Thursday, July 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Former Bachelorette and please put me on anything on television wannabe, Ali Fedotowsky walks on the beach with her new boyfriend.

Ashley Greene heads to the valet stand.
George Clooney is really broken up over this whole Stacy Keibler thing.
Umm, hello Helena Christensen.
Apparently Tyra Banks is doing this shoot for the L Word convention.
Hasn't made Jennifer Aniston any smarter, but sure has made her richer.
Jake Gyllenhaal in a rare random photos appearance.
John Mayer and Katy Perry in a music store. They bought one of the girls here a guitar she couldn't afford. Nice.
Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu in London filming Elementary.


  1. Good to hear nice things about celebs. Good on you Katy and John! That teenager must be beyond thrilled!
    I always thought Helena C. looks like a man.

  2. How kind of John and Katy... but for some reason this pic automatically reminds me of his white supremacist comments and his feelings toward black women.

    Lucy Lui will always and forever be gorjusssss

  3. Mayer wasn't racist when he said that. He just said that he wouldn't fuck someone not white (or African-American, African-African, African-Asian, African-Oceanic; I don't remember).
    That was like he said he wouldn't bang someone ugly (or a man, for that matter), not that he hated them, just that his cock is better outside them.

    1. Racist, prejudiced, whatever you wanna call's simply fucking ignorant to say you won't date someone because of their race.

      Like John Mayer would actually turn down Alicia Keys. Please.

    2. I don't get it. I can't imagine a ginger going to town on me and I like to think that doesn't make me a horrible person. My best friend is a redhead.

    3. It isn't racist or prejudiced, Kels. Calm the fuck down. Everyone has their own preferences.
      I for one dislike men of my own race, that's just how life works sometimes.

  4. Ditto about Lucy, I really like her. And there's been no dirty gossip about her ever, plus she stays out of the public eye except when working.

  5. Jake has a Boston Terrier! I have a Boston Terrier! They're the best dogs. I will love Jake from now on.

    1. I agree on all counts...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fun fact ~ Helena C has a kid with Norman Reedus! Daryl MF Dixon!

  7. That's not a good pic of Tyra

    And John Mayer has been with black woman before...but not many are into the kind of stuff he's into so he sticks to white woman...and he's another one that I'd bang...I'm into a lot of crazy things but he can leave the piss and shit show for Katy

    1. Anonymous1:53 AM

      It's because they all laugh Mayer's teensy weensy secretly gay dingle.

  8. I didn't know Jakey G was a Sox fan. GO SOX!!!!

  9. 8=====D:

    I don't think John's racist. I think he was stating that he has a preference, as most people do. I also think that he could have expressed that without being offensive. He should have worded it differently. So again, the pic reminded me of his comments. Nothing more, nothing less :-)

    1. +1. But he's a dbag so we can't really expect more class from him

  10. Oh, I'm sure Katy Perry is probably a pretty nice girl. John Mayer? Not so much. You just KNOW it was Katy's idea.

    1. @AKM, I agree Mayer is not so much a pretty nice girl, he seems not nice at all.

  11. George looks so sad.

  12. I am wondering who here thinks goerge is really gay.Thoughts?

    1. And I am asking because of all the rumors about it.

    2. And I am asking because of all the rumors about it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. He is not, according to the person I know who has worked with him. He is just a man's man, not interested in settling into the domestic life. He wants to have fun and not be tied down.

    5. Anonymous1:55 AM

      He, like Enty, digs bacon, but not in a sandwich, and the kind that squeals.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yes! The asian thing irks me too. It's just freakin weird. They are more than just some fetish, but you won't know it based on the way they are presented to the media. They are women! Not your submissive toy! (Unless we are talkin BDSM, whole nother story though)

  15. @Iceberg:

    By your reasoning: I only bang people that have vaginas, that must mean I hate men, right? Or at least I'm a homophobe, because I won't bang a dude, correct?

    You bang what makes your dick hard or your snatch wet. Has nothing to do with HATE, it has to do with LIKE.

    1. No it would be different if he didnt like a particular color or size, thats different. Thats understandable. But some black women, like many in my family, are actually the color of most white people. So whats his reasoning for not wanting to fuck them? The color of their skin? Their features? Or because he believes them to be inferior in beauty, which is stemmed in racism.

      We all have preferences but to write off a whole race, especially one as diverse as black americans, is absurd.

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      Count, what about chicks with dicks?

  16. Love Elementary. I usually don't like an english accent but something about Jonny does it for me. When it comes to the type I like, race has never been a huge issue to me. I like a darker haired, scruffy chinned kinda guy - but I am not into blond guys... at all.(does that make me racist?) And I am a redheaded white chick. My current flavor's of the moment? well always George (HE IS NOT GAY) Idris, Nathan Fillion, Michael Weatherly,Joe Koy, Blair Underwood

  17. Anonymous1:51 PM

    that's a little random putting Liu and Miller in a pic together like that.... what's that about?
    I have to say that I disagree with you Iceberg, it's ok to say you're not attracted to a certain kind of look or race, you could be attracted to only short or tall guys, does that make someone heightist? It's just about as Count J said, whatever interests your, um, below the belt region. has nothing to do with race, imo.

