Thursday, July 11, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Robin Thicke finally spends some time with his wife Paula Patton. Ended up blurring lines later.

Hmm, do you think Selena Gomez really likes her bodyguard?
I think she is crazy about her bodyguard.
Sharon Stone takes one of her kids through Venice, Italy. Throws him in a canal and makes a wish. No, that would be horrible. Unless he could swim, then it would be ok.
Sofia Vergara gets all dressed up for Harper's Bazaar.
The first photos from Mr. Banks starring Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson.
Taylor Lautner finishes a day on set and heads to the Grown Ups 2 premiere.
Tammin Sursok shows off her baby bump.
The only time I have ever wanted to hang out with Vanessa Hudgens.


  1. I really like Selena's bodyguard too

  2. Yes Selena, PLEASE, go with the bodyguard! He could not be any worse and probably 1000x better than that little worm you've been wasting your time with!

    1. My thoughts exactly. Take him home and let him guard all over your body. Bet he can find the good parts quicker than the Beib.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Yes, I can imagine it would be a "little worm" like Slimey from Sesame Street. The body guard in comparison is probably hung like a grand national winner.

  3. Love tamin. Miss seeing her on the show.

  4. Mmmmm....Now Selena, THAT is what a man is supposed to look like.

  5. What's up with paula pattons pants. Does she always hike up her pants like that.

  6. I think Taylor is filming here in NJ this week

  7. That's Selena's step father. You got the story from DM. You know who that is.

    1. Well, hell, that just ruins all the fun.

  8. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Hmmm let's see if you were Selena Gomez, would you prefer the company of a spoiled douchewater dingleberry with the proportions of a 10 year old anorexic girl, or the sexy, smiling, into her, hunk of burning love body guard she's leg humping?

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I hope that's not her stepfather! Either way, at least she knows what a real man is supposed to look like and how to treat her.

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Do you find that people struggle to understand you when you mumble due to talking out of your arse?

  10. is that really her stepfather? he is mighty fine!

  11. Ok now this is just effing creepy. I guess I'm falling for the trolling for controversy trick.

  12. That dude is not Selena's type, his trousers are OK, he has a male body and is not ludicrous. He has no chance with her.

    The joke on S.Stone's kid thrown to the canal reminds me of the best (and probably only one which is good) part in Captain America, where the HYDRA agent CA is chasing throws a boy to the water, Captain stops his pursuit trying to help, and the boy says something like "It's OK, I can swim, go and get the spy".

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Is English your second language? If not, then you deserve to be pilloried

  13. I also like Selena's bodyguard!


  15. @Cindy - where in NJ? I doubt it's near me, but you never know....

    1. Bergen county here...also have a place in ocean county and I'm always in Hudson county lol I'm all over jersey

  16. Tammin!!! Whenever I see her I automatically think EVIL lol I have a hard time separating people from their tv/movie characters. Especially when I've only seen them in one role!

  17. Okay, I just googled Selena's stepdad...I officially need a life now...anyway, that's her stepdad. Her mother looks really young. She's pretty too. In the majority of the photos of the three of them, Selena is positioned in the middle of them. I'm not implying anything. Maybe they are just really close.

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Love me some Robin Thicke, that song will not get out of my head! I also like Paula Patton, she seems like a good lady.

    1. Except for the prostitute past and horrible drug problem, yeah shes totally fuckable.

  19. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Is it crazy that I'm obsessed with the size of that pizza? I didn't know they made them that big!

  20. @Layna there's a place called Ravens Pizza not too far from where I live. They sell a 30" pizza called the King Kong. At the end of the school year I got it for my students and the kiddies nearly passed out lol.. it's HUGE

  21. @S. Joy - you must be a very nice teacher & I'm sure your students love you. Hi-Five to all teachers!!!

  22. Robin and Paula are both high as hell smh but I would still hit it...Robin is so my type

  23. @Diane thank you very much!! I love them to pieces and I hope they feel the same :-)) I'm loving my summer break but can't wait to start the new school year!

  24. Her step-dad is v attractive. Seeing him as her step dad it's cute how much love there is between them.

  25. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I never get tired of Enty's "I'm so fat" jokes!

  26. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Enty can crush me in those giant rolls ANYTIME. Even better if he's just finished rolling around in his own special sauce.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Even better is finding crumbs and chicken wing remnants sandwiched in the copious folds of festering man flesh. And pulling the apron up to check out his junk. I should write feeders and fat fucks romance novellas.

  27. I am also obsessed with her body hard, I mean, guard. Rolling my eyes at Vanessa Hudg, cuz she isn't touching a slice. Poor Paula, look how hard she's gripping Robin. Bitch is delusional.

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Ha ha! I see what you did there. Cos phonetically guard sounds like hard which intonates an erection or state of arousal' I like this thing you humans call attempt at humour.

  28. Vanessa Hudgens in Wall Porn for Preteens. Just tiny clothes and a huge pie

  29. The transformation is complete. Tom Hanks has finally morphed into Jimmy Stewart. Rear Window will be his next project.

  30. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Another site said that guy is Selean's stepdad.

  31. I preferred Robin Thicke in his 'when I get you alone' days. He seemed much more real in that video. These days, something about him seems off, or rather, fake.

  32. But wait, one of the Enties said Selena was back with Bieber!!! OMGOMGOMG is she cheating on him???

    /sarcasm off

    I do like her bag, though. And, yeah, a bit of a creep factor, there.

  33. I say do him anyway, Selena... The "Step" totally cancels out the "father" part, right? It couldn't be any more awkward or gross than letting Babypenis prematurely ejaculte all over your thigh.

    And Taylor Lautner, YOU should be doing ME. I'll call you Sharkboy and let you bite me if you want.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      And there it is folks! Self disclosure and unresolved childhood issues being flagrantly shared on a gossip page. You should never let anyone, STEP-father, Father O'Reilly or den father ever touch your no no places. I bet you call out daddy when you get your pool poked with a doodle.

    2. Anonymous5:28 AM

      *poop, but pool works at some level

  34. That is 100% her stepdad, she was born of teen pregnancy. This dude raised her az a dad since young, so eww gross to those wanting her to hit it with him, and her mom has a brand new baby. Also, she and the Biebs are 100% back together. She said if her latest movies/music didn't really blow up big, she'd go back, but her new song did really well, so...i guess she missed the paparazzi.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Di are you the lady who works behind the counter at the deli who never weighs the container before putting my olives in?

  35. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Are you fucking kidding me? Dysfunctional and abusive relationships in HTown? No way. That's just "non-traditional". Don't be so judgemental.

  36. I must be in a horrible mood tonight. I snarked on a baby in my last post. now, just the look on vanessa hudgens face makes me want to slap her.

  37. Lost another one to the Hollywood diet RE: Sofía Vergara



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