Friday, July 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

The top spot here is more for Helen Mirren and Mary Louise Parker rather than Catherine Zeta Jones.

Bradley Cooper after Soul Cycle class.
I have not had Bai Ling in the photos in forever, but she still wears the same things.
Adrianne Curry tries to copy Bai.
What do you do when your kid is out of school? You take her to your film set.
David Beckham is back in his Andy Dufresne look.
Erin Heatherton decides to go braless for charity.
Edward Snowden made an appearance today.


  1. I miss taking spin classes. The sweatier the better.

  2. I know this is mean...but I guess Coco didn't get her mom's looks...not even the looks of her aunts on her dad's side.

    1. I think she will pretty up in her teens. Tough age right now. Many children who are beautiful in their earlier years lose that heartbreaking beauty, but I think she will get gorgeous soon. Not that it matters!!!

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      It IS mean. Say what you want about adults, but kids are off limits!

  3. Edward Snowden is Jack Bauer.

  4. I can feel the sleeze coming off Adrienne Curry across the continent.

  5. My lord, it takes forever to load this page, which is sad because you're all being played.

    Enty is a farce, as demonstrated by his employee posts. Books, radio programs - all the money has come to naught.

    Wake up and look within yourselves. Believe me, if you spent 5 minutes working in Hollywood, you would think this site is a joke - which it is. I feel bad for all of you who think that you belong to a community when in fact, you're making a fool money.

    1. @ms. You feel bad for us well I feel bad for you for walking around with that bacon stick up your up.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just figured out that adrianne is dressed as Sonia from mortal combat. If I had her bod I would wear that to a halloween party.

  7. What's wrong with CZJ? I like her a lot.

    These posts are just mean for no reason. Whoever is writing this needs to grow up a little.

  8. @Ms., I think you take this site way more seriously than most of us do.

  9. Bai Ling is damn near 50. Her body looks awesome even though she is crazy as hell.

    1. I am going nomnomnom on that kwazy chik. She is freakin' ahmayzing. I want to PLAY with her!! And I am so het it hurts!!

  10. Czj looks like a completely different woman.
    And coco really favours her dad- spitting image!

  11. Curry, in the Mortal Combat outfit.



    1. I woulda gone for Parker or Mirren for 3rd place, but it seems they have drunk the Botox koolaid. A real shame. None of those three look human in the top pic. Makes me so very very sad.

  12. Bai Ling looks like Asian Paris Hilton. Or does Paris just look like White Bai Ling?

    1. Bai has more klass in her little TOE than Parasite has in her whole body, weave included. PERISH THE THOUGHT of putting the two names in one breath. Sacrilege!!!

  13. The loading of the page takes a split-second for me.

    I bow before the lovely Queen Mirren. ..

    Ugh on CZJ's mullet dress. And Curry looks like she should be at Comic Con.

  14. Anonymous1:09 PM

    @Ms: I, for one, welcome our new Enty overlords. C'mon, at least take a sip of the Kool-Aid!

  15. I know this is off subject but has ted Casablanca started a new gossip column yet?

    1. Maggie he keeps claiming to have big news on his twitter feed but never follows up.

  16. Why do people come here to bitch about what we read? Do they really think this is all we do and they we believe everything? Shit who's the gullible one?

    1. Every word you say +100000000000!

  17. Oh yeah, I don't know who Erin Heatherton is but she's beautiful and I love that dress..OR IS SHE REALLY WEARING IT? to ponder my sad existence for believing she has on clothes.

  18. David



  19. The 3 women on top look better than most actresses half their age!

    Coco is not a pretty child. :(

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      The wonders of surgery. And btw, what did you look like at her age? Fuck.

  20. Czj is a dead ringer for brooke burke and i dont mean that as a compliment.

  21. CZJ's face is giving me Kidman vibes. *shudder*

  22. Does Curry actually make money dressing up in that Cos play shit all the time? That's all she does it seems.

  23. Bai Ling forgot to expose a nipple. That's what she's famous for, right?

  24. Loading the page does take awhile but I think it's based on the wifi( my work wifi takes forever loading pages) and @ ms it doesn't matter who enty is because the thing that makes this site good is reding what the other readers have to say

    1. Two words: Mobile site.

  25. The unfortunately bipolar CZJ must have peed in Enty's cornflakes at some point.

    Why you hatin' so hard, Bro?