  18. "George Clooney is really broken up over this whole Stacy Keibler thing."

    As well he should be...I think he's losing out letting her get away. I see another Elisabetta in his future....

  19. @Kels: Personally, I agree with you, I don't write off chicks based on color. I usually write em off when the Hot to Crazy ratio is skewed the wrong way. I just don't think someone should be called racist because he doesn't want to have sex with a certain type of woman.

    If he didn't hire black people to be in his band, or Hispanics as roadies, or what ever, then that would be racist. Who he sticks his dick in is pure personal preference.

    And believe me, there are TONS of actual racist dudes out there who bang chicks of colors they talk all kinds of shit about.

  20. Helena's underwear looks like the black lace version of those frilly-butt diaper-cover undies people put on baby girls. Eww.

  21. Thank you Tyger Lilly, and the top looks faked and poorly cut. takes me right out of the fantasy of "I wish I could look that good," and straight into, "Hell, now anybody can buy that ugly"
    What is up with tyra's outfit? She lose a bet? I know! she has joined the cast of "Clowning Around" and the first assignment is to design the costume for her clown persona...

  22. Lefty (over to the left) approves of Jake and his gentlemanly companion!

  23. Love her clothes on that show!

  24. Anna Nonymous said...
    that's a little random putting Liu and Miller in a pic together like that.... what's that about?

    hmmmm. . . because they're on a TV show together, currently filming? Or were you being sarcastic, can't tell.

    Tyra looks like a drag queen--is she smizing? Looks rather dead in the eyes to me.

    1. Oh Anna! She is obviously too cool for CBS

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Please, Momster. Anna is so well connected and 'in the know' that she threw her tv out the window long ago. If you were a true follower, you might just be privy to the same insights she has.

  25. Don't worry about hurting a ginger's feelings Kathleen. They don't have souls, so they can't feel.

    1. Anonymous2:04 AM

      I can vouch for that. My hubby stands at the sliding doors at the supermarket and they don't open. And he can't go out in the sun without a mumu, parasole and covered in SPF 300.

  26. here is the Mayer quote:

    MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.
    PLAYBOY: Let’s put some names out there. Let’s get specific.
    MAYER: I always thought Holly Robinson Peete was gorgeous. Every white dude loved Hilary from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And Kerry Washington. She’s superhot, and she’s also white-girl crazy. Kerry Washington would break your heart like a white girl. Just all of a sudden she’d be like, “Yeah, I sucked his dick. Whatever.” And you’d be like, “What? We weren’t talking about that.” That’s what “Heartbreak Warfare” is all about, when a girl uses jealousy as a tactic.

    I don't care what he does, he's still a douche.

    1. Still not racist. Crude, poorly spoken, egotistical, borderline misogynistic, but not racist. People throwing that card around negates real true horrific racism.

  27. I thought Helena was Michelle pfieffer at first.

    I am not racist at all, but I can understand what John is saying. I wouldn't go all out and say "oh I don't fuck black people" of whatever race. He should have just said "I prefer white women". Or something like that. I prefer white men, but that doesn't mean I'd NEVER ever date another race if someone came along that I really connected with in some way.

  28. I love Elementary, so glad enough people liked it too, so they got picked up for another season.

  29. Love me some Johnny Lee Miller! So glad his show is awesome.

    Helena C. looks HOT! I'm going to gym. That's it.

  30. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I'm so happy that Enty's post provided the springboard for this timely and pertinent discussion about the sociology of the culture of race in our culture.

  31. @Count
    Can I just say that I adore your comments every day? They make me laugh- but then I am the only female trapped in a house of males, so "if you can't beat 'em"... I have become a fratboy.

  32. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Oh, Count, you're a frat boy. I don't know whether to get another red cup or cal my Pre-med bf to come pick me up.

  33. I think George is gay. specifically I think he's randy gerber's boy friend. and I find it very annoying that we constantly see him with his "girlfriends". its so fake. then he pretends he doesn't like press.

    question. anyone here drink smart-water?

  34. @Anna: Get another red cup and tell me if I can finish if you pass out during coitus.

    Don't worry, I won't let the pledges run a train on you. If you could give Flounder a handy before we go up stairs, that would be cool though. Poor schmuck don't know how to talk to broads and needs a confidence boost.

  35. I used to have a crush on JLM. He is NOT aging well...

  36. Hmmm. Well, now I know. ... I have a Benetton p*ssy. ;)

  37. Anonymous2:00 AM

    A-fucking-men! I apparently had "a type" : dark, swarthy, often bespectacled musicians or lawyers. And I married a tall ranga(blood nut ,ginger) who works in social justice and advocacy. Tall, built like a brick shit house, and he's sexy, perfect, gorgeous. We may have a "type" but if you categorically say no to any group (gender and sexuality aside) it makes me wonder about the cause of prejudice.

  38. Helena is stunning. I miss the 80s supermodels

  39. @Smears: Chicks w/ Dicks creep the fuck outta me, ever since I heard of a buddy getting slipped a tranny at a club in NYC. Ya know, if I had herpes, I'd tell a chick, so I expect the same show of respect if the chick has a cock.



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