Monday, July 01, 2013

Paula Deen Gets Dropped By Book Publisher - Not A Good Idea

Despite having the number one book on Amazon, Paula Deen has been dropped by her publisher and also her five book deal rescinded. This is the first deal that I have disagreed with. Every other company that dropped Paula had to drop her. It was a requirement. I don't want to do business with a company that says they are willing to pay Paula even though she is a racist. Books are different though. Since printing began there have been controversial authors and controversial books. Do you think people like Ann Coulter? A certain minority of people do and they buy up her books. Lots of people hate her and disagree with her, but her publisher is not going to drop her. There are racist authors and child molesting authors and every variety of author out there that people could hate. If people do support Paula, then they could do so by buying her book. Plus, at some point, she is going to come completely clean and probably sell a book about the real truth. If you are her publisher, you are going to get that book. Now they won't. Maybe it is because it is a cookbook, but I just don't think they thought this one through clearly. Some other publisher will snap up Paula in a second.


MBK said...

Seriously, if the vile Ann Coulter can find a publisher, so can Paula Deen.

Anonymous said...

Another publisher will pick it up.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Yeah, I agree with you on that, MBK.

libby said...

I think Stormfront has a publishing house for their material. Take heart, Deen fans. We know they'll take her.

surfer said...

Honestly, what shocks me the most about Paula Deen is how many endorsements she had. Who knew?

Amber said...

@surfer - Right? I guess I never noticed, but maybe I'm not her target market. I do have a recipe of hers that I make when people come over for brunch. It's a french toast bake that is absurd.

Brenda L said...

I sure as hell don't agree with what she did, but it would be kind of cool to see one company stand up and refuse to be a sheep.

joymama said...

If it truly was over 20 years ago I can see not dropping her and using it as a platform for change but since it was as recent as two years ago (that we know of) and 'she is what she is and she is not going to change' then she screwed herself.

She as proven to be a hypocrite with her own health. Diabetes deal came before disclosure.

She called an employee a piece of pussy instead of calling her brother unprofessional for viewing porn at work.

She'll be back and maybe she'll truly be sorry.

MISCH said...

Amazon could print the book or she can self publish and show everyone that she still matters...

Kels said...

Who publishes the Turner Diaries

Anonymous said...

Everybody likes a comeback story and an underdog. She should take some kind of racial sensitivity class, or just watch Roots even, to get some kind of heartfelt perspective,take out a full page ad in a major newspaper where she writes a real apology from the heart, admitting her wrongs, repeating what some very smart p.r person tells her to say also, and ask for forgiveness. Not because of the money you see, but for the fans, for the children, for Gawds sake! Think of the butter!!!!

surfer said...

I was at Target yesterday, and noticed that her pans were on sale (no one else's were). Interesting.

auntliddy said...

Anna-except she isnt sorry and doesnt think she has anything to atone for.
She can always self publish; people will eat that up with a spoon, pun intended.

Amber said...

She's only sorry she got busted/in trouble/is losing money now. Didn't she already use the defense that she's old and that's what she knows (basically)?

Susan said...

Amber - I make that baked french toast recipe, too, every year for my Easter brunch. But I omit the nuts, since me and my niece have the dreaded nut allergy. It is the only Paula Deen recipe I have ever made. It requires like five sticks of butter.

I was surprised when her book publisher dropped her, too. Somebody else will pick her up. Bigger creeps have had books deals.

OT - I also read that Ina Garten is going to hang with the Make a Wish Foundation kid who she blew off.

And since I'm already in hot water with all y'all, I would like to add that I find Ann Coulter very entertaining especially since her views piss so many people off. I admire a woman who speaks her mind. The things she says are no more shocking than things Howard Stern would say.

hollywood dime said...

Look, words mean things. There are consequences to using those words. This lawsuit is not about her use of a word how ever many years ago, it's about her using those words at the WORK PLACE. Why are people so focused on Paula's use of the word "Nigga" and not on the toxic, discriminatory environment she created for POC?
she is now paying the price for her actions. She could've settled the case, but her arrogance led her to believe she didn't have too. She not only used the word nigger but age also talked about Jews and gays. Did anyone actually read the deposition or are you going off of sound bites from the news?

hollywood dime said...

@anna 'go watch roots'? Are you serious? Or was that an attempt at a joke?

White.God.of.Fuck said...

I applaud the publisher. I think that racist fatass needs to Pursue a new career in getsee porn.

detown359 said...

