Monday, July 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Kimmy Gibler and DJ Tanner bff.
Jay Z and Beyonce party over the weekend.
Brandy certainly got into the holiday spirit. She kills it during ugly Christmas sweater parties.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend. Love how he is wearing a tie. You know, for his day job. Do you think Britney thinks he still works a day job?
Bella Thorne at a photo shoot. She is very skinny.
Marc Anthony is back with his billionaire heiress Chloe Green again.
Courtney Love says this is what she looked like after sex. Apparently she is dating a necrophiliac.
Courtney Stodden's husband is wearing more makeup than she is.
AnnaLynne McCord heads to Australia to visit her boyfriend's kids.


  1. Courtney stoddens face looks like goopy. Goopy wishes her body still looked like that.
    Is AnnaLynne VIP

  2. Bella Thorne is only 15 so I don't think she's abnormally thin. I don't understand why she dresses like she's in her 20s though.

  3. I don't care what anyone says, I'll always love Britney!!!

    OT Any Big Brother fans here?

  4. I read "DJ Tanner Biff" and remembered "Back to the future". Then I read better "DJ Tanner bff" and got disappointed :( .

  5. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Goddamn Dominic Purcell (Annalynne Mccord's boyfriend) is hot, I've got such a thing for that guy. They look sweet together.

    1. Me too. Love, love, loved him as John Doe.

  6. the party that dourtney went to was for plastic martyr --- not sure if enty/ies was referring to him when he wrote the blind about the transgender lover. he should research things before making inaccurate blinds.

    secondly, the courtney love thing strikes me as mk ultra.

    like michael k said, beyonce's weave is badly parched.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    AnnaLynn is gorgeous - VIP or not, I LOVE her hair all curly.

    Britney - please do your hair. Please

    Beyonce - if I'd worn that outfit anywhere this weekend with the patent pumps, I'd have heard the snickers and camera clicks.

  8. Beyonce's face looks like it's sticking out too far -- but her head isn't. Or do I need new glasses?

  9. Wow, we haven't seen Courtney Stodden and her grandma/chaperone in ages, I kinda missed them.

    I just want to note that Beyonce is clad in a meemaw cardigan, denim short-shorts, and black pointy toed stilettos. And I'll just leave it at that.

  10. Britney has the neck of a linebacker. I am always surprised when I see it.

    1. I'm more concerned with the ever present low hanging uniboob, and why does she always highlight it with higher necklines? Inexplicable

  11. Britney's bf looks like he just finished his shift at TGIFridays.

  12. Ahhh! I love Kimmy Gibler!

    Brandy is one of my favorites :-) her last album was amazing!

    About Bella Thorne's weight... Weren't most of us skinny at 14/15? She's not a woman, she's a kid.

  13. Brandy's top looks like memaw's latchwork rug. Stodden is exhausting.

  14. Cute photo of Bey and Jay.

    Brit and her bf look like children dressing up in what they think people wear to work.

    Agree with other commenters - Bella Thorne is teen skinny. She doesn't have an adult body yet.

  15. "Fresh Horses" was on TV yesterday. It stars Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy, but it also features Doug Hutchison, Courtney Stoddard's husband. one scene, he looks at Andrew Mc and tells him something like-- get over it. He says you don't have to marry every teenage girl that gets you going.

    I thought it was funny and if I knew how to vine, or even find that clip, I would make a vine clip. That shit was funny. You might have had to have been there...I thought it was funny. Someone who knows how, please find that clip and post it.

    1. My brother & I leave messages to one another still just the words..."fresh......horses" (two count wait imperative) the trailer for that movie just killed us in our early teens!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I thought VIP was one of the Enties?

  17. There is so much awfulness in this one set of pictures I just can't wrap my head around it.

    Beyonce's hair is very nestlike.

  18. Brandy and Brit Brit are so cute and look 1o years younger then they really are.
    Luv the BFF photo up top. those girls grew up to be beautiful women.
    And the young girl Bella is on point with her size. She better enjoy it while she can.

  19. @Cassandra ME! What's up?

    1. Do you keep up with the live feeds or just watch the shows? Are you surprised that BB actually aired some of the racist and homophobic comments?

  20. VIP = AnnaLynne McCord = Enty?

    VIP = Kaley Cuoco = Enty?

    Stop inhaling the cleaning products, kids. It depletes reasoning skills, evidently.

  21. VIP is Betty White FFS!!!!

    I think FSP is John Stamos. Just a feeling.

