Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Pierce Brosnan's Daughter Dies Of Cancer

Charlotte Brosnan was just 41 years old when she died over the weekend of ovarian cancer. Her mother died of the same disease while married to Pierce Brosnan. Charlotte's grandmother also died of ovarian cancer. Charlotte had been fighting the cancer for for several years and leaves behind a husband and two children, ages 14 and 8. So, with the family history of ovarian cancer, would she have lived if she had a hysterectomy at some point? Did Angelina Jolie ever go in for that surgery, because I know she said she was going to, but I have not really seen any sealed proclamations from her highness that she has.


  1. This was so sad. Bronsan has always been such a class act.

  2. Wow! Just fucking wow. A woman dies of cancer and you find time to snark on Angelina?


  3. Oh my goodness - tragic. Rest in peace, and prayers for those you've left behind.

  4. You make me sad w your snide comments enty - you don't always have to be so mean spirited...

    1. Absolutely agree with you. I find myself reading this site less and less because of the mean spiritedness of so many of the posts. I used to enjoy entertaining, "inside" scoops and fun interaction with other commenters. But I have been turned off lately by all the growing negativity.

  5. So sad, RIP. One of the children is a daughter. Hopefully she can get the proper screenings and avoid the disease that has taken 3 generations of her immediate family. Scary.

    Will every post today be a slam on AJ, even if she's not remotely involved?

  6. Good thoughts sent to Pierce. This broke my heart for him all over again. Such a good dad & husband.

    In other news....

    It tries to sound like a dude, because a hysterectomy is NOT for ovaries. But then ends w/ such ridiculous venom directed at an unrelated actress. Fuck this. This is Pierce Brosnan's daughter and you have to slip in Angie-hate. WTF?

  7. That was cruel and misplaced. And if the readers of this blog needed any more proof...there it is. Enty is one snarky fucking bitch who probably didn't take her anti depressants over the weekend.

  8. Not cool with the AJ comment Enty

  9. When your number is up, it's up. There's not much anyone can do to change that. All of the "what ifs" are moot.

  10. So sad and so frightening three generations of women and the same damn cancer....
    Actually I'm curious if Angie goes through with the second surgery, because removing the ovaries means a lifetime on hormones...but it's better than the alternative ...

    1. Or no hormones at all. You don't have to have HRT.

  11. this blog has become unbearable to read. that last dig at AJ for no reason at all lends credence to the idea that enty is gone and has sold off whatever interest he had to a couple of miserable b******. i'm outta here.

  12. To have to watch his wife and his daughter die that way has to be heartbreaking and so difficult for Pierce and his family. My thoughts go out to them. She died at about the same age her mother died. Her mother was 43 when she passed.

    "Enty" - The proper term for removal of the ovaries is an oopherectomy. A hysterectomy removes the uterus or the uterus and the cervix. I just taught you something. Process it. Learn it. Use it.

    And PLEASE take your midol, or lexapro, or whatever it is that would make you cognizant of the fact that snarking on AJ in a post about a family losing a loved one is not cool.

    1. Well stated.

      This used to be a much smarter blog, it is this new ignorance that bothers me the most. It would be easier to digest the snarkiness if CDAN were well written.

  13. I repeat:

    Another day, another chance to shit on Angelina Jolie for something she's not even a part of. Yesterday it was Jennifer Lopez. Today it's Pierce's daughter, who DIED.

    Also repeating: Midol, aisle 7.

  14. How utterly tragic.

    The AJ snark was completely unnecessary. This woman's death is just a reminder how scary some people's genes are.

