Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

John Travolta looks for a massage app while driving.
While Kim Basinger sleeps, Ireland Baldwin gets into bed with her and takes photos.
Kristen Stewart would like you to like her now. Willing to be seen 24/7 with puppies.
Speaking of doing anything to get you to see his new movie, Matt Damon.
Mackenzie Rosman is in Maxim. I think that makes her cast member number six from 7th Heaven to do so.
Katy Perry is in the new issue of Elle.
Joshua Jackson in a new photo shoot for Mr. Porter.
Michelle Williams is the new face of Louis Vuitton.
Needing a new face after this shoot is Armie Hammer.


  1. Pacey cleans up very nicely.

  2. Ruthie looks like she's had major surgery done to her face, and possibly breasts. Those could have just grown, but her face is barely recognizable.

    1. @Marieeee - Holy shit, that is Ruthie??? I didn't recognize the name and thought it was probably one of what seemed like a million new people to join the cast after Jessica Biel did Rolling Stone a la Britney and pissed people off.

  3. Ireland/Kim tag team



  4. Kim isn't sleeping. No one could sleep with that band on their hair and it not fall off (unless they're plastic) -- wait...maybe she is sleeping...

  5. Sleeping with one of those bands on my head would give me a migraine. Kim is tilting her head so her jawline is smooth and taut. Please..she's not asleep.

  6. I thought Ireland was Kim for a hot second there! Well, a young Kim of course.
    Michelle grates on my nerves so much.

  7. Matt is looking good! Kim and Ireland are like time mirrors..;)

    Ruthie's shoot is atrocious- these shots are not flattering unless your name is Terry Richardson.

    1. My first thought when I saw this shoot, her face looks crazy old smh.

  8. Totally had a dream a few weeks ago about chillin with Kristen Stewart. She gave me a bowl to smoke but I kept dropping the weed every where. :/ Ran-dom.

  9. Armie Hammer

    Armie Hammer

    And again,
    Armie Hammer

    And I promise not to think of other people while doing it.

  10. If that's Kim's bare skin....WOW.

    Matt Damon is so hot to me these days, having to play girly games with his daughters, holding that ridiculous little dog in a dress... There were always rumors that Matt is secretly gay or bi, but he seems so comfortable & secure with himself, it's hard to believe he's actually hiding anything that major. IDK.

  11. That looks like Chelsea Handler to me and not Kim.

    Also I love Matt. That is all.

  12. Joshua Jackson

    Joshua Jackson

    Joshua Jackson

  13. Joshua's photo is awesome. And he is awesome. Love me some Mr. Jackson. HOT!

  14. Joshua Jackson

    Armie Hammer

    Michelle Williams' hair...goddamn I love it.

  15. Matt Damon makes me nuts. I love him so much.

    Kim still looks great.
