Friday, July 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Emily Van Camp and her boyfriend Josh Bowman head to lunch.

Honey Boo Boo Goes To Washington
Isabella Cruise gets a little daring.
Jonah Hill orders the entire menu.
Joaquin Phoenix on the set of his new movie.
I once had a guitar. Not like Justin Timberlake's guitar. Mine is a towel rack now.
Kate Bosworth without her boyfriend in what seems like forever.
I know you think I am going to say Ke$ha looks trashy, but she looks pretty good here.
Suri wants to know why she didn't get a Frappuccino.


  1. Why is honey boo boo so orange??

  2. Why do people put straws in their coffee? Is that a lipstick thing or something else?

    1. It keeps the coffee from staining your teeth. My fiancé has to do this right now, after having his teeth whitened professionally.

    2. The more you knooooooow!

    3. I did that after having my teeth whitened but someone said that the coffee that gets on the tongue and in the mouth still gets in the teeth so I stopped. It's hell drinking something hot through a straw anyway.

    4. I do it for both those reasons. I can't stand lipstick on my cup. Plus I hate drinking my Starbuck's through that hole. Slurping through a straw is way easier.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Did you see that???? Enty had a guitar. Probably made all the young girls cry.

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Who draws the crowd and plays so loud,
    Baby it's the guitar man.
    Who's gonna steal the show, you know
    Baby it's the guitar man,

    He can make you love, he can make you cry
    He will bring you down, then he'll get you high
    Somethin' keeps him goin', miles and miles a day
    To find another place to play.

  5. I don't know why its a popular thing to hate Kesha. She is so sweet. She really is. She doesn't bring the trash like Rhianna.

    1. I realised this watching her documentary. She is really sweet, grounded and family-oriented. I am a big fan.

    2. Agree, I remember when she was on the Simple Life, and she was a good kid then. Don't understand all the hate for her, she's definitely the least evil of all those pop bitches IMO.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      @Renoblondee I'm totally with you. I did take the time to watch her doc show and I was so impressed with how sweet she was and how down to earth and normal she was. She was very likable. Not at ALL what I was expecting. I was really expecting not to like her but I stand corrected. Wish so many people didn't hate her.

  6. They better hurry up and get all they can out of Honey Boo Boo by the time she grows up and out. She hasn't got more than a year or 2 max left.

  7. Somebody needs to start a Save Honey Boo Boo campaign before the poor child has a heart attack or stroke.

  8. @Reno - I love Ke$ha and have no problem admitting it. No, she doesn't have an amazing voice but she seems to always be enjoying life and had great music videos. I'm mad at her and Britney for working with thou..

    Aaaand....I think Suri is adorable. Shame on the pap that called her a brat to her face.

  9. I LOVE JOSH BOWMAN! I don't hold dating Amy Winehouse against him because I loved Amy too.

  10. Love kesha's tights and any photo's of SurKat

    1. Jonah hill is such a pretentious prick. I would to slap the coke out of his nose.

    2. He was so obnoxious in the "this is the end" interview..couldnt handle it!

  11. No shame in buying Suri the odd frap ;) but Katie looks decent here, that's the story!!
    Honey boo and her clan- just ugh! Everything that is wrong with society. No talent and fame for what?

  12. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Wow..... At first glance. I thought Jonah was Chaz Bono.

    1. Omg I see it!! Now it cannot be unseen, I will now associate one with the other.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Tehehe....@Jamieking, I know I was thinking the same thing!

    3. Oh good, it wasn't just me. *g*

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Reveal w/ Isabella?

    And Suri resembles Tom in that profile, to me anyway.

    I like Kate's sweater.

    1. Sounds like a reveal.

      I think it would be a good thing if Bella had some nude shots taken. If you're not going to embrace your sexuality at 21, then when?

      A good photog could make her look very sensual.

  14. Bosworth



    When I first saw the Jonah Hill pic, I thought it was Chazz Bono.

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Night after night who treats you right,
    Baby it's the guitar man
    Who's on the radio, you go listen
    To the guitar man

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Then he comes to town, and you see his face,
    And you think you might like to take his place
    Somethin' keeps him driftin' miles and miles away
    Searchin' for the songs to play.

  17. I'm just shocked that Suri is actually walking!

  18. Sometimes it's like Suri is a tiny female Tom Cruise.

  19. Suri's Burn Book will come up with the perfect caption for that photo.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Jonah Hill

    Josh Bowman

    Josh Bowman

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Then you listen to the music and you like to sing along,
    You want to get the meaning out of each and ev'ry song
    Then you find yourself a message and some words to call your own
    And take them home.

    He can make you love, he can get you high
    He will bring you down, then he'll make you cry
    Somethin' keeps him movin', but no one seems to know
    What it is that makes him go.