  15. I agree with the above posters this has NOTHING to do with Angelina Jolie FFS I have stuck with this site through thick, thin and Troll attacks but this type of inappropriate posting will cause me to depart. I stopped reading another Celebrity blog because they attacked children for their looks I guess I can live without this one too if need be hopefully I won't have to if Entywhoever will knock off the misplaced vitriol

  16. Oh god, how sad. Only 41..scary.

  17. Whoever wrote this is a fucking asshole. I along with some of these other posters, am about to give up CDAN. Really? A woman dies and you find that an occasion to shit on another woman who lost her mother in the same way and is fighting genetics to save her children from the same fate? You obviously haven't watched someone you love whither away to cancer. It's fucking horrid. Next stab at AJ and I won't be back. Fuck you and all the ad $ you are about to lose.
    To the posters, thank you all for being awesome. I have lost half my family and parts of myself to cancer and it is devastating. To snark on that is beneath even gossipmongers.

    1. I am a very lucky cancer survivor. They caught mine early but it has been a very scary life always wondering if it will show up again. I am so sorry for your loss Gypsy, and all the other posters on this blog.

      Whoever the writer is-I have enjoyed my short time on this blog, but you have been stepping over the line lately. I too will have to remove myself if there is one more uncalled for attack.

      Really sad. Pierce Brosnan is my definition of a REAL MAN. I think I shall have him & his family in my prayers from now on. Much love & pink bubbles to all y'all. Hug your loved ones. Today is all we have.

  18. I read about this last night. Charlotte was the daughter of Pierce's wife from a previous marriage and when her father passed away, Pierce adopted her. He's a class act all the way.

  19. MISCH - I'm not sure why you think having ovaries removed means hormones for life - it doesn't. What having your ovaries removed does, is throw you right into menopause. Not everyone takes hormones.

    This is so sad.

  20. Poor Pierce. Tacky editorial opinion.

  21. I stopped reading Perwz Bilton 4 years ago when he made snide comments about Michael Jackson pulling diva like behaviour by not showing up for rehearsal when in fact he was dead in his house.

    I stopped reading Janet Charlton when she made nasty comments about Wlizabeth Taylor right after she does and everyone was heralding her great work in movies and AmFar

    And now this fake Enty continues to slam Angelina for no reason other than he/she can. I'm really tired of this negative smear against people for no reason. She might not be pure and a saint but why the hate?

    I'm going tooling for other gossip sites. If you have any suggestions lemme know.

    1. @CantHaveMypurse. If you find one, let us know.

    2. I have been a longtime DListed reader. I am not sure Michael K is writing it anymore. The insanity and wit seem gone since the new blog went up. :& booooooo!

  22. Also, I suspect that AJ will announce that her ovaries were removed after it's already done and she's fully recovered. No need to announce it beforehand or paps will be swarming the hospital and doctors office. Plus, she should be able to recover in peace.

  23. There's no way that the person who wrote this post is a man. Men aren't catty like this. I'm not an AJ fan, but her medical choices have ZERO to do with what kind of person she is and she doesn't deserve this kind of shade thrown on her.

    My condolences to Pierce Brosnan and his daughter's family.

    1. @Karen -- Men can be very catty. Just look at Perez and others.

  24. There's not much I can add to what the other posters said about the Angie-snark, except that I agree whole-heartedly.

    God, poor Pierce. I remember how much he adored Cassandra and how hard her death was on the whole family. My heart truly goes out to the whole family, especially Charlotte's children.

  25. Some other good gossip sites?

  26. Yeah, I've been searching lately too. It's the comments that hold this blog together, imo. Certainly not for any creativity or the writing these days.


    RIP Dear Charlotte.

  28. Yes Can't please let us all know <3

    I was reading on celebitchy and CB didnt' remember Cassandra. She must be a young one.

    It was heartbreaking when Cassandra died, and Pierce truly sealed the fact that he really is a Prince among men. And I remember how happy everyone was when he met and fell in love with Keely.

    *sigh* I really wish the nasty troll pretend Enty's free the real Enty soon. Enty was never as hateful as the bunch working now. :(

  29. Sorry for the stupid auto-correct but you' can probably get the gist of my post.

    Ted C is coming back in the next few weeks. Look for him.
    I read D listed, ONTD, Lainey, EW and TMZ (ugh but they seem to get stuff right). I know of LOTS more but many of them have snark like D Listed (who is the best- even Tina Fey reads DListed), and some others seem to be on the payroll of the studios.

