Monday, July 08, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today. Tara Reid's new boyfriend plays communicable disease roulette by kissing Tara Reid.

Dean McDermott shows off his latest injury suffered while trying to escape the bed he shares with Tori Spelling.
Uma Thurman and her baby who never seems to get older.
Victoria Beckham got herself banned from future royal boxes for wearing a negligee to Wimbledon.
I love how she shakes the hand of royalty. Offers a finger.
Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler play the game show that is sweeping their imagination. How Fast Could You Have Sex With Them?
Ron Wood tried out the new static hair clinger at Wimbledon.
Vanessa Hudgens does some shopping over the weekend.
Zach Braff shows off his abs.


libby said...

Bradley & Gerard looked so cozy to me yesterday. Not gay, just cozy. Like how druggies/alchies are together.
Bradley looked like he IS his character from "Wedding Crashers".

YAY Andy! Congrats GB!

Gertie Raus said...

BC and GB both look like minute men.

Brian said...

Who kisses a hooker on the mouth?

Cathy said...

To me, there is just something completely nonsexual about Zach Braff. said...

LOL @ Cathy! I would have to agree 100%

Deirdre G said...

Victoria Beckham actually smiled when Andy Murray won at Wimbledon. I rewound to watch it in case I was mistaken but it was real. True fact.

Unknown said...

I love me some Zach Braff! And I wouldn't mind being in a BC & GB sandwich.

Bit dams said...

not a v. beckham fan. but seriously, wearing suits to a tennis game? reminds me of the line phoebe used on friends once, "one really does have a stick up ones ass, doesn't one"?

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I the first picture of Victoria Adams, the semi bald dude who is in the front row is Wayne Rooney. I kinda laughed when I saw this illiterate, dumb and bumpkin soccer player dressed as he was a gentleman.

califblondy said...

Zach cover those bones please. I like em a little fluffy.

Unknown said...

i love braff's lean look. and his mind. and his humor.

mygeorgie said...

I really hate when people give that weak hand shake. It's everything I've got to not ask "WTF is that?! You call that a handshake?!" Seriously, why bother. It's no ruder than not accepting a handshake at all imo.

Brittany said...

Zach, put that bird back in its cage.
I love Victoria, and she is probably one of the nicest people who just happens to hate her own smile.
And I still have very serious feelings about hooking up with Vanessa hudgens.

Anonymous said...

Put it away Braff, your skeleton bag is not attractive. I agree with the hand shake hate, isn't it supposed to tell something about your character if you give a firm stable handshake? I have to say though that given the instagram of her birthday cake last year, (a few pieces of fruit arranged on a plate) she probably doesn't have the strength to lift her arm and grasp a hand offered.

Its just U said...

Congratulations to Andy Murray who not only won Wimbledon but also wins the prize for the best guy ever this week. He donated every single penny he won to a local cancer research facility.
Good lad Andy!

la pendeja said...

that zach braff photo was a tweet to channing tatum telling him to consider him for magic mike 2.. clearly a joke!! which i found funny :)

Jessie said...

I kind of love that BC and GB are in similar suits. Like they're up to something.

Susan said...

"one really does have a stick up ones ass, doesn't one"?

LMAO. I love that!

Is it hot at Wimbledon? I love it that VB wore a cami while everyone is bundled up, probably sweating their balls off. Ha. I hope she smuggled in a flask, too.

lazyday603 said...

The coat and tie at a sporting event is beyond silly. What is this, 1920?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather see folks in suits at a sporting event than their tank tops and hairy shoulders!!

Kelly said...

I love Zach Braff as well. He is hilarious on Twitter. When him and Donald Faison get going it is awesome!

Honey Bunny said...

I wonder how many diseases BC and GB have between them.

a non a miss said...

Zach Braff can star in my own production of Magic Mike 2.

surfer said...

Did Tara lose her job? I thought she spent her summers as a "yacht girl."

Unknown said...

Can't lie i'll let bc hit it. @bunney honey 3 to be nice.

Jenn said...

I like Victoria, if she doesn't smile, fine, as long as she isn't rude.

H said...


Herrrr said...
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