Saying if Coulter has a deal then Deen should too is a lame argument. Deen has brought this on herself. She didn't just use the word twenty years ago and has admitted insensitive, offensive behavior towards blacks, including saying her security guard was as black as a board, wanting workers to dress like slaves for her brother's wedding,referred to the minor, as Joymama said, as a piece of pussy, and called out her brother for his drug and porn usage. She spoke freely in front of the worker who is suing her because she is white and felt she could be herself. She continued to encourage poor eating behaviors on the public knowing she had changed her own habits three years before and only admitted it when she could profit from it as spokesperson from a drug company. Then she went on the Today Show and contradicted her sworn testimony about the n word usage. Not once has she apologized because she sees no fault in her actions and at 66 I doubt she will change esoec when the initial agreement from her and her team was she old and that's what she knows. She is sorry the deposition became public and she got caught. And bringing Jesse Jackson into means nothing. He's gotten in trouble for his big mouth too and with his son's continuing prosecution maybe he needs to focus his attention there. Nor does bringing in the black PR crisis manager. She's great at crisis management ,who just happens to be black. Hiring her doesn't mean Deen isn't prejudiced.

detown359 said...

Sorry for the long paragraph. My phone unformatted the post when I sent it and I didn't want to delete, repost, blah, blah.

a non a miss said...

I hope its a joke but I have a feeling she is being serious. Smh.

Amber said...

Oh, while she's at it maybe Paula Deen should watch BET and give rap a chance. Do you think she knows how to 'raise the roof'? WTF.

JoElla said...

And Alec and Jlo are getting a free pass..

hollywood dime said...

@ JoElla A free pass to do what? Practice discrimination in places of business that they run? Please fill me in on why Paula shouldn't be held accountable. Because she seems like a kind old grandmother? I'll wait.

WBotW said...

@ hollywood dime
Maybe she should be held accountable when everyone else is. Chris Rock perhaps? The racist GARBAGE that pig dog spews, and spews all the damned time I might add, is just as offensive as Paula Deen saying the N word without remorse and owning it.

Kels said...

Roots? You must be joking.

She should honestly read Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow so she'd know what struggles black people face TODAY, not just in the past.

Kels said...

Then every comedian is a racist. Louie CK admitted to LOVING white priviledge- should he be sued?

Get a sense of humor and then tell me who's racist and who's just providing social commentary.

hollywood dime said...

@WBotW does Chris Rock own places of business where he allows racial discrimination? because thats what this lawsuit is about. NOT freedom of speech.

Ari said...

What truth does she have left to say? That deposition speaks for itself!

hollywood dime said...

and give me a break! paula deen didn't "own" saying the racist language, she got caught, big difference.

Woolie said...

So Alec Baldwin gets a pass for his homophobic tirade?

Rose said...

@Woolie, I don't think you are getting the point hollywood dime is making. Alec Balwin's rants aren't any better but who is going to sue him? Paula Deen wasn't sued by some random passer by who heard her say the N word. She was sued by a former employee that finally had to quit because of constant sexual harassment and racial discrimination show to other employees. She is white.

ForSure said...

No Alec Baldwin doesn't get a pass. He is an asshole, he's been an asshole for years, everyone knows he's an asshole. When he does asshole things we are not surprised. He hasn't made a career and a billion dollars selling himself as the kindly, gentle Southern grandmother who just wants to love you with comfort food.

Read the plaintiff's complaint against Paula Deen and Bubba. The behavior is despicable. It's not just the racism, the sexism is unbearable. Paula Deen herself said 'I am doing something I don't want to do, I am hiring a woman for a man's job'. Paula Deen is 51% of that company, she looked the other way for YEARS while her brother and one of the other general managers drank on the job, forced Black employees to use a separate bathroom and entrance, viewed porn at work, referred to Black employees as monkeys, and so on and so on and so on.

Paula Deen's apology is a joke. She obviously believes that Black people are beneath her, that they are not equal, and that they should know their place in this world. She will die believing that, doesn't matter who she hires in a high profile position to 'help' her (and since it is someone she hires, she will still consider that person to be beneath her and not equal). She needs to just go away, go back to her restaurant, and enjoy the money she's already made for the remainder of her life.

Sherry said...

WbotW: You may not like Chris Rock's humor but as a white person I find him incredibly funny and not the least bit racist. Have you seen "Good Hair"?

And I think Anna meant it as a joke. When you end your comment to "think about the butter" I feel we may possibly assume the statement may be somewhat tongue in cheek. Not to speak for Anna but that's how I took it.

Susan -OT - I also read that Ina Garten is going to hang with the Make a Wish Foundation kid who she blew off. SERIOUSLY???? One wonders why she's decided to finally do it now. Maybe she just wants Paula's Food Network slots? I'm surprised that child is still alive.

Anonymous said...

Lesson of the day
Be a racist, dont discriminate

Anonymous said...

Lesson of the day
Be a racist, dont discriminate

Henriette said...

She'll find another publisher, but she may not get Wally World back.

Lori said...

Anna: I seriously hope that's just a bad attempt at a joke...

Kels: agreed.


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