Monday, July 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges hosted a screening of their new movie for first responders in Boston. Classy. Just wish it was a better movie to show them.

Britney Spears takes her kids toy shopping at ToysRr Us.
Cheryl Burke and Kelly Monaco try and act sexy.
Claire Danes on the set of Homeland with her baby.
The Hoff tries out his life guarding skills again.
Meanwhile, Pamela Anderson needs to start shilling for some hair company because that hair...
And Carmen Electra has moved on from life guarding to being nominated to the bikini hall of fame.
Demi Moore and Rumer Williams finish up a game of Candy Crush.
Fergie with her mom. Fergie is changing her name to Fergie Duhamel.


skimpymist said...

Love candy crush. Been stuck on level 65 for a week now.
Pammy is looking really old while her competition carmen still looks great.

eris hilton said...

OMG Claire Danes' baby! look at those lil chubby legs! so cute!

Kelly said...

I saw the preview for that Bridges/Reynolds movie during Despicable Me 2 and it looked stupid/funny.

skipper said...

Ryan is so hot!

MontanaMarriott said...

JLO and the Lip Synch tour coming to a city near you or as we call it here, The MV tour.

The Dude said...

Is Brittany pregnant?

MISCH said...

Who's writing the captions ?

Unknown said...

Claire Dane's baby is SO cute!!!

JoElla said...

loooove chubby babies!

I'm worried about Rumer, hopefully Demi doesn't screw it up again. :(

Brit looks downright normal. I'm taking it as a good sign.

Count Jerkula said...

Damn my post didn't go through earlier

Brit brit


Butterface/Monaco tag team

Tyger Lilly said...

I can't decide who's got chunkier thighs - Brit-Brit or Claire's baby. Not hating on Brit, just sayin'.

Pam used to dress in as little clothing as possible, now she's covered from the neck down like she's Amish. Judging by what's showing from the neck up, I think she's probably doing us a favor. But kudos to Carmen - that's how you do it! You'd think after Prince, Rodman, Navarro, etc. she'd look as bad as Pam, but she's obviously doing something right.

Ann Nah Nah Mess said...

@Count: I hope you're out there. Here's a little present for you:

Calm down don't you resist
You've such a delicate wrist
And if I give it a twist
Something to hold when I lose my grip
Will I find something in there
To give me just what I need
Another reason to bleed
One by one hidden up my sleeve (one by one hidden up my sleeve)

Don't let it go to waste, I love it but I hate the taste
Weight keepin' me down
Don't let it go to waste, I love it but I hate the taste
Weight keepin' me down

"All My Life"
Foo Fighters

xoxo, Kym

hairydawg said...

props to the hot piece on the right in the top photo for showing Ryan , Jeff and everyone else how posing IS DONE!

Jenn said...

When Demi and Rumer have their heads bent you can see the resemblance. Yeah without the girl's big chin in the way, I guess. Hopefully she and her mom can be friends. Demi looks ragged.

Anonymous said...

Britney (my namesake : I'm Britney Smears) has fat lady arms : where the fat kinda bunches at the elbow.
I have to share this - I just defrosted a loaf of bread in the dryer.

Anonymous said...

Carmen - please cover up.

Pip said...

If Brit's thighs are "chunky", I don't even want to know what you would say about mine. I think she looks pretty good.

Snakeoiler said... try to act sexy....

Not "to try and look sexy."

Elementary stuff, this.

Terri said... seems to me Fergie has been pregnant for a year now. When is she due??

ureallyannoyme said...

Remember when Kelly Monaco was an ABC soap star on the first season of ABC's unexpected summer hit, Dancing with the Stars, and she won only because she received unanimous perfect scores from the judges even though her partner dropped her? And remember when, after there were threats of Congressional hearings on game show fixing, ABC held a dance off that Kelly didn't win?

Disney's legal dept had better moves than Kelly Monaco.

Count Jerkula said...

I just saw that Danes pic on my computer for the first time. Thems are her milking breasts, huh? I aint sayin she gonna bump Brit from the top spot, but she definitely solidified her self in the 2 slot.

Miss Mess: I don't need your entire life. To be in the CO¢ (that is a cents sign) you need only sign a Brazilian Year contract. That means for the one year you are with me, you must agree to agree to getting Brazilian waxes. An Eyebrow, Dorito Chip or Landing Strip is acceptable, as a lil tuft of hair is nice to spritz some perfume on to make it more inviting down there, but from the clit down and around to the top of your but crack must be clean and smooth.

After the year is up, it is acceptable to rock a winter bush from Halloween until Valentine's day. If you trim more than the tree for Christmas, then the time period may be extended until Easter.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@MISCH - I wondered the same thing.

Ann Nah Nah Mess said...

Oh Count--I've been a landing strip girl for years. I like to keep it classy. I have a feeling you already knew that. Coincidentally, I
JUST got back from the spa. Just assume I already have everything you want. I'm only on my third cocktail, so my creativity in the "Darling come here--fuck me up the rear" (Thank you Lords of Acid) trolling department isn't at full throttle yet.

Anonymous said...

It's a food baby.

Julie said...

love kelly monaco!

bleacherbunny said...

Britney wears clothes that are just plain ass wrong for her body type!

Ann Nah Nah Mess said...

P.S. Count: check out the extended live version (LOA--I Sit On Acid)--I think you'll find it 'stimulating'. Hugs!

Sherry said...

I somehow feel like a voyeur between the count and Miss Mess. Perhaps a room is in order?

megan00m said...

I really hate these boring just come back cdan regulars and drown their boring crap out...

Count Jerkula said...

@Sherry: It's OK, you can peak I'm not that shy.

@Megan00m: Yeah, where are the ones to crab about staying on topic and gasping on cue at the horrific blinds about 2 consenting adults having fun. Scintillating stuff that keeps the lurkers coming back for more.

amanda_jf said...

Last time I checked, Rumer's name was Willis.

car54 said...

Have y'all seen the Hoff's commercial? It makes me laugh every time I see it on TV.

JoElla said...

@Amanda OMG I just caught that hahahhahahahahaha

Sandy said...

Wait, what? Fergie is changing her name to Fergie Duhamel? I thought her first name was Stacy! Shouldn't it be Stacy Duhamel, which sounds infinitely better than Fergie Anything?


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