Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Nigella Lawson Wants To Save Her Marriage

The last thing I expected to hear in the wake of Charles Saatchi filing for divorce from Nigella Lawson is that Nigella has been begging Charles to reconsider his actions and that she thinks the couple can save their marriage. Yes, the woman who was choked in public and moved out of the family home the next day didn't actually want her husband of ten years to divorce her. Apparently what she wanted was an apology which she did not get, but now she is ready to forego the apology and move back in with him if he will put a stop to the divorce proceedings. You know that if this guy is doing this to her in public that he is doing crazy awful things to her in private and this is her chance to be free and she should embrace it and run with it and move on, but instead, she chooses to go back and subject herself to more violence which you know would come and now, he would know that he can be even more violent and that she will never go anywhere.


  1. Nigella needs a good shrink and some self-respect ASAP.

  2. Woman beaters have the most devoted, loyal girlfriends/wives. It's incredible.

  3. Our Count J quoted Richard Pryor on this last week, right? Something about if you beat a woman and she comes back, you have her for life?

    So sad and so true.

  4. Don't do it Charles. She is just trying to bait you in so she can continue emotionally abusing you and manipulating you into being physically violent with her to satisfy her unhealthy needs.

    1. First time poster. Surely you see count J is taking the piss? I often find him offensive, but he's hit the nail on the head of the saatchi psyche here.

    2. @justine cook: Welcome to the land of the commentors. Reason and rational thought is frowned upon here.

      Thank you for not pigeon holing me.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You think he was going pee when he posted? And maybe got his wording wrong? Ok, i take it back then oops my bad ;)

    5. Count J is joking Rosie I have been scanning/reading him for a long time his language isn't always the cleanest but his intuition about situations like this one is usually spot on.

  5. Makes my heart hurt. I hope she eventually realizes she deserves better. Her kid definitely deserves better!

  6. She moved the day after the pictures were made public - a week later - not the day after it happened. She wouldn't have taken any action otherwise. It makes no sense, but I've been in an approximation of her position and done the same, so no judgement. Kia kaha, Nigella

  7. That is so messed up. I hope she gets out. Nobody puts their hands on my face or neck. That's not normal.

  8. @Libby: I don't think I said that, but I might have. Many times I've read stuff I posted around the net and been shocked and horrified by my words.

    I have never trusted a woman enough to hit one, in a non sexual setting. Maybe that is why I'm pushing 40 and single?

    Can there be love w/o real trust? Sucks being so old and still so clueless.

  9. Count J, you are seeming down today. It's okay, no criticism. Anyway, I hope you're doing great, your tone's a bit deflated today.

    You don't have to reply Count, just know that folks notice and they care. If I'm wrong/crazy/delusional---Fuck you, I'm just too nice I guess, okay?!?! Sue me, bitch!!!

    1. Maybe when we see a post about a woman whos been raped (and she was wearing a short skirt or booty shorts) we'll support posts that says "bitch deserved it for looking like a slut"
      This is just bizarre logic

    2. @rosie: I'm sorry my posts are above your head.

      Also, chicks dressed like sluts aren't asking to be raped, they are asking for attention and want to be seen. That is why creepshots.com is such a good website. It gives a place on the net for attention whores to get what they desire.

    3. Ahh yes, enlighten the savages. We no understanding no good english

    4. CountJ I totally get your post. The literalheads just cain't. Keep it up (in all senses of the phrase). Except the part abt the underage girls.

  10. A friend used to work for him and always said he was an asshole

  11. FSP, she has her own money. I think she's just too emotionally entrenched in all of this.

  12. @Libby: Just tired. I'm 3/4 of the way through my coffee, so things should be on the uptick soon.

    Thanks for caring.

    1. I always look for your comments and i greatly appreciate your sarcasm and wit. It takes balls to say what you want and not fear being called a troll. On that note, finish your coffee and MAN UP :) the insults wont write themselves...

    2. @bar fly: LOL!

      Thank you. I've never been in denial of the fact that I am a troll. What drives many of these broads nuts is I'm often a troll that makes sense.

