Thursday, July 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Want to know why John Travolta is so damn happy?

Masseur convention in Rio. Wife not with him.
Justin Theroux on his bike while
Jeremy Irons has a different type of bike.
Another day, another Keira Knightley true love photo with her new husband. Yeah, pretty sickening. The divorce should be fun though.
Yeah, not sure what Kourtney Kardashian was thinking with this one unless she wanted to look more like the strippers her baby daddy seems so fond of. Oh, and her brother-in-law. Oh, and her brother.
Meanwhile, Kanye West took time out from editing his music video which everyone has already seen to buy some antique watches. Seriously.
Matthew Morrison and his grimace face. Oh, and his girlfriend.
When your cable freezes you get angry. When you get angry, you don't eat. When you don't eat, you look like Nicole Richie. Don't look like Nicole Richie, get rid of your cable.
Naomi Watts and her fake baby bump. Does she play a hooker with a baby bump in this movie?


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I'm kind of liking Naomi's boots... I know I shouldn't but I do. What the HELL is Richie thinking? Oh yes: "hungry, so hungry... weak.."

    1. @Anna. Nah, the boots are cool. You're good. *g*

  2. Boys, it's beach blanket bingo time with JT #1!! Nice guns on JT #2.

  3. The jokes just write themselves with that Travolta pick.

  4. Watts in the pregnant hooker get up.


    Morrison's girlfriend

    1. Watts with or without the fake bump? Just curious

  5. Travolta is having the time of his LIFE.

    Kourtney's baby is adorable! I loooove chunky babies!! Too bad her parents are idiots.

    Kanye's tunic... ugh

    Nicole Ritchie looks ridiculous and I can't stand her since that reveal about how rude she is!

    1. When I extreme dieted and popped adderall, I was a gigantic btch. I can see it. Besides, her pant legs are too big and long.

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I ain't mad at JT. Those guys are SMOKING HOT!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. At the risk of defending Kourtney K., I don't think she looks stripper-y whatsoever. She kind of looks like a regular mom.

    1. I truly don't understand what the caption is saying, I think her outfit is great.

  9. That is the clunkiest segue EVER to introduce that a Kardashian boyfriend likes strippers. No self-respecting stripper (wait, is that an oxy-moron?? no, some of those girls are just gettin it) would wear pleated mom pants and a half-shirt from the baby Gap nautical collection. Plus: don't most dudes like strippers?

    I would totally go to the strippers if Justin Theroux was peeling. Or even just standing there. With baby oil.

  10. Aw wht the snark on Keira, let her be happy.

  11. I can't believe that I used to think that Mr. Shue was hot. Eww.

    Oh, the jokes we could -- and should -- come up with based on the hand positions of JT's massage therapists. (It's actually not "masseur." Just sayin'.)

  12. I know Nicole is tiny, but my goodness!

  13. Those pants make me dizzy.

  14. Wait Jeremy Irons is Psycho? What-When did that happen? I always found him older guy, gentleman sexy...please fill me in with deets.

    Nicole shouldn't smile-ever. Just a slight grin, but a smile doesn't suit her.

  15. hahaha about John Travolta..jesus he is so nasty and when i see a close up of him i just get the creeper vibe.I really want to know if he has a tempature controlled room for his hair pieces.

    1. The creeper vibe is what happens when one's natural urges are suppressed. He's a SP, suppressive person, suppressing the gay away for the Scientologists

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oh John, just come out already. I can't imagine living that lie for so long. Makes me sad. Nicole's outfit is so damn fugly, even if she weren't so thin it would still be heinous.

  18. Nicole you did it! You're the skinniest girl in Hollywood, at the top of the heap. Now go get a sandwich with some Wonder Bread.

  19. @Mynerva: Definitely with. Pregnant chicks are hot and I'm too scared to make another one pregnant myself.

  20. Ohhhhh I hope John and those boys in that photo are doing the hand jive.

    Super snarky comment about Keira, if you're not sharing something you should spill because otherwise you're just being horrible.

  21. Justin puts WAY too much thought and effort into his appearance. I can't stand guys like that.

  22. I thought the first Travolta pic was Joe Rogan except I've NEVER seen him happy. Kiera looks good in that pic. Thank God. For the last few months she's been looking like k.d.lang.

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Jessie, it's only snarky if someone else says it. Enty only says stuff like that if the person deserves it.

  24. Yet another star fantasy destroyed-- farewell Jeremy Irons older man sexy time daydreams.

  25. JOHN; the hairpiece and creepy goatee have got to GO NOW. Now.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Justin Theroux looks SO tough in his designer-worn biker gear and his "custom" ride... I'd like to see what happens when he runs into some REAL bikers. No amount of Pee-Wee bar-top Tequila-dancing's gonna save you then, Princess.

    I actually love Kanye's monochromatic outfit - he just wants to make sure Kim never goes back. And he actually got those shoes after a house fell on Kris.

  28. I'm sorry, but Kanye has never looked gayer than he does in that pic. Seriously. G-gay-gay-gay.

  29. I'd just like to point out that Tyger Lily is hittin homeruns all over the place this evening. GREAT STUFF!

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      When did you become Tim Gunn, Count? I miss the days of sick drepavity that made you King Troll. Fame go to your head? PR carefully crafting your image based on marketability? I miss the old Count.

  30. Nicole looks like shit. I'm sure she thinks she looks edgy.

    The kardashin children are not "adorable". their eyebrows dent in and give them a "caveman" look.

  31. @Anna: Don't you back sass me, Honey. Tyger had 3-4 good lines tonight. Creativity and wit need to be encouraged and nurtured around this joint. We certainly can't rely on the staff to keep this joint interesting.

    Wait a minute. I just did a Google on that Gunn fella. If you think I'ma gay, so be it. I figure if you think that, you'll be ready for some anal when we meet up, Honey.

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      Pull my finger. I'll show you who's creative

  32. Nicole needs to come and live with me. I could fatten her up nicely.

  33. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Count, you know I'm just a jealous filly in your stable. I'll try to compete.

  34. @Ann: Damn, and here I thought you were gettin fiesty tryin to earn yerself a spankin :(



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