Monday, July 01, 2013

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

If you want your photo in the Reader Photo section on Reveal Day, you only have until Wednesday night to send it to me. E-mail it to

Five parts today.

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9


  1. Look at all the cute babies and kids today! Happy Canada Day although I doubt there are many Canadians here today!

  2. All the readers and their kiddos are beautiful today. Reader #3, you remind me of Olivia Wilde! Reader #2, make me proud and tell me that you finished that beer. ;-)

  3. Great photos! I want to go to the beach now. :-)

    Happy Canada Day - are you all going to the mall?

  4. Babies! Everyone has such cute kids!

  5. Guys, I don't mean to poop on anyone's pic-posting party here but if you're using your cell phone to take your pics, please, please make sure you have the GPS setting turned OFF on your phone before you take and post the pic! There was a really scary news story going around a while ago about how people can use cell phone-taken pictures posted online to track down the physical address of the place the picture was taken. Please be safe! Sorry to interrupt.

  6. @librariantobe: Yes, if your GPS location is on, then a quick run through widely available exif reader programs will give the Lat/Long that the photo was taken. I have seen exif readers that even pop a Google Earth map with a marker on the exact location the photo was taken.

  7. #9 is me and my youngest: Canadian girls the both of us :-)

    1. @WBotW, so cute, you both have terrific smiles!

      So all of the stores close on Canada Day? You guys are way more patriotic than we are, Fourth of July, all the stores are open because everyone forgets the pickle relish or Bud Light! Banks are closed, though.

  8. We are not at the mall. It's Canada Day - malls and stores are closed! I'm heading back out later for fireworks. Yippee!

  9. Awww very cute readers :D

  10. Ottawa is my favorite Canadian city. Visiting there in 4 weeks.

    1. Yes, canada is delightful place to visit.

  11. Great photos! All the kids are so cute!! :-)

  12. Malls and stores are open today where I live in Suburban Vancouver. Hi Readers!

  13. Sassy mommas! Love all the pics.

  14. Sweet babies and beautiful readers.
    Would you believe just ten minutes ago I was searching my settings and turned on my GPS ??? So of course thanks to you I turned it right back off.

  15. #1 you are so pretty. You look like Sara Ramirez a little.

  16. Great pics, pretty babies. I would rather be at the beach.

  17. @PugsterMom, especially given the number of trolls this site has been getting lately, I'd say it's the safe thing to do.

    1. I just wonder whether other settings on our phones that act as a GPS have the same effect. Like when I activate my phone's nav... it knows where I am... ???

  18. @MadamChef Thank you!!!
    Actually, something I have said repeatedly is that Americans are FAR more patriotic, and I wish my fellow Canadians would follow suit. Canada Day is nothing compared to the 4th of July, truly, which is a shame, considering how lucky we are to live in this country.

  19. @librarian - thanks for the info!

  20. Cutest reader photos to date! I love seeing everyone's pictures. Lots of beautiful (and handsome) readers!!! :)

  21. Some phones you can just go into the settings on the camera to shut it off. Others I think you can turn off GPS for everything except Navigation.

  22. @PugsterMom, good question. I don't know. I wouldn't even have known about the phone cameras if someone hadn't emailed me that video.

  23. I am #8 with my baby girl

  24. You guys are adorbs laesmralda!!!