    Blind Gossip is another and they have a long list of Partners on their side column. I've poked around but nothing stands out.

    There ya go.

  30. @ Surfer...
    but early menopause (menopause at any age is a bitch)is a bitch, I've two friends going through it now and both say without hormones they'd be lost...

  31. Why the snipe at Jolie? It's not necessary at all, especially in this post.

    Pierce Bronson is such a gracious man and it's so sad that he has gone through this yet again. Hoping he and his family find some peace and comfort to help them get through this.

  32. DListed.com is a great site for funny, snarky gossip. The comments are a little harsher (and they use Disqus, which is a PITA) but MichaelK is hilarious and not a bitch like these Es. I stick around for the comment community, but it's pretty to close to splitsville here, too.

  33. The Enties should moderate their post.

  34. I guess I was under the impression that this form of cancer was totally preventable by yearly paps??!!! My grandmother died of ovarian cancer. I get yearly paps because of my history.

    1. I believe it can sometimes slip past the tests. So sad-she probably did everything she could. Wow three generations! That is terrifying to consider the impact.

    2. Pap smears do NOT detect ovarian. There is one blood test, a CA 125 that may show the presence, but it also has a lot of false positives. It is a silent disease if you don't know the signs. Hopefully Angie will help educate women when she has hers out.

  35. Firstly, sympathies to her family, her poor kids must be devastated.

    As for using this as an opportunity to spew some vitriol at AJ; was that really necessary? It's pretty low and an apology would be in line, but I doubt whoever wrote this rubbish would have the decency to admit they're out of line.

  36. this is just the saddest

  37. @Desiree - Paps screen for cervical cancer. Ovarian is much harder to detect, because oftentimes there are no symptoms manifested until the cancer is fairly progressed. I believe (and people with more knowledge, jump in here) there is a blood test that can be done if you are at increased risk for ovarian cancer. Make sure your doctor knows your family history.

  38. So sad. I'm so sorry for her family and friends.

  39. So sad my heart goes out to Pierce and his family.

    I too, agree that the Angie snark was so out of pocket but we as readers of an unaccredited gossip site such as this one should know that off hand remarks like this is going to happen even when we feel it has no place in certain posts.

  40. @Desiree- no Paps screen for cervical cancer. Sometimes (rarely) a PAP will catch uterine cancer. There is no yearly check for ovarian cancer. It is often silent - hence the higher mortality rate.

    A complete hysterectomy includes the removal of the ovaries and cervix. A partial hysterectomy is usually just the uterus.

    According to Melissa Etheridge, this could have been avoided if she'd thought "happy thoughts" (sorry, ME's ignorance still burns me).

    1. That isn't what Melissa said. She could have chosen her words better but she was saying something absolutely on target.

      As this is not really the time or place I shall refrain from further elaboration.

  41. I'm an awful person: As sad as this is, I only can think that her father's preferred movie was not "die another day".

  42. Oh this poor family. What a blow to them after losing her mother the same way.

    I've always liked Pierce --he seems like such a good man--very sad for him today.

  43. @MISCH - yes, menopause is a bitch, and it varies person to person, but it's temporary. Some people can tough it out, others not.

    @Desiree - as others have stated, paps only pick up cervical cancer. Frufa is right, there is a blood test. The 2 tests used most often to screen for ovarian cancer are transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) and the CA-125 blood test. CA-125 is a protein in the blood. In many women with ovarian cancer, levels of CA-125 are high. But CA-125 has not been found to be as useful as a screening test for ovarian cancer. The problem with using this test for screening is that common conditions other than cancer can also cause high levels of CA-125.

    I see a gynecological oncologist, and he believes that ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes (this was an eye-opener). So if you're going to have your ovaries removed, best to take those tubes along with them.

    1. @Surfer -- Menopause? Tough it out? Do you even know what you are talking about? And menopause can last for many years.

  44. What a dickhead thing to say. RIP Charlotte.

  45. I'm old enough to remember Pierce and his first wife talking about her battle against cancer. (Always read gossip columns as a kid) The FIRST thing I thought was 'not again'.