  23. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Add me the the Jonah/Chaz confusion.

  24. "Jonah Hill orders the whole menu."

    Okay, it's either okay or not okay to mock fat people for being fat.
    Make up your mind.
    Take a position and stick to it.
    Don't get all weepy about mean bullies and their fat-shaming ways then turn around and fat-shame because today you don't like that person.
    Intellectual honesty is not that difficult.
    Also, aren't you (Enty) supposedly a fat guy?
    Personally, maybe Jonah Hill will lighten up (haha) personally if he's allowed to eat what he wants.

  25. I'd let Jonah hit it.

  26. Kate Bosworth is just stunning.

    1. She is stunning in a bore-me-to-DEATH kinda way. I cannot comprehend how she fell so far. She was sooooo good in that musical with Kevin Spacey, Beyond The Sea. She just got so WEIRD!

  27. I was certain I would be able to make it through the rest of my life without being subject to reading lyrics from a Bread song. Bread are so uncool that they were super-uncool while they had chart hits. Classic rock radio has been regurgitating the same 500 songs from that era for 40 years now. Ever once hear a Bread song played on a classic rock station?

    1. If I had a nickel for each time I encountered a copy of "The Best of Bread" in some type of Yard Sale or Thrift Store setting, I would have about $20. So, about 400 times. Never heard a song on any classic rock station, though.

  28. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Should I move on to, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"?

  29. Miss Mess: Do you know Norwegian Wood?

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Not sure, Count. But I DID have a bf from Norway who was always telling me about his.

  30. That Honey Boo clan really do come from 6 finger territory...I can hear the banjo's...

  31. Isabella Cruise. My god. There are no words.

  32. Ke$ha's body looks great.

  33. I bet the cruise kids have had alot of auditing...I am so glad Katie got Suri away from it.It will be interesting to see if Tommy girl tries to suck her in to Scientology as she gets older.

    1. At the rate they're going, Katie won't have to worry becuse Scientology isn't going to be around in a few more years.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dianetics is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body which was created by L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of Scientology and separate independent Dianeticist groups. Hubbard coined Dianetics from the Greek stems dia, meaning "through", and nous, meaning mind. Dianetics has achieved no acceptance as a scientific theory, and is an example of a pseudoscience.[1][2]

    Dianetics divides the mind into three parts: the conscious "analytical mind," the subconscious "reactive mind", and the somatic mind.[3] The goal of Dianetics is to remove the "reactive mind", which Scientologists believe prevents people from becoming more ethical, more aware, happier and saner. The Dianetics procedure to achieve this is called "auditing".[4] Auditing is a process whereby a series of questions are asked by the Scientology auditor, in an attempt to rid the auditee of the painful experiences of the past which Scientologists believe to be the cause of the "reactive mind".

    When Hubbard formulated Dianetics, he described it as "a mix of Western technology and Oriental philosophy".[5] He said that Dianetics "forms a bridge between" cybernetics and General Semantics (a set of ideas about education originated by Alfred Korzybski, which received much attention in the science fiction world in the 1940s)[6][7] — a claim denied by scholars of General Semantics,[8] including S. I. Hayakawa, who expressed strong criticism of Dianetics as early as 1951.[9] Hubbard claimed that Dianetics could increase intelligence, eliminate unwanted emotions and alleviate a wide range of illnesses he believed to be psychosomatic. Among the conditions purportedly treated were arthritis, allergies, asthma, some coronary difficulties, eye trouble, ulcers, migraine headaches, 'sexual deviation' (a category which for Hubbard included homosexuality) and even death.[10] Hubbard variously defined Dianetics as "a spiritual healing technology" and "an organized science of thought."[11]

  36. Katie could've bought the kid one of those juice drinks they've got now, or a hot chocolate. I got mine *something* there when she was little, they've got stuff for kids. Vanilla fraps at least. Bitch.

    I read on Cracked that Kesha has a high IQ, she hides it well.

  37. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sounds good, Jenn. A little more swearing, a little more criticism directed at Enty, and you're in!

  38. Katie looks good, lay off Suri. So annoying.

  39. There is something that doesn't add up about Isabella Cruise. Tom is insanely image conscience and controlling. It seems odd to me that he allows her to present herself the way she does. There were stories about his control over Katie's appearance and I doubt he sees his 19 year old daughter differently.

  40. Emily & Josh make a nice lookin' couple.

  41. This Josh Bowman character is pretty hot. Go Emily.

  42. Kesha is my girl. Liked her every since I read she made fun of the other pop stars at some award shoe.

  43. Did Jonah Hill have gastric bypass earlier? He lost a lot of weight awhile back. Looks like he's working on gaining it back. Your eating has to be really disciplined with weight loss surgery, or it's a complete waste. Hmmm.



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