Thursday, July 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Amanda Bynes has a new procedure performed. Has a dog implanted on her face. Wards off the ugly.

Britney Spears puts her kids in a music video.
Chris Colfer's backpack fascinates me, but not as much as
Charlie Sheen's Viking helmet.
Speaking of Charlie Sheen, he is buying a new house for Denise Richards.
Eddie Murphy has sex with his girlfriend right in the Coffee Bean.
Emmy Rossum's dress looks more like a painting. I like it.
I love how Anna Kendrick pretends to be studying this all intensely for the cameras.
I must be feeling nice, because I like what Emma Roberts is wearing too.


  1. I can't believe Emmy's in a Carolina Herrera. It's dreadful.

  2. Does Chris's shirt say "I heart Chewbacca"? lol
    I don't care for Emmy but that dress is gorgeous.

    1. @Renoblonde. That's probably a Chewbacca backpack he's wearing. I saw one at Disneyland (but never where they were being sold or I'd probably have one now, too.)

  3. Oh damn Amanda's recovering from surgery so she won't be in Atlantic City this weekend and I'll be there...I'm sure I'll run into someone famous...I usually do

  4. Oh, Enty, no snark on Emmy Rossum and Emma Roberts. Must be a really good day for you today, hmm?

    1. @trainrides, he must have gotten an extra side of bacon for breakfast!

  5. Britney's boys have turned out to be pretty darn cute.

  6. That video is ridiculously cute and Brit's boys are adorable. Say what you will but she sure has pretty kids. And I assume she did this project especially with them in mind. She does look great here and reminds me of her 16 yr old self.

    Emmy's dress is gorgeous

  7. Britney's boys are too cute! I hope they're protected and well taken care of.

    Eddie Murphy has always been a mystery to me! I get the feeling he's a very tortured individual .. I truly hope he's happy with his new gf.

    I absolutely love Emmy's dress! I could do without the red bow on the waist though

  8. Bynes

    Brit Brit


  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You know, train, if you don't think Enty's being totally objective about stuff, don't rain on all of our parade.

  10. what-- you don't understand the Viking helmet?

    1. Anonymous1:43 AM

      It's a Loch Ness hat. He's in Scotland with mates, went out in a boat and got muntef

    2. Anonymous1:44 AM


  11. Emmy looks awesome.

  12. Enty wrote "Emmy Rossum" and "Like" in the same sentence? Okay - I'm not one of these "Enty's not Enty" wingnuts - but even now I'm questioning the deal.

  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    very strange indeed.

  14. Enty - what kind of nerd are you that you failed to mention the light sabre in Chris's hand? Oh the jokes

    Emmy Rossum's dress is beautiful - didn't like the red bow at first but it picks up the red in the flowers and with the purse I think it works. But what do I know, I'm wearing gym shorts and an oversize stained t-shirt.

  15. Oh man, imagine taking someone's coffee order while their boyfriend stands intimately close behind them and peeping over their shoulder. And now imagine the boyfriend is Eddie Murphy. How awkward.

    Brit's kids are adorable!

  16. Anonymous2:27 PM

    WHOA! Did Anna just question Enty's identity???? That's it. Getting my umbrella. Cats and dogs are surely going to start falling from the sky.

  17. Anna Kendrick looks awfully thin in that picture! Look at the bone protruding from her back!

  18. brit's kids are adorable, I would be staring too, if I were that little girl..BTW, That's a Conquistador's helmet, not viking.(Which makes sense given his ethnicity)
    Is that the doc from 30 Rock by him?

    1. The little girl w Brit Brit is Maddie, Jamie Lynn's kid. She's cute, also. Love them or leave them, but they have some pretty good genetics.

  19. brit's kids are adorable, I would be staring too, if I were that little girl..BTW, That's a Conquistador's helmet, not viking.(Which makes sense given his ethnicity)
    Is that the doc from 30 Rock by him?

    1. Anonymous1:39 AM

      It's his body double/stand in. They're in Scotland.

    2. Anonymous1:42 AM

      And it is a Loch Ness hat. Not Viking, Conquistador or Mickey Mouse ears.

