Wednesday, July 03, 2013

No One Offered $3M For Photos Of North By Northwest

When you see some story that looks out of whack and it involves the Kardashians, then chances are it is not true. When said story involves some unnamed magazine from Australia that has never entered the bidding wars for photos before, then that makes it doubly suspicious. So, a magazine in Australia, who no one knows the name of supposedly bid $3M for the first photos of North By Northwest. They knew the amount bid, but not the magazine? Hmm, do you suppose that Kris Jenner wants other tabloids to think she was offered that much and turned it down? If Kris Jenner was offered that much she would personally fly over there and take the publisher out to dinner and maybe even give him a little dessert after his vegemite. She would also post photos of the check and maybe even let Bruce back in the house for a night of helicopter rides.


  1. Michael Lohan called, he wants his shirt back.

  2. i think everyone knew this....

  3. Everything about them is contrived.

  4. Whatever happened to "I'm not going to sell photos of my baby or bring her on the shows or prance her around in the media"? Dumb Kim.

  5. They are hoping that one of the American tabloid magazines offers them more. Chances are some idiot will come forward with a number they are happy with, although I don't think the editors of any of them have stopped laughing at the ridiculous name choice long enough to make an offer.

  6. They say they are giving whatever they make on the pictures to charity?
    ALL of it? To a LEGITIMATE charity?

    With the right verbiage, semantics, and loopholes - they could make a bundle and have the public thinking they did a good deed for once.

  7. can't these people just go away????????

  8. Kim really looks like Kris in this photo.

    This is not a compliment.

  9. LOL @ Lotta!

    $3 mil isn't that much in the Kard/Kanye circles, though. Mountains outta molehills and I'm not talking about her butt or his face.

  10. None of the Rags are paying any real money for baby pictures any more...

  11. She did not wear that top...oh yikes!

  12. The story was planted by the Kuntrachians themselves.

    Just like the story of....

    the $700k push gift that Kanye gave to Kim

    the baby being premature

    the vaginal/natural birth

    the baby smailing and laughing already

    Kims was only 115lbs when she got pregnant and only gained 50lbs during the pregnancy.

    All lies.

  13. Why do i get the feeling that we are being Punk'd and they did NOT name the baby North....

  14. Yeah what Pink Kitty said.

    And what in holy hell is she wearing? Yikes!

  15. Anonymous11:29 AM

    i wonder how her lipo tummy tuck recovery is going

  16. This tick again? Can't stand this contrived bitch and her greedy fake ass and her low life family.

  17. I think North's coming out will have something to do with promoting Meemaw's 6 week talk show that is starting soon. Great "get" for her to pull in some ratings.

    1. I also think they induced labor earlier in order to not be overshadowed by the royal birth, since it was said that they were gonna have close birthdates originally.

  18. Is ANYONE dying to see this kid? I mean i love baby and kids pictures if I see them. But if i dont see pics of knori (kidding!)-i will be fine.

  19. Lotta - OMG. You would SO win Caption of the Day on dlisted with that. Love it!

  20. I think norths real nickname is "on urnees"

  21. S'if any of the lame tabloids here has that kind of money
