Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Olivia Munn was out in NYC yesterday promoting her show Newsroom.
Paulina Porizkova was promoting nothing at all yesterday. Hard to believe she is almost 50.
Rosario Dawson shows off her new guy who appears to be radioactive. is that worse than an STD?
Ryan Reynolds looks all broody for his Details Magazine photo shoot.
Ryan Seacrest hugs one of the many women he is on vacation with in Europe.
Selena Gomez arrives in Berlin.
Snooki continues to work out constantly and to lose more and more weight.
Liv Tyler gets surprised by her dad on the set of her new movie.


  1. ryan looks so handsome.

  2. Paulina forever!!!

  3. Does Olivia have new boobs?! She shows them so often, anyone seen them recently?

    Count J, this may be your area of expertise....

  4. Is that Ryan the dude bearded by miss Hough? He seems to be always in good company. Speaking of closeted dudes, Joe Jonas has knocked up some female.

  5. For some reason my first reaction every time I see a pic of Oliva Munn is, "Oh there's that girl who sleeps around to get parts."

    Selena...vanilla actress and manufactured pop star. Lainey links to an article about her today that describes a reporter's experience in interviewing her for her new album. You would think he was going to interview the second coming of the Beetles or Zepplin. Yezsh!

    1. @Patty, mine was 'is that the one who can't stop talking about how beautiful she is?'

  6. Ok, we all know TM* and ROL are on th Kraptashian payroll, but I am beginning to wonder if CDAN is getting paid by Snooki? Why else post her pic's?

  7. Correcting: It's Kevin Jonas the one making babies.

  8. Wow. Snooki looks haggard--like an old bar fly you'd find bellied up at a dive at 9:00 a.m. on a Wednesday. I think it's the bad dye job, maybe?

  9. That dress isn't doing Rosario any favors, and now I have that dumb Radioactive song stuck in my head.

  10. Paulina must be some virgin-blood-drinking witch.

  11. Damn Paulina, my body didn't even look that good when I was 20.

  12. Olivia Munn only talked about herself THE WHOLE TIME!!!! I read that somewhere...

    Why is Ryan Reynolds chilling in a 19th century orphanage?

    Oh Snooks, you're looking tweakier every day.

  13. Ryan R looks all broody because he is with Blake. When will he learn?!

    Paulina could teach all super models a thing or three about grace and years... starting with the increasingly tranny-channeling Cindy C.

  14. I met Paulina's mother a while ago. The woman is absolutely, breath-taking gorgeous like Paulina. She has great skin despite lines & wrinkles. No evidence of surgery, and she was the most beautiful woman in the 900 seat theatre.

  15. Ah Paulina you stay classy. The only super model I admire. Still married to Ric!

  16. @Libby: I would guess her tits are the same, probably just the bra she is wearing. Look for yourself, in and out of bra NOT SAFE FOR WORK

    Any how, it is a tough call for the top spot today. Both Olivia and Selena are gorgeous. Like eat a lawn sausage sandwich to have 24 hours in a seedy hotel room with them hot. Negligible difference in height (Munn5'4/Gomez 5'5). Selena is young and tender, Munn a Supa Freak.

    Munn: She talks about her tight ass too much in those leaked captioned pics. I'm down to toss her salad if that is what she needs.

    Gomez: It would prolly take forever to get the butt. I'm too old to invest that much time in achieving milestones.

    Liv Tyler rounds out the 3.

  17. I want to be Paulina when i grow up...

    Snooki keeps losing weight, because it is the only reason anyone will talk about her.

  18. Olivia Munn is my favorite thing about Newsroom. Doesn't that air soon?

  19. Seacrest +women does not compute.

  20. You know Count J - I didn't like you when you first showed up but I've grown to appreciate you quickly.

    Sadly I cannot post from work anymore so I don't get to join in nearly as much as I used to. :(

  21. @Susan: Newsroom starts this Sunday night.

    @Hunter: Thank you. Was there a certain comment that caused you to change your opinion or just my body of work as a whole?

  22. Ryan Reynolds looks like someone took his toys and he's pouting. Just do not get the appeal of him at all.

    Loved Paulina when she was on ANTM several years ago, a good balance to Tyra's crazy.

  23. I wish I could be Paulina at 50. Fabulous. That radioactive t -shirt is almost cool but then not.

  24. I find Ryan Reynolds so unbelievably Vanilla.

    @Topper, the dye job don't help, that's fer shur.

  25. I find it amazing that Steven Tyler contributed to the perfection that is Liv.

  26. OMG...Paulina has the body of a 20 year old. That woman is gorgeous. How????
