Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

It looks like Kaley Cuoco did some shopping yesterday.
Kirsten Dunst got her workout on with Tracy Anderson.
Katie Holmes is feeling good after
spending the day running from hospital workers on the set of her new film.
Lil Twist has someone to impress. Kylie Jenner. So, Kris must be thrilled to have her teen daughter dating a guy who is a known pot smoker, has an arrest for DUI, several speeding tickets and a thirst for having as much sex as possible.
Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams looking for a Beyonce hologram.
Lena Dunham tries out a wig.
Lady GaGa goes makeup free. Now you can see the work she had done.
Matt Bomer on the set of his show.


  1. Dude, if that's Lady Caca then I'm the Queen of England.

    Don't nobody say anything bad about Kiki. OR ELSE!

    I thought Kylie was dating that little Smith kid with the permanently raised eyebrows. She's moved on to that twerp Lil Twist? She doesn't have the best taste in boys.

    1. That seems to be a Kartrashian trait. Who among them has good taste in men?

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Looks like Kaley's check from DC Comics and/or Henry Cavill cashed.

  3. Awww, it's so cute the way Bieber's friend is wearing his hat to make himself look taller.

  4. ouch, you know you have "ugly" people problems when Lena Dunham makes you look hit in the face with the ugly stick GAGA

  5. You know Kris can't wait for Kylie to make her tape! Why not Little Twist? She can then pimp it and ensnare another generation of adoring fans!

  6. Kylie is such a bratty tramp. She'll regret following the kartrashian way when she begins to feel an itching burning sensation down below that she will have for the rest of her life.
    Katies dress looks like a denim hefty bag.
    Gaga is so fugly its hard to tell if she's uglier inside or out.

  7. Ummm...I think Kaley has enough money all on her very own.

    I heart Kiki.

  8. I have a love/slight dislike thing for Lena. What she said yesterday concerning Weiner was very on point.

  9. Besides an eyebrow-ectomy, i cant see any work Lady Gaga's had done.

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Ummmm then I guess Kaley's just a garden variety famewh*re? Called it.

    1. @ Dasha - Her name is spelled Kylie. K-Y-L-I-E. And yes, all the Kardashians are famewhores.

  11. Yay, Matt Bomer!!! I can't wait for White Collar's new season.

    Ummm.. it's not like Kaley needed a check from Henry Cavill to afford Juicy Couture. Sister works consistently and has her own money and got to bang superman for a few weeks. More power to her.

    1. @disco- back off! Matt Bomer is mine!!!

    2. No, Lotta! You stay away from my Matt Bomer! Yummy man right there.

  12. Thanks for the nightmares, Lady Caca! Some things you just don't want to see...

  13. Kool Chick.
    RUN! Co$ is coming!
    Jail bitch.
    The good ones always get away...
    Oh Hell NO!
    4 alarm winner!

  14. Judging by the photo captions, this enty has to female.

  15. Lotta - I'm not afraid to fight you for a man neither of us will ever have!

  16. @disco & @Marieeee - I'll meet you both in the dark alley in one hour. Be there or be square.

  17. I don't see any work done on Gaga.

  18. A lot of young girls like bad's a faze...don't judge.

  19. I'm starting to believe it's all makeup!!

  20. Thought it said Matt Boner and felt it was a very unfortunate name for a good looking guy.

  21. Anonymous1:36 PM

    kylie looks like she has had a boob job- wasn't there a blind about that? Girls her age usually don't have boobs that large and perfect....

    1. I did. Naturally too. Mine look just like hers.

    2. She had them done at 13 yrs old. PMK is a horrid woman.

    3. Anonymous12:43 AM

      nahhh- the top of hers are way too round and hard looking if you look close. There was a bikini picture a while back where you could really tell they were fake.

  22. Hey Kelly and Michelle. And Enty must be a woman because a man would have been more about banging the two then trying to sneek Bey's name in the caption. Or maybe she has a hard on for the girl.

  23. Anonymous2:04 PM

    If nothing else....that Kris Jenner is CUNNING....she knows that kylie merely walking with a black Guy will get people talking. I doubt that Kylie is even doing anything with these guys, but they are more famous than any of the guys from the neighborhood that Kylie most likely is currently crushing on.

    DAMN, that woman is sharp! I almost respect her swag.


  24. Well at least they weren't holding hands as they ran away.

  25. Woah! Kylie definitely had a boob job WAY to early.

    I don't buy that being Lady GaGa

  26. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Every time I see a picture of Lena Dunham, I hear this in my head:

  27. Matt Bomer
    Matt Bomer
    Matt Bomer

    God, he is perfection! He's my ideal Christian Grey

  28. Dasha apparently doesn't watch TV. Or read magazines. Or goes online. I knew about The Big Bang Theory long before I started watching it.

    Speaking of Superman, I always get the guy who stars in it confused with Matt Bomer. I swear they could be twins.

    I already hate the movie Holmes is filming. Kelli Martin and James Marsden already did this movie in the 90's. You can see it for free on Lifetime. On the Edge of Innocence. Check it out.

  29. matt bone-me-boner-bomer


  30. Lena looks like one of those Manson Family girls!

  31. Gags has coke nose redone ala Michael Jackson. She has a great body from the neck down and a hideous body from the chin up.

  32. Michelle Williams is super pretty!

    I agree that I also get the hottie Matt dude mixed up with other Bachelor looking dudes. Thay all look the same.

  33. Lena looks better with longer hair. I'll have to look up what she said about NYC's idiot mayor-wannabe

  34. I love Katie's dress!

  35. The Kardashians are symbolic of so many things gone wrong with entertainment .. And more...

    Gaga looks bizarre. Angle maybe?

    Matt is hot, hot, hot.

  36. Lady Gaga looks like i always and abrasive. Strange and weird...not in a great way though.

    that said, i think Kaley Culcoa (sp?) is awesome. She doesn't feel the need/urge to flaunt her tits and ass, and that is SO REFRESHING. She is cute, quirky and a great actress. i can't wait to see her flourish on the big screen.

  37. Gaga: new nose and lips. Strange eyebrows. Seriously I hardly recognize her face because of all the work done. NOT because she's make up free.

  38. As long as Kylie makes a movie for PMK, she won't mind at all.