  22. Count Jerkula is totally Ben Affleck.

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I always thought VIP was Elisa Cuthbert. She was in movie produced by an Enty in 2008. Also spent some time in rehab would have gotten good dirt for the site. My two cents. Jerkula totes Affleck!

  24. I can get on that train: Ben & Count J. both love them some strippers. Count Jerkula Affleck ftw!

  25. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Lol I hadn't scrolled to the next post yet when I typed that, Elisha's in there.......weird.

  26. I put my money on the unemployed actress to be posting on CDaN, not the one with a hit TV show.

  27. Or is it Hiya Kaley? Or Betty?

    I'm confused...

  28. I don't subscribe, but I'll watch some of the BB After Dark and read some of the live feeds that people write up. I was glad they showed that mess. I was surprised, but I think people really let them have it about it. "Aryan" and Jeremy are fucking vile. GinaMarie is also. How about you?

    1. Same here, I watch BBAD and read about the live feeds. I can't stand so many of these people with their disgusting language. Jeremy and Spencer have zero respect for women. Julie Chen talked about Aaryn on The Talk today. Julie said she took it personally.

  29. So here we go again with crappy pop-ups and video ads completely freezing my computer when I try to enjoy CDAN. Can't stay, gotta go ... I can't get around it and I don't have an hour to spend on it. I'm so bummed! It hadn't been going this way for a while, but now it's all back again.

  30. Please, please Enty don't encourage Courtney & Doug by posting their photo. I beg you.

    I really believe Jay Z & Beyonce are the real deal. They always look like they enjoy each other's company and are having a good time together.

  31. Moesha

    Brit Brit

    Full House tag team.

    I must make a qualifier though, that if McCord actually is VIP Blonde, then that betch goes #1 on the list.

  32. I'm starting to believe the rumors that there is more than one Stodden.

    The lizard faced one is probably buried in the desert somewhere after a bachelor party went bad.

  33. Hey Bey: The People of Walmart Saturday Night clothes? Shitastic. The broomstick hair? OTT.

  34. Is it me or does Courtney Stodden's eyes look especially dead here? Watching that old Fart fondle her ass made me throw up a little.

  35. Wait, I thought Count Jerkula was Matt Damon?

    My head hurts!

    1. He's Matt Damon AND Ben Affleck!

  36. my god was it 'celebrity dress as sh**ty as you can weekend'? my god. brandi looks fried, annalynne, girl if you are homeless there are shelters....ugly ugly...and why does doug 'statutory rape' stodden wear the SAME black tee/black khakis ensemble EVERYWHERE he leaves his scent? sooooo gross.

  37. I like Brit's boots. I am very surprised at myself.
    What the hella is Bella wearing?
    Courtney Love as a zombie it was only a matter of time.
    Pedo and Sparkle Lizard wear each others makeup, awwww! Ugh.

  38. I'm going to take a wild guess and say ethorne is Isla Fisher

  39. I wanna be Damon, cause Affleck is a total tool. He dated Goop, JLo and made the movie Gigli. I may be a pathetic hump, but I have enough self respect to keep myself from participating in any of those travesties.

    Wait, then I would have had to do the gay work with Michael Douglas. Fuck, this aint easy. You betches really put a guy in a corner.

    How about a young, slender Artie Lange, w/o the smack habit?

    No? Then make me the older wiser version of a dude tappin some young wetties, I could get into that kind of character. Lemme be a herpes free Wilmer.

    1. Still gross. Fez was never hot.

      Casey Affleck is a good choice. Smart, funny, not in the limelight, killed Mona.

  40. @Cassandra Kelly, what are you talking about? What is BBAD, Jeremy and Spencer, Julie Chen, Aaryn, The Talk?

    I'm not trying to be a bitch, just trying to figure out where your comment fits in wrt the pics.

    1. She was having a conversation with another commenter, if you read all of her comments, you would know what she was referring to.

    2. Thanks! I see that now, don't know why I didn't earlier. Julie Chen shoulda clued me in.

  41. Kimmy Gibler and DJ Tanner haven't aged at ALL! That pic of Brandy...bronzer much? hahaha Is Britney dating a frat boy?

  42. Kimmy has aged better than DJ.
    Courtney looks like Anna Nicole Smith in her weepy clown video... mk ultra info

  43. Hey BeyonCE, 1993 wants its clothes back!

    hahaha, the Camel cannot dance, looks like he's doing the awkward look-like-i-gotta-pee 80's dance.

  44. You guys are killing me with the commenter identity guesses today!