  26. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Enty doesn't hate her. He's just on the downswing of one of his manic episodes.

  27. @baka neko: No, it doesn't depend on the wifi. According to Alexa, 86% of the sites on the internet load faster than CDAN. That is because of all the ads, and cookies and trackers and nonsense they cram into your computer when you load a page here. Market research.

  28. Don't be a baka! Get yourself AdBlockPlus (which is free) and then there is no ads, cookies, trackers, etc. which slow your kitteh self down. Now, AdBlockPlus doesn't work on Internet Exploder, but surfing on IE?!? That would be a baka thing to do! So don't do it!

  29. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I just hope the revenue is enough to allow Enty to get his own place and finally bid adieu to his parents' basement!

  30. I just googled that Heatherton broad along with the term NUDE and for the first time EVER, I need to adjust my list.


    Curry in the outfit


    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Count: On my list you're always the Top. I hope I can be your Bottom.

  31. Wasn't Courtney's face all puffed up and bloated yesterday?

  32. Note to Mary Louise: There is nothing attractive, cute or remotely natural about a pigeon-toed pose. I will never understand why women think they should stand like that.

    1. Agree..and least scar jo has a reason. ..shes pigeon toed! Lol

  33. I really want to try SoulCycle. I hear it burns a ton of calories.

  34. Are you schizo, Anna?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Wow, Pythia. When did you get here? I am all manner of insanity! Do your homework next time BEFORE you ask such a question. It will save us both a lot of comment space, and you won't look like such a naive newbie. Welcome, btw!!

  35. I thought Mileena was the one in purple in Mortal Combat. Kitana was the one in blue.

  36. Ann Nah Nah Mess is Marcie with yet another screen name.

    Marcie is the idiot who claims to be a former criminal prosecutor. However, the Baltimore DA office say she worked there a long time ago, but is not a lawyer and never worked in that capacity. And yes, the woman is mentally ill as in delusional.

  37. I don't catch that Miss Mess is mentally ill at all. Loopy betch, sure, but she way to well orchestrated and funny to be a mental patient off her meds. Broad knows exactly what she's doin.

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Oh Count, you know the way to a drunk, cheap, disillusioned girl's heart. Thanks for believing in me. Given the chance, I think I have a lot to contribute.

  38. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Cover blown. Exposed. Caught. Busted. Unearthed. Discovered. Please visit my website. Unknown and the other peeps will provide the link. I have a whole bunch of stuff posted there that is going to bring this site to its knees for a very important reason. Apparently.

  39. I don't wish for the site to be brought to its knees, I'd rather they just hire a Fugazi Enty that isn't a bitter MANsogynist.

  40. Anonymous10:05 PM

    And I'm not kidding.

  41. Which site, Marcie? You have dozens of them devoted to dozens of perceived enemies.

    You're going to bring down this site with (ahem) facts that you discovered? You're the same woman who LIED about being a former criminal prosecutor in the Baltimore DA office. Or, maybe you really do believe this, after all, your former co-worker confirmed you are mentally ill.

    In the grand scheme of things, no one gives a hoot about how this site is run. We bitch, moan & complain about things we don't like, but it's a gossip site. We don't get too hung up on the intricacies of it.

    You, however, are mentally ill (one of your former colleagues certainly had a lot to say!) and fixate on some pretty stupid shit, and fixate on a lot of poor people whereby you really go out of your way to try to destroy their reputations with allegations stemming from your fertile imagination. Posting their names, photos, false allegations...

    This site and the Enty or Enties... no one is curing cancer here. It's gossip. Only YOU are truly hung up on it. You're a sad case. If feel sorry for you. It must be very difficult to deal with mental illness, and the delusions. You truly feel the world is against you, and that is tragic.

  42. Marcie, at one point, with your photos all over the web, one of your victims is going to track you down and murder you. Police will have a tough time finding the culprit since you have attacked literally dozens of people and created dozens of blogs specifically to attack a person. Maybe one of the smart ones will sue you and garnishee your pension check. You're about 70 now, correct?

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I think I know who Marcie is!

  43. @Unknown: You tellin me this broad is from Baltimore and holdin out on bangin me???

    Miss Mess, you have your work cut out keepin me on yer good side with tomorrows tales of "After the lights go out."

    I need my sleepy time now.