  20. Star Wars is lame, Star Trek is where it's at.

    Thanks for putting 3 of the industry's least memorable, unattractive "actresses" at the bottom so I can continue to confuse them!

    I like Amanda Bynes outfit.

    Brits kids are adorable, the little one I always thought was retarded but he doesn't appear to be. Weird, he looks more with it and alert than the older one who always looked ok. But they both look good, glad to be wrong about that!!

  21. I do not get why brit would put her kids in anything having to do with entertainment world..

  22. I like the skirt on Rossum's dress, but the top is just way too much--black, denim blue and a red sash--ick. The more I study it, the less I like the bottom half as well.

    LOL at JBE--agreed.

  23. That settles it, I need to have me a couple of Charlie Sheen's kids. I want someone to buy me a house! And for all the chemicals he's ingested you'd think his kids would've come out as web-toed cross-eyed freaks. Nope - cute as a button. Even the newest ones with Brooke, with her cesspool of a uterus. God. How unfair is that?

  24. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I'd like to hear more about Anda Bynes, the Kardashoans, Justin Beiber, and Lindsay Lohan.

  25. Anonymous4:08 PM


  26. Anonymous4:09 PM


  27. Anonymous4:10 PM

    If we got more posts on them, I'd learn to spell their names.

  28. Marcie, a our lying, mentally-ill, wanna-be lawyer is back. You know, the one who's an expert on Hollywood because she worked in the industry - which turned out to be a one day extra gig on a Barry Levinson film in Baltimore .

  29. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Does Enty know her?

  30. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Can't Enty just block her? She sounds like someone who would benefit from therapy.

  31. Emma roberts always looks a mess to me. Like she was playing in the backyard and someone yelled its time to go, and she just runs in, takes off playclothes and throws on whatever and leaves. Licks hands and smooths hair in car on way.

  32. And how do know ,enty, that denise isnt buying her own damn house? Why assume sheen buying it? Maybe she takes care of herself.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Because that's what he told us, auntliddy. We don't question The Entity. OMG, are you and Anna starting a revolt?

  33. Eddie Murphy can't help himself, cuz he's SO straight. So straight that he's just all up in women. Mmmm hmmm.

    1. Anonymous1:49 AM

      If he's only looking at the back of their head when sticking it in he can imagine the face of his twinky boy toy

  34. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Are you speaking from experience, figgy? I remember when you said "Party All The Time" was your jam...

  35. Oh Amanda...

    Chris is silly. Love the saber.

    Brit and her kids look adorable.

    Rossum's dress is awful.

    Robert's outfit is cute. But on a 35 year old...

  36. Anonymous8:21 PM

    And you, Fluffy, are the barometer by which we all gauge our opinions.

  37. Love Emmy Rossums dress. That's my only comment

  38. My colon woke me prematurely and soon my asshole was projectile vomiting diarrhea in the toilet.

  39. Yet another bout of asshole vomiting. The stench is unbearable. I think I made some bad sushi last night and my colon is in open and shitty revolt. Diarrhea shits mixed with hemmeroid blood - breakfast of champions.

    I hate you all.

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Photos or it hasn't happened. Apply lanolin to the sphincter. And no, I'm not German.

  40. Anna Kendrick is butt ugly b

    I want to slide my turgid man meat inside Amandra Bryne's quivering quim and shoot a massive load of penis snot up her cooter so that my baby batter runs down her leg when she stands up afterwards.

    Eddie Murphy fucks shemales up the ass.

    Shittany is HIV positive.

    I hate you all.

  41. Bynes just tweeted that she can't breathe through her nose.

    1. Anonymous4:58 AM

      I always thought she was a mouth breather.

  42. Massive: You gotta stop kissin chicks after they toss your salad. Just cause there's no dookie on their face doesn't mean the bacteria isn't in their mouth.

    Bynes is mine fucker.

  43. The Britney video was so cute. She looks more happy than she has in a long while. The lil girl behind Britney and her boys is her niece Maddy (Jamie Lynn's lil girl). Britney's boys are so damn cute too.



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