Monday, July 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

I think Kurt Russell is trying to dress up like the Duck Dynasty guys for Halloween. Getting that beard ready.

Gwen Stefani and her son with matching yellow hair.
Hilary Duff out shopping.
Harry Styles played some golf over the weekend.
Jon Cryer shows off his new haircut while with his family in Beverly Hills over the weekend.
And Jennifer Lopez gets ready to do the Eiffel Tower.
Jonah Hill on his way to Soul Cycle class. yeah, he must have lost a bet to Bradley Cooper or there is some woman who finds him attractive there.
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux at Jimmy Kimmel's wedding.
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepherd were there too.


skimpymist said...

Ugh can't stand jonah hill.
Jen looks like she drank her sorrows away that yet again she wasn't the bride.

Anonymous said...

Just because he was Snake Pliskin 30yrs ago AND has what it takes to ride out a long term relationship....I still would.

Not that he gives a shit, however. Lol

Anonymous said...

Justjen is starting to grow on me. They look so good together.

Snootches said...


Jen's heels


mynerva said...

Um, what does doing the Eiffel Tower mean?

mynerva said...

Scratch that, I googled. Gross.

Count Jerkula said...




Jason Blue Eyes said...

No...Kurt is going as George Lucas for Halloween.

Glitter said...

What is Dax wearing to a wedding?

crila16 said...

Was Matt Damon at Jimmy's wedding?

Laura said...

How in the world do women wear heels like Jen Aniston's? I can only try them on in the store and walk a few steps on the carpet, not WALK walk

luvgossip said...

What's all this black at a summer wedding? Color, people!

Ann Nah Nah Mess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tyger Lilly said...

And thank you @mynerva - now I just Googled it too. Though I couldn't come up with a good comment and that pretty much covers it. J-Ho's gonna start making a "no still photos" rule like Beyonce if too many more of these are posted.

@Jason - you're right, Kurt could be Lucas's long lost brother in this pic. More importantly, though, why no comment about Goldie looking like a grandma? I know she IS a grandma, but both of them look like they're trying to make it before the dinner rush at Old Country Buffet.

Gwen: yellow hair + red lips + baggy clothes + straw hat = CLOWN. The only people who wear bright red lipstick in the daytime are clowns and whores. Or clown whores, but that's a story for a different day. Cute kid though, glad they got a pic before the other kids kicked his ass for having a clown whore for a mom.

Katarina said...

He was and he looked HOT!

anon said...

I understand that Dax and Kristen have a newborn, but did he have to show up to a fancy wedding looking like such a schlub?

And I saw pictures where the gal who played Precious (too lazy to look up the spelling of her name) pranked Jimmy Kimmel and showed up in a big white wedding dress! too funny

Lisa said...

I love Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. They have managed to make a relationship last longer than most couples.

I have had a crush on Kurt Russell for more years than I want to count lol. From Escape From New York, through Silkwood and Swing Shift up through Overboard, Backdraft and oh yeah Tombstone.

Many don't know that he got his start at 10 kicking Elvis in the shin in the movie It Happened At The World's Fair. I remember this as Elvis was my moms favorite.

HannahBanana said...

Jen looks fierce. Those shoes!!!! Want!!

Why does everyone assume she is dying to be married??! Im certain if it was that big of a deal, she'd be married by now. People hate soooo hard on her. No she's not perfect, but damn, I'd kill to have that money, success & her body! Im divorced, & guess what? I have no feelings either way on marriage. If it happens again, awesome. If not? It's cool, I get to do anything I want anytime I want. Darn, tough life! Lol!

lostathome said...

I'm sorry but it annoys me that stefani lets her son have that ridicuous hairdo

parissucksliterally said...

HannahBanana, I agree! Most women I know would trade places with her in a second. I know I would!

Sherry said...

What??? Only whores wear red lipstick during the day? Who made that rule?

megan00m said...

She looks GREAT! its hard walking in those crazy GREAT shoes..give her a break..she made it through that st. Jolie nightmare like a champ...all she said was "uncool" thats called restraint!

megan00m said...

Agree! They both are funny as hell given right situation. ..he is great in "the baxter"...and shes really funny...she just has to go with it and stop worrying so much. I feel shes an under dog even with all success and fame...not usually a mush but I really want them to succeed! Or maybe I really liked the eye exam epi of "friends". Lol

megan00m said...

Anything he

Anonymous said...

have to say that the Kimmel wedding just looks like a big but kissing event.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Dax Shepard looks like he's the florist instead of a guest.

How does anyone walk in heels made of hypodermic needles? Owww...


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