    Good night, Betches.

  44. Ja'mie King: thanks. I finally got Google Chrome and Ad Blocker plus and I'll be damn if it's STILL loading all the freaking' ads at once. Bloody Hell!

    1. You also need FlashBlocker, that's the one that blocks the annoying Flash ads.

    2. FlashBlock for Chrome is what it's called, it stops the automated videos. Can't link, it says 'return to Google Chrome store' when I try.

  45. adblock lets you manually block the videos.

  46. Redd, you are confusing me with your avatar! That is mine on Dlisted, and I have never seen anyone else use it!

  47. Bai Ling was funny until Celebrity Rehab. Then she became horrifying. I can't smile anymore knowing how messed up and unbalanced she was then. Is she better now?

  48. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Of course you do, look in the mirror you dumb cunt.
    Marcie, Marcie, Marcie. WHAT are we going to do with you? What a tangled psychotic paranoid schizophrenic web you have woven. Talking about how Enty is the one on a manic episode? Ha! You'd know all about that wouldn't you? Get a motherfucking life you dumb b*tch troll. Don't you have bills to pay? Or are you on SSI for your obvious mental illness? Don't you have anyone in your life that wants to spend time with you?.... crickets?... No friends? No family? anyone? No coworkers? No pets even? No exercise regimen? Just you and the food network all night huh?... .so.... we are all you have huh? we are here because we like the gossip, which Enty provides free of charge, rather than try to smear him, you'd do better to shut the F**K UP, sit DOWN and stop being such an annoying, obnoxious, hateful, ridiculous troll with delusions of grandeur. You psycho troll trash.

  49. Ugggggghhhhhhhhh!
    Sorry. I just want my old CDAN back.

  50. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wow, Marcie. Oops, I mean Anna--it sounds like you're very angry. I find it a little worrisome that you let someone you don't even know have so much power over your emotions. I hope that you will be able to get control over the powerlessness you feel. As much as it may seem otherwise to you, I am not in charge of your feelings. Godspeed, my love. xoxo, Kym

  51. Aintchu the one w/ the baby daddy issues?

  52. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Me??? Nope. I know exactly who the father is of every single one of my 9 kids. 9 child support checks every month is probably what allows me to spend so much time on this blog! LOLS! xoxo, Kym

  53. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Then again, Count, maybe I am. Are you referring to Kympossible? From WAAAAAY back in the day during the radio show crimes? Wow. How do remember such things???

  54. It was just a couple months ago I remember kympossible on here.

    Listen Baby, it don't bother me if you got kids. All that means is you don't keep the cooch under lock and key.

  55. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Thanks for understanding! It's pretty hard to lock it up when it's passed out drunk on the floor of a seedy bar right next to a no-tell motel! Aaaashhhh....good times. Unfortunately, the fucking court made me get my tubes tied, so I'm on a fixed income now.

  56. Tubes tied? ? Baby, you really know how to sweet talk a fella. My dick so hard now its salivating. Well, I hear it don't taste like saliva, but same instictual reflex I believe.

  57. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Like I said earlier, you were a stallion last night. Glad you appreciated all the gymnastics training I've had. Maybe Anna will join us next time? Might be the cure for all that pent up rage that seems to be destroying her.

  58. Anonymous12:20 PM

    'Sides, I've got some other toys I've been dying to break in.

  59. I'ma go way out on a limb and say Anna need some sweet luvin, lets say treated like a Countess. No spanking and rough stuff, more like firm holding & grab the hair, not pull. Ride that edge between intense and rough to spike the adrenaline. Probably lots of petting, cuddling and reaffirmation afterwards.

    On the other hand, I'm quite sure that you, Miss Mess are in dire need for a spanking and full nelson anal. (I dare the viewers to do a Google Image Search with that term.)

    P.S. Anna, if you are offended by what I wrote in the first paragraph, just say "delete" and I'll wipe this post.

  60. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Why are you kissing Anna's pissed off ass? Also, it's awesome to wake up to your sweet talk. Got me all hot--thank God I'm not a church goin' chick (hahaha--see what I did there? lols!). xoxo, Kym

  61. European football stars generally dress so much better than their American counterparts. Exceptions on both sides of course. As much as I loathed Beckham at ManU I sort of like him these days.

    Also, Helen Mirren. I just think about her in Excalibur.



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