    How heartbreaking for him, his daughter, her children and siblings, I can't imagine how it feels to have EVERY woman in your family stalked by the same disease.

    I don't worship at the altar of Jolie, but enough already. The obsessive Bieber, Cyrus and Jolie posts are tired. I'll be happy when Lohan gets out, so 'Enty' can have someone worthy of his excessive vitriol.

  46. What did Angie ever do to upset Ent/Jax so much?

    RIP Charlotte.

  47. Agreed, I can't take much more of Enty's bitchiness.

    How horrible for Piece, so so sad.

  48. Poor Pierce. What a class act. He is one of those guys who always seemed faithful to his wife, no matter what. He was reportedly devasted when his wife died-I cannot imagine the pain of losing his daughter.

    I am just reading up on this, and while it doesn't make it less painful for him-this was his wifes daughter from a previous marriage. She was 10 when Pierce and her mother married.

  49. So sad for her family.

    Not a fan of AJ, but I agree that was disrespectful to Charlotte and her family.

  50. I love Dlisted, but it is blocked at work. I know a lot of my fellow posters don't like Lainey, but I do. She is not annonymous so her posts are not some random BS. And when there are other writers, they are given credit. She gives good insight on items and avoids posts about "Kanye West's girlfriend" teen moms, bachelors, and the like.

  51. Ovarian Cancer is a scary one. Hard to detect too. Surfer, that was some really good info.
    Regarding the writer of this post, agree she needs some midol, a chocolate bar and if her twitter page is any indication, she's in need of a pedicure too.

  52. Also forgot to add DListed is great but anyone who thinks the trolls here are bad should probably stay out of the comments there, your knickers would be in a knot faster than you can say "hot slut of the day"

  53. The Angelina snark was over the line. I am not a fan, but this really was unnecessary. The real Enty wouldn't have been so incredibly nasty. I loved this site when he was writing. His snarks were at least humorous.

  54. What horrible news. My heart goes out to her family. this poor woman left two children behind and what ever jackass is writing this founds time to throw a sucker punch at Angelina. wow. I've been reading this site for years, I remember when it was good and the blind items were real and not just made up horse shit from someone playing photo assumption while reading the daily mail. I don't think I can do this anymore.

  55. First off terrible news for Pierce he is such a good man.

    Secondly , Angelina's doctor's gave the reason for the choice of mascectomy first she was at a higher risk for breast cancer at a younger age AND the hormonal changes caused by menopause could affect the breast tissue. No one has to love the woman but really.

  56. Thanks for the clarification. Is the blood test you guys mention something that you can ask your gyno to do on your yearly visit in addition to your pap?

  57. fijigrrrl - A partial hysterectomy actually only removes the upper portion of the uterus and leaves the cervix. A full hysterectomy removes both the uterus and the cervix. An oopherectomy is ovarian removal.

    The more you know! *shooting star*

    I wish I could get on DListed at work. They banned it over a year ago as "Profanity." Curse this corporate world I exist in 10 hours a day!

  58. Thanks, justaregularbetch.

    @desiree - I would ask your family doctor about it. When you have bloodwork done for your physical, ask if they can test for it.

  59. I was lucky enough to have an extreme symptom (a fast-growing cyst) of ovarian cancer and had a hysterectomy. I'm next taking the breast cancer gene test, and will definitely have the mastectomy and reconstruction if I have the gene. This was the plan long before AJ's announcement.

    Anyway, I don't like the AJ snark in this post either. Not necessary.

  60. I don't usually comment during the week but I have to make the exception here. The expressions of outrage are rather comical. This is a gossip site correct? Or did I miss the last memo that it was a happy place filled with cupcakes and rainbows?

    From Wikipedia "Gossip is idle talk or rumor about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing facts, views and slander. This term is used pejoratively by its reputation for the introduction of errors and variations into the information transmitted, and it also describes idle chat, a rumor of personal, or trivial nature."

