Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

Just one more day to get in your Reader Photos for Reveal Day. If you want to be included, e-mail your photo to me by tomorrow at entlawyer90210@yahoo.com

Five parts today.

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9


  1. Replies
    1. Shut the fuck up already. No one wants your two inch peen up their ass.

  2. fkng beautiful readers! im in love with everybody!!!

  3. All the readers are beautiful. As usual they look better than the d/bag celebs.

  4. Wow Count....keep spreadin' the positive vibes. (and don't turn that into a sexual in-your-endo).

    1. Count passes on all the readers. He's not that much of a creep to rank them.

    2. @jessie thanks for the alternative viewpoint....that actually makes sense ... Perhaps I misunderstood the intent.

  5. The above comment was meant for Count Assface. Get the fuck over yourself.

  6. You're just a ray of fucking sunshine, Mary.

  7. Mary Lamb..You have to get used to the count. It's kind of like the old Joe Bob Briggs persona. He passes on all the readers but it's not because they aren't hot enough to do. Just his policy I think..If you don't mind me saying that Count.

    I should be the one most hurt since I am reader #1, 2 and 3..Just different times and angles..

    Joking..They and the rest all look waaaay better than me.

  8. Count I would gladly take your two inch peen up my ass. Two inches is like a pinky, nothing too crazy.

    Readers lookin great as usual!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. JSierra - the count should totally take you up on that.

    Count - JSierra posted her photo here last go around. She's gorgeous!

  11. Readers all look awesome today. As Usual.

  12. Anonymous4:18 PM

    You know.. I never fully bought in ( or wanted to ) to the idea that OE ( original Enty ) either stopped writing all together or just didn't have much to do with CDAN now. Every year for the past.. Six maybe? .. years, with every reader photo submitted I'd get a little email saying " best photo yet " or " my favorite was you in the green shirt " or even a " hey your photos going up tomorrow " - not more than a line or two but usually a nice little acknowledgment/check in ..

    Until this year. Sadface :(

    Anyhoo .. I'm #3 ( my lucky number! ) in my Cersei Lannister shirt ( a little joke referring to books 4-5 ) and my almost 6 months preggo belly:)

  13. Anonymous4:20 PM

    And dont worry Mary .. The Count may spank you if you ask nicely ..

  14. #1 is that you Jayne?

  15. @Alicia
    Taking the train from Lurkerville to Postytown to say a big fat congrats xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo. I've thought of you often :)

  16. I have gotten 'best pic yet' emails too.

    Now I feel used.

  17. @Prada: @ Jessie is correct, I have no reason to disrespect the readers of this site by ranking them.

    @Jessie: Thank you.

    @Mary Lamb: My 2 inch peen (been peekin huh, betch) would best be utilized in yer pie hole to keep you quiet while things are explained to you.

    @Disco: +1

    @Sherry: Don't mind one bit, Sweetnins.

    @JSierra: I see you took a look at the pic I sent you. Cool. But I didn't find one of you in my inbox :(

    Anyway, certainly a Texan like your self could appreciate the following:

    If you've got the money, honey, I've got the tiiIIiime.
    We'll go honky tonkin and we'll have a time.
    Bring along yer ol' Cadillac, leave my old wreck behind.
    If you've got the money honey, I've got the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

    I also have some lube and some skills ;)

    How tall babe?

    @JBE: Shhhh. I seen that pic. I gotta try to play dumb to get her to send another.

    @Alicia: I'll spank her, but no safe word. There will be no stopping until tears and eyeliner are streaking down her cheeks.

    I hope Kim and Kanye didn't snake your baby name. Good Luck!

    1. "@Mary Lamb: My 2 inch peen (been peekin huh, betch) would best be utilized in yer pie hole to keep you quiet while things are explained to you."

      If loving this is wrong, who wants to be right?

      Count is an acquired taste, like fine wine and sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.

    2. Either JSierra is a wiz with pshop, submits pics pics of unknown model types, or is really attractive, IRL. I concur.
      I may have only started commenting this yr, but have been reading for yrs, congrats, Alicia! Very cute photo, as well!

  18. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hi Sunny!! I've lurked a bit myself!!! Miss our chats .. I must visit the Island soon.. This last few months have been SO busy and it's gone by so fast!!

    Bacon Ranch - I now feel dirty myself .. Damn the Entity

  19. Great pictures, you're all lovely and from the most interesting looking places.

  20. My how I have missed you guys, Jason you always make me blush.

    Count I am sending a picture as we speak, I hope to receive another in return so that I can look at it while imagining your deep, heavenly voice singing that song. Did I mention that I have missed you guys?

  21. @di butler: So yer sayin I should get my 2" to TX ASAP?

  22. Jillian Pratt
    I'm a little late to the show, but my neighbor is named Jillian Pratt. However, she looks nothing like you. That's a good thing. You're adorable! My Jill is a lez...I'm not, but if you were...I so would.

  23. Jillian you have a doppleganger in my cousin Jayne who lives in Malibu.....

  24. On first glance I thought Jillian's pic was what Jena Haze wished she looked like 10 yrs ago, w/o make up and spray tan. In case that is confusing, thumbs up.

  25. Count seems like a hooker with a heart of gold. I love that. The comments would be lost without him.

  26. Thanks Brittany, you can sweet talk me anytime.
