Monday, July 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Elisha Cuthbert finally married a hockey player. It seems like she has gone from one to the next for a decade. I'm happy for her.
Ellen gets some help with her furniture purchase.
Elle Fanning out shopping, but ready for the beach.
Eva Longoria shows off her boyfriend to the public for the first time.
Fergie gets ready for the night shift at Benihana.
Halle Berry is glowing. Must have prank called Gabriel again.
Kaley Cuoco shows off her boyfriend Superman.
Heidi Klum on vacation with her kids and former employee.
Angelina Jolie and Max hit Hawaii.


  1. Hey look its @VIPBlonde.

    1. I really like her outfit. Also super jealous that she snagged him. You go, VIP!!

    2. Halle and Angelina are the only non-blondies, so which one is supposedly VIP? Kaley? She's too busy schlepping coffee for Superman. I think it's Fergie.

  2. Jolie's son is named Pax, or her other son is Maddox.

  3. That picture of Ellen reminds me of a guy I use to date...never realized how much they look a like

    And MADDOX got reay I feel kinda old

  4. Ent, did you say "Max" because you were not sure which son she was with and thought you would split the difference between Maddox and Pax?

  5. I'd hardly call dating 2 hockey players "she has gone from one to the next for a decade." They're both douchnozzles though, so maybe it seems like a long string of puke.

    Apart from the curves, Ellen looks like Joe Simpson!

    1. Elisha dated 3 players in a row

  6. I love Ellen, but somebody forgot the Cover Girl makeup.

  7. Eva's guy is yummy.

    Max? who the fuck is Max?

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    confirmation for the Brad and Ange blind! Really? She takes her Son for a one on one vacay to Hawaii? Not Brad fucking Pitt? What the hell is wrong with her? Guilty conscience Skankelina?

    1. She has two sons with her, and the rest are catching up in a few days. They're relocated for the next eight weeks while Angie directs a movie.

      She piss in your corn flakes or something?

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Elisha has a "type"... I like that she married hers.

    Haha @mygeorgie - Ellen does look like Joe Simpson!

  10. That platinum blonde on Ellen is whack. She’s probably going lighter for summer/to cover the gray but she just looks like Ed Begley, Jr. FUG.

    Fergie always looks so uncomfortable, like she’s walking on eggshells or something. I’ve also noticed that we haven’t seen her eyes or a genuine smile ONCE during her entire pregnancy! Face down, sunglasses on, shaggy bed-head. Maybe she’s the answer to that preggo and jonesing for botox blind instead of KK?

  11. wow. cover-girl makeup is like magic.

  12. I love that Angie spends one on one time with the kids. In a big family that is very important. Since when is that being a bad mother?

  13. I thought Ellen was morphing into Lloyd Bridges.

    1. She "picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue"!

  14. VIPBlonde is Elisha Cuthbert? Huh?

  15. Kaley Cuoco is VIPBlonde? How did I miss that?!

  16. First time I've seen Ellen actually look her age! I've also never noticed her boobs.

    Halle is gorgeous.

    Maybe Fergie is having a rough pregnancy?

  17. Kudos to Kaley! Cavill looks like he's learning to walk...

  18. And I love Elisha Cuthbert's wedding dress so pretty.

  19. yah to Elisha getting married here on PEI.

  20. OMG. The Ellen/Covergirl comments are hysterical.

    Isn't Fergie due soon? I always liked her. I always like everybody who is hated on on this site. LOL. I was a Kids Inc. fan. What can I say?

  21. Psst, hey Ellen, is that a phablet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    Seriously though- I love Ellen so hard. I'd hit it in a nanosecond, even (especially?) without makeup.

  22. @Susan LOL Me too. I like Fergie, Goop, Katy Perry, Nic, and even kinda JLO. Haha

  23. I thought that Superman guy was the subject of a blind item that said his team was making him date other people for camera time?
    Halle Berry, Halle Berry!

  24. That pic of Cavil is obviously Photoshopped.

  25. I think that Kaley and Henry make a very cute couple. All the hate reminds me of when Jenn Aniston started dating Brad Pitt. Everyone was shocked that all movie Brad would date mostly-TV Jenn.

  26. Ugh, no white woman looks good in corn rows. Bo Derek is the only exception.

  27. Ellen bought a 26 million dollar house--doesn't she have "people" who go get the chairs?

  28. What's all this talk about @VIP?? Elisha, Kaley???

    Someone please explain!

  29. I think it's a joke that Kaylie Cucuo is VIP, they also say she's Enty because she gets a lot of the Blinds correct.

    I do like that pic because it looks like she's saying "MUAHAHAHA, Back off bitchesssss, Superman is mine!"
    Or this is what I'd say, anyway.

    Ellen needs that make up.

  30. That Cavill/Cuoco matchup is so obviously fake. I haven't said that about any other rumored "bearding" couples because I've never been sure, but this time I don't have any doubt. Their daily photo ops are just so contrived!!

  31. My memaw goes to Mexico every year on an "old lady cruise" (her terms, not mine) and always comes back with cornrows. She's 74 and it looks ridiculous but we say nothing except "glad it was a great time!"

    1. Mal, this may win the Internet to day. Hilarious.

  32. What is wrong with Elisha Cuthbert's face there? Did she have some bad plastic surgery, or is that just a bad picture?

  33. Apparently one of the old Ents is back (or never left). He has been mistakenly calling Maddox Max for YEARS!

  34. I have loved Kaley Cuoco since I saw the big bang theory for the very first time. HOWEVER, Henry Cavill is my main actor crush! I feel deceived! You sir, have broken my heart.

  35. Fergie Ferg is no spring chicken to be having a baby. She could be having a hard time. I know toward the end of my pregnancy I was miserable! So cute her some slack!

  36. Who the hell is Kelly Cuoco anyway?? And, if you're 74, you can do anything you want with your hair! :)