    I see nothing wrong here besides a group of disenfranchised readers with nothing but time on their hands. To my knowledge the blog writer is not holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to read his or her thoughts. Get over it.

  61. Thank you @Snowy Owls. I concur. Why the pick and choose mentality lately?

  62. Yes, Bailey - I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Unfortunately. Not everyone wants to risk HRT.


  64. The great thing about the Internet is that it's an equalizer. You can't tell me to get over it unless you're willing to do the same. The new Enty is catty and bitchy, lots of people don't like that and are expressing their opinion. Don't like that? Get over it.

    See? Your expression of outrage is equally comical.

  65. @Snowy Owls and Renoblondee:


    And furthermore, the expressions of "outrage" are particularly interesting when you can see similar (and much worse) by people in the comments about Angelina...can I point anyone to the post about AJ's aunt dying?

    Interesting that there's no outrage there.

  66. Enty sure is a bile-filled bitch these days...

  67. Wait...I thought we weren't supposed to do +1s???

    +1 Cee Kay!

  68. Not by me, Lola. Just so we're clear.
    I like Brange, & typing/saying 'Brange'.

    This is more about Pierce in that his post was polluted with a really ugly attack on an unrelated celeb. I would point that out, Brange fan or no. Pierce and his daughter deserve more respect.

  69. @Amber...

    We aren't. Oh well.

    (Of all the things that DO bother me, +1s are not one of them. I'd way rather read "+1" than a long repetition of a comment I've already read-- in an effort to avoid writing "+1". But that's me.)

  70. MISCH, Surfer: As much as I said you may not need or want to do HRT, I can tell you that that has been a godsend to me too. My hot flashes have been hell on earth, truly.

    And so sad for her passing. There was no reason to make a shitty remark about anyone battling cancer. We've all lost too many loved ones and if anyone chooses to do anything at all to save their life so they can enjoy their children, no one should ever be a bitch about it.

    It's a struggle every day and to whomever wrote this, you may want to post an apology. It would be very welcome and go a long way to retaining your readers. That was an incredible gaff on your part.

    Maybe you should moderate your own posts.

  71. @libby...I wasn't directing that at any one person; more a "general" observation.

    I don't recall you spitting venom at AJ for announcing her mastectomy or when her Aunt died.

    That is not true of everyone.

  72. JESUS faux-Enty, can you please respond to the comments for once and fucking change this post??

    Don't you realize you are alienating and losing readers with this shit?

  73. Several commenters summed it up perfectly with regard to the increasingly negative tone and nastiness with the posts on this site. Plus the obvious baiting posts, which are so transparent that they are insulting. The A.J. snark is a perfect example of this.

    @ Sean Moffat - Yes, I agree 100% - this used to be a much smarter blog.

    So many of the long-term commenters don't bother to come here anymore. I have always come here for commenters, not so much the Enty posts. Except the blind item reveals.

    As for the troll attacks, if you look at the syntax, it appears Marcie, the so-called former prosecutor is a very busy (and mentally ill)woman. I did a google search with former criminal prosecutor as the key words. This woman is truly ill. Dozens of blogs about celebrities, her detractors, and lots of blogs aimed at pointing the finger of identity at other women... all paranoid, all delusional. Remember her so-called Hollywood career? She was an extra on a movie in Baltimore for one day and wrote a piece about it, along with her photograph. She launches troll attacks on a lot of sites, apparently.

  74. It's astonishing how much she looked like her Mum. I'm so very sorry for Pierce, who, by every account ever is a wonderful person, and her siblings. I've no doubt Cassandra was waiting for Charlotte. RIP.

  75. The CA-125 has a lot of false positives, so a lot of physicians are quire resistant to ordering my test. I have had two family doctors who absolutely refuse to do it - even though I said I'd pay for it out-of-pocket. My consolation prize was a transvaginal ultrasound.

    For those of you experiencing a rough peri and full out menopause, I recommend reading The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr. Christiane Northrup.

    Key thing I learned from this book that is VERY helpful is how refined carbs like bread contribute to hot flashes. I rarely get a hot flash when I avoid refined carbs.