  13. I think Nigella is someone who does not know how to be on her own. She went into this marriage very quickly after her first husband died--I think she feels the need to be with some man for some reason.

    I don'get know her personal situation in terms of her children, or work, but she is stronger than she thinks she is--and this guy is not a good man. I wish she'd have someone who could help her understand this.

  14. He needs to be Saatchied upside his head.

  15. Glad to hear it, Count. Thanks.

  16. How long has she been with this creep that she is this brain washed?

    1. Ten or eleven years. After they take away your confidence & self-respect they can get you to eat shit & like it. She put on SUCH a good front. Now everyone knows. If she DOES go back there are three likely scenarios: he kills her, she commits suicide, or he goes overboard and she lives and they end up in court.

      She is CLEARLY not a well woman and anyone who thinks she is 'strong' should consider what those poor kids were exposed to. I am kinda pissed on THEIR behalf.

      While I am all woman-power oriented, thinking of the money, support & resources she has at her disposal and putting her kids in the way of this EVIL BASTARD just burns me up.

      I was unable to have any children due to my mysterious medical condition (now understood). I breaks my heart to think she had two fabulous children and stayed with him!! Aaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!

  17. Saatchied upside his head - very funny, and true.

    What a sad situation.

  18. What. The. F#%k?

  19. What. The. F#%k?

  20. apparently she likes it. shrug

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      You're fucking disgusting, aunt.

  21. Reading this sickens me.

  22. apparently she likes it. shrug

    You make me fucking sick with that comment. Go fuck yourself.

  23. Oooh someone's got a crush!

    This is sad. No one should ever put up with a "playful" neck grab. There is no such thing. So indicative of deeper issues.

  24. Most people think they would NEVER tolerate abuse until they find themselves in an abusive relationship. Abusers are expert at choosing vulnerable victims and convincing them that they deserved the abuse, which creates a cycle of shame and self loathing that is difficult to break. Love and pain are not the same thing, Nigella, get out before he kills you.

  25. I'd be happy to put my hands around Saatchi's throat if Nigella would just cook me some food. Particularly around the holidays when she is at her most charmingly flirty. I love her.

  26. She doesn't need his money. This is classic abuser/abused behavior, and Lawson's is rooted in her childhood abuse. Saatchi is taking the place of her abusive mother.

    She needs a boatload of therapy, but probably won't get it.

    And now I've written her off again. She's a sad, pathetic woman who obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about her children.

  27. @Rosie: Nah, I think I'm done explaining posts for a while. It's getting a lil boring, so I'm gonna try to cultivate a new crop of h8rz to entertain myself with.

    1. H8rz gona h8 yes, i believe i have heard that term- it was all over some 12/under basketball tourney tshirts i attended last wknd. Nice.
      Well then, go on with ur bad self. In the meantime ill just be over here drooling over my coloring book

    2. Good luck with that! I know how important it is to have a hobby. (Mine's trying to find a hiding place where the children can't find me. *carving hole in the ceiling*)

  28. Eh.
    Why would she want his old saggy balls anyway?
    Especially since they belong to a man who beats her.

  29. @Audrey Hepburn - you are very right. It happens slowly and they break you down little bits at a time where you think you deserve it. Sadly I know from experience.

    @Count - Drink more coffee! I love your posts and sarcasm. :)

  30. @ Unknown, I have deep empathy and my heart goes out to you. I was one of those who said 'never.' Here's to happier days!

  31. Count - You're a troll? What, what, what??

    I don't believe this post. From what I've read on the Brit news sites is that she's done and done. Off, to read the latest. Sometimes, Enty's blurbs have holes - no offense!

  32. If she goes back to him she will lose a big portion of her fan base because every time anyone looks at her, they will see her being abused and then going back for more. That's what she will be remembered for.

  33. Anonymous4:03 PM

    he called her bluff...and she feel for it
    Pretty woman too and is going to go back...amazing!

    youll be fineeeeeeeeeeeee!
    theres ALWAYS going to be another one

  34. I think she was embarrassed that people saw him choking her and felt she had to act then, so started divorce proceedings. I also think he's an ass.

  35. @ SophiaB my heart goes out to you too.
