are not the best things for the kids.

    Jwoww was hired for her brains, both of them. She has become a butterface, but is still hot.

    I hope that Jordin doesn't eat a lot of Big Macs, she is hot now and going back to fatness would be terrible.

  7. I thought Jewel's kid was giggling!

    Aniston has another pap setup in response to all the rumors of break up.

  8. Interesting body language on the Heigl photo. She's leaning in, he's leaning away! Hmmmmmm

  9. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Jewel and her Son just made my ovaries explode, they are soooooooooo times infinity adorable!!!!

  10. You do know it's a good thing that Kimberley Stewart spends a lot of time with her kid, right?

    Also, I love her daughter's shoes.

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Heigle body is crazy
    and thats good to hear original kstew with her child

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Justin Theroux tries so hard.

  13. Why do you make it sound strange that Kim spends a lot of time with her daughter, isn't that what mothers are supposed to do?

  14. I don't care about Kimberley Stewart one way or the other but it is nice to see her always hanging with her kid. I didn't think she would be so hands on. Maybe motherhood has been good for her.
    Jwowww...more like J Ewwwwww.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Stewart's baby daddy is Benicio del Toro, right? Sigh.

  17. i love jewel..nice to see some pics of her

  18. i love jewel..nice to see some pics of her

  19. Justin Thoroux has the shortest legs I've ever seen on a man and those skinny jeans do NOT help!

    The kid with Jewel is cuuuuute :-)

    "Kimberly Stewart spends a ton of time with her daughter." As she should!

    Jordin Sparks seems very sweet

  20. figgy - what, what, what? Is that true??

    Love the pic of Jewel and her son. Was I the only person bummed the year she got injured and couldn't do DWTS. I absolutely loathe most of her tunes - although there are some acoustic versions of Foolish Games that are A-FREAKING-MAZING, but she seems like good peoples.

    Kate Hudson's dress - I SOOOOOOOOO want that. I love that she rocks that despite being in her late 30s.

  21. Everytime I see jewel I think of kurt loder nailing her on vocabulary for her book of poems on mtv..he reads a line which ends "with a certain casualty" and she responds all soulful with the expression of ..yeah kurt ur feeling me...and he goes in for kill..."you know thats not what casualty means" BLAM! haha 20 something years ago and crystal clear...haha

  22. megan- Ha ha. I love Kurt Loder. Poor Jewel. She tried to be all deep in the 90s. Ha.

  23. megan- Ha ha. I love Kurt Loder. Poor Jewel. She tried to be all deep in the 90s. Ha.

  24. Good for Kimbo. Nice to see a celeb spend a lot of time with their babies.

  25. Still looking good Jordan!
    That's all I got.

  26. Hudson



    In a special Fuck, Marry, Kill edition:

    Fuck: Aniston, KStew theory, just to be filthy and vile and give her something else to be miserable about

    Marry: Hudson, she a lil tall, but just my type.

    Kill: Dunham, because who hasn't fantasized about cleansing the HBO line up of its most annoying participant. It would practically be a public service. I'd much rather have the 1/2 hour of pothead Ted Danson back.

    1. I loved Bored to Death. Swapping Dunham & her shit show for more Danson, Schwartzman & Galifinakis would be much appreciated. Please get on that STAT.

  27. Kate Hudson borrowed Katie Holmes' ugly booties.

    And I know it's cool to hate her, but I like Lena Dunham & Girls.

  28. Dunham looks ok here.
    JWOww does not. Those bazongas are just wrong.
    Aniston's man is too..something. I don't like him. He's skeevy.

  29. Jewels' boy looks Just like her!

  30. For seeming to have been such an attention whore, I don't hear a lot about Heigl these days.

  31. Throw shade at Jewel holding her kid but say nothing about Lena Dunham's sunflower seeds package of a dress.

    You are Girls.