  76. Sherry - glad you've found relief from HRT.

    And unknown, you're right about the false positives. I remember hearing (long ago) that some doctors compared the reliability of the CA-125 to that of the PSA for men. Higher numbers don't necessarily mean it's cancer.

  77. @ Surfer - the PSA test is substantially more accurate than the CA-125 test.

    Men should get a PSA test early on (in their 30s) to establish their numbers, so that way if there is an increase, they know something is possibly amiss.

  78. If I don't like or enjoy something on the Internet I actively go look for something else I might enjoy more. Bitterly complaining seems counter productive, no need to get your panties in a twist Madamchef.
    To Figgy re: your comment about "Enty" alienating his readers. But he isn't alienating anyone, you will all be back here tomorrow and the day after like you always are. Have you heard the story about The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Don't you feel foolish complaining all the time about the same thing like a broken record? Wait, I get it now.

  79. @Snowy Owls, probably as productive as scolding people for having opinions contrary to yours. Panties in a twist, indeed.

  80. RIP. This is so sad. I feel bad for her family!

    As for the faux-Enty...I'm resigned to the fact that the faux-Enty is the new Enty and it is just going to be that way (until there is another new Enty). I used to love this site, but not so much anymore. Even the trolls are not as much fun anymore. Unfortunately, us complaining about it drives the numbers up and this shit continues. I read CDAN because I'm a pop culture junkie and love to secretly celebustalk on the internet. I'll still read some, but I'll go back to my DListed and Celebitchy, too. I miss the Himmmm, RDJ, Count Jerkula, Jason Blue Eyes days.

  81. I remember when Pierce's wife died and he adopted her children. I was shocked to read about his daughter's passing. It's just so sad for this man and his family to relive another loss.

    Owl, who died and made you the boss? This site has steadily declined and it sucks. Any long time reader knows things have gone downhill.

  82. So horribly sad. I can't help but wonder what medical advice she was given -- with her history it could have been avoided.

    I had what my doc termed a "full hysterectomy" 6 years ago when I was 33. I had Stage 1 uterine cancer, but after discussing with my oncologist and understanding that I didn't give a crap about "fertility" (I swear why does every doc assume a woman under the age of 40 wants kids?) she recommended the hyst/ooph option to lower my risk of recurrence or other gyn cancers.

    I'm healthy as ever and have never taken a hormone of any kind. No menopause symptoms (well mood swings occasionally, but who knows if they are directly related or just me LOL) and all is well. And I don't have to worry about ovarian or cervical cancer now. The peace of mind is well worth it.

    Pierce is a class act and my heart hurts for him. I wish him and his family well.

  83. My gyno told me that removing ovaries gives you an 85-90 % chance of not getting ovarian cancer, which confused me. When I asked, he said it's because it's actually cancer of the abdominal lining. This was news to me. I ditched the wonky uterus,kept my ovies anyway.

  84. This is beyond sad. Rip.
    Stop the shit with angelina. Would u be happier if she die of cancer? Jesus, give it a rest.

  85. So sad for Pierce & his family. His daughter looked so much like her mother that it must have made it doubly painful for Pierce.

    My dad had his prostate cancer picked up by a PSA test. I realise they aren't perfect, but my dad is walking around because of it. I agree with getting a base reading & a physical. My husband is infertile & I insisted in order to make sure there was nothing more sinister underlying the issue.

    I had severe endometriosis & had a hysterectomy at 41. I kept my ovaries, but I feel if I hadn't had my uterus removed I could have developed cancer. My endometriosis was severe & the uterine lining would come out & attach to other organs of my body. It has been 20 months post-op & I feel it has taken all this time for my digestive system to recover from 31 years of having a foreign entity attach to it.

  86. As an ovarian cancer survivor, who at 29 had both a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy I feel I can comment on a few things here. Yes I did HRT for 11 years but my doc took me off of it when I hit 40 because of the breast cancer risk. Pap Smears do not detect ovarian cancer - CA125 tests do. That is what saved my life - tho I had to fight tooth and nail to get them. It's a blood test, that if given to women with a maternal history of ovarian cancer,can be an early detection aid. At the time I was going thru it - normal levels were supposed to be between 11-25 now I believe it's 1 and 35. regardless, I never tested lower then 125 and had 27 test done in a one year period.

    Also -I feel so so sorry for Pierce and his family. and Yes, as I am alive and proof of it, she would have survived if she had a prophylactic oopherectomy - provided it was early enough.

    PS - Know when to place your snark enty - it was unwarranted here

  87. Condolences to Pierce and her children.

  88. WTF happened to this blog? Can we rewind to a year ago please?

  89. Pierce lost his wife in 1993. 20 years ago. Then his daughter. wow. What a horrible set of circumstances.

    I figured there would be a Jolie snipe before I even read the post. It's the way this blog has been going lately.

  90. It's the regular commenters, kvetching as you may think they are Snowy, who make it worth still coming here. Saying that they should just quit complaining if they don't like the nasty tone of the obviously new-Entys doesn't change that.
    I can't stand AJ, but was disturbed by the nasty potshot. It's the fact that the commenters all replied similarly (until your irrational defense) that gives this place some sort of hope in my eyes.

    Ovarian cancer is no joke. My heart goes out to The Brosnan family.

  91. Jax, go pop some midol and eat a fucking bon bon. I like the interns with shitty grammar better than this harpy.

  92. Prayers and kind thoughts for the whole family, but especially Pierce, who's now revisiting a nightmare from 20 years ago. :-(

    Snark on Angie all you want, "Enty" (well, not really; for one, I'm 99% sure you're not the Enty we all knew and loved, and two, you're risking driving off readers--and clicks/hits--in droves by being such a goddamn catty bitch), but if Angie going public with her story helps save even one other woman's life, then it will have been well worth all the crap she's taken about putting the word out. I do hope Charlotte's daughter gets tested at an appropriate age, so she can make whatever decisions she needs to about her own health and hopefully be the first woman in four generations not to die from ovarian cancer; in the meantime, "Enty", save your spite for better targets, and don't shit all over a family's grief just because you HAD to get in a potshot at someone you don't like.

  93. Sorry for starting something I couldn't finish earlier. Let me put it a different way, what if there is no more Enty? He's retired or lost interest writing or dead even and he's never coming back. Will you still complain to deaf ears? I couldn't be bothered and would move on but that's just me but maybe it's a female thing and I totally understand and respect that. I'm also looking forward to reading more Ted as another person mentioned.

  94. Not cool, Enty. Not cool at all.

  95. I'm days late but I feel the need to echo so many of my other old CDANers that I have considered friends for many years: This is not the Enty I fell in love with. I don't know what happened; whether the site was sold, ghost writers were hired, or whatever, but I am so, so disappointed. I don't visit here nearly as often as I once did and even when I do, I only read a fraction of the posts. I truly miss the old days.

  96. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I also find the AJ shade a little too snarky for such a sensitive and deeply emotional issue that has affected so many lives. However, I tend to look at both sides of any issue. Enty's been producing a high profile, well written, juicy, high content blog 7 days a week for the last however many years. He can't take a day off, he can't ever stop and rest, take a break get some perspective. Plus he's got that hateful, psycho troll Marcie to deal with, who's actively trying to offend everyone in the room constantly. Rather than us being grateful for his constant hard work for us, constantly feeding us interesting posts, pictures, gossip, blinds and information, we gripe, we bitch, we complain, that he's fake, he's mean, he's not funny, he's trying to be funny, etc. How would you like that if you were the one running this blog? I don't think I'd be able to keep doing it, day after day, putting my best in to something every day to give to people for free then have them gripe and complain that Im not entertaining them, I'm offending them, how dare I, etc? I think I'd shut down the site and see how people liked it. Let's be grateful for what we have, rather than bemoaning it's not better. Or better yet start your own insider's gossip blog if you think you can do better.
