Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nathan Fillion Shut Down Castle Production For The Day

After six years of shooting five days a week, Nathan Fillion would like to work just four days a week. You know, because making $20M is hard when you have to work five days a week for six months and only get a four month break and an additional 8 weeks of vacation. I feel for the guy. So, he decided to skip work one day last week and gave himself a three day weekend. Apparently he is going to skip work every Friday until they give him a three day weekend every week. If they give everyone a three day weekend, that is great, but he is more concerned about himself. I don't have any sympathy for him. None. He makes a ton of money and I don't care of he works 12 hours a day for those 5 days each week. He still works way fewer hours than people who work 40 hours a week and he gets paid a ton of money. If he hates, it, then quit. Go work somewhere else and let me know when they you start making that kind of money again.


  1. Wow Enties! Lots of hate for a fellow Canuck.

  2. Thought they worked longer hours than that.

  3. Do they not have Midol in Canada?

  4. Tell me how U really feel Enty!

    This may have nothing to do with it, but NF is a big greeny/enviro guy, it's possible he wants the 4 day work week to drive less/keep car(s) off the road.

  5. He has a HUGE coke problem. He may have been off on a bender.

    Someone I know just worked with Amanda Bynes this week, I'm just waiting for the OK from said friend,to tell what happened , because its a DOOZY! let's just say Amanda is nuttier than we know!

    1. *leans forward, grabs popcorn* Dish it, dime!!

    2. I cannot WAIT! so many questions
      ..nose jobs, boob jobs, wigs, rapping, does she speak differently as I think she will try to emulate what she thinks rappers sound like...does she chain smoke weed/ interested! Lol

    3. I used to love him. And then he outed himself as a total ass by not only refusing to take a picture with a ball of twine but also for his response. He takes himself so seriously.

    4. I actually loved that response, I thought it was the best explanation for why he declined.

    5. If he had a coke problem, wouldn't he be thinner?

    6. If he had a coke problem, wouldn't he be thinner?

  6. The flip side of that, to the 'enty writer' if YOU think it's so easy, why aren't you in Nathan Fillion's spot? Oh yeah cause it's also pretty damn hard. I think a lot of people are overpaid, but I can't complain because I choose to work in the job I do. I could try to be a struggling actor and try to make it big if I wanted to, but I don't so who cares if he is talented and gets paid to work?

  7. How is working 12 hours a day, 5 days a week "less than 40 hours a week"?

    1. Enty math, doncha know?

    2. Assume he means 40hrs 52 weeks a year=2000 hours (taking 2 weeks vacay)

      60hrs x 24weeks=1440 hours

      He works 560 hours less or roughly 70 eight hour days fewer than the average person for far more money, so pardon entry for lack of sympathy

  8. Shit most of that 60 hour week is sitting in his trailer blocking script. But I'm not defending Enty here Ive always heard nothing but good stuff about him and he never forgot his place on OLTL and Erica Slezak always had good to say.

  9. @hollywood dime, can't wait! Hope they ok it!

  10. Actually, he works 5 days a week, 12-18 hours a day. They also film 10 months out of the year and he has a 2 month summer hiatus. He makes 2 million a year, not 20. If you're going to criticize the guy, at least get your facts straight.

  11. Yay Svetlana!
    Same thing I was going to say! Until you've walked a mile in someone's shoes? You can't dis them, even if they look like nice, pricy handmaded shoes? They might hurt like heck to walk in.

  12. Nice to see integrity and a strong work ethic is alive and well.

  13. Think about it - he's in just about every scene so that's a lot of work on his part. If they go down to a 4 day week that means they're going to have to either compress the shooting schedule by a day or expand the parts of the other actors to "pad out" for the lack of Castle. I think Nathan's hoping to see the latter happen.

  14. Why shouldn't he get a four-day work week when he works 12+ hour days? Even if he's just on set and not actually filming somethng, he can't be anywhere else. I've only heard good things about him and I don't see this as a diva move. More likely, he just wants a little bit more of a work/life balance and, due to how successful he is, he's earned it.

  15. @Karen I agree with just about everything you've said, it's just when that kind of money is involved and you're working in a profession a lot of people would cut off a limb for, you've gotta put up with some less than ideal work situations.

    When I think of what successful actors earn in comparison to more (time consuming,physically & emotionally) demanding jobs, I think they should buck up and do what they need. Not to mention the crew members depending on him for their livelihood and the fact that if he quits/gets fired because of this, that show will tank and they'll be out of work. He should be glad he's getting weekly paychecks about 50x that of the average person, and take the good with the bad.

    Sorry for the dissertation, I like NF from what I've seen of him, but sometimes I think celebs lose touch with reality when they become successful and forget how good they've got it, job-wise.

  16. Am I really that out of it? I have no idea who this guy is, nor have I heard of this show. The benefits of not having cable, I guess.

  17. How is he making 20 million for a show that has been on for 6 years and I've never heard of it?

    P.S. We should keep a tally of bitter posts per day? That way we can track Fugazi Enty's fertility. Not that a person can get pregnant from D-cells, but it could be fun.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      As my Australian mate would say - in the bum no babies!

  18. Lots of CDAN'r love for Nathan it seems - and unless he is in blinds he doesn't usually make the bad news files. Also - 6 years? I thought Castle started in 2009 which would make Sept '13 the start of the 5th season.

    I love him - case closed - have since 2 guys, a girl and a pizza place. Maybe he's snippier about a 5 day work week because he's so damn busy on his off time - he does a ton of v/o work plus he's got Much ado and Percy Jackson out now.Not to mention almost every comic-con and random NPH internet project.

  19. Wow. I'm going to have a problem watching this show now.

  20. LOVE Nathan Fillion, not just cause he is another Edmontonian. Since 2 guys and Firefly. Funny guys are where it's at.

    I think everyone should get a three-day weekend, I had one job where that was the schedule and it was amazing. Much less stress! And since when do we worry about how many hours an actor works; is it even remotely likely any of them we've heard of actually gets an hourly rate? Maybe Harvey Schlub extra but not the "talent"

  21. ummm, I do not remember him from Two Guys, a girl and pizza place. but I do remember that show.

    I love NF and I work in production (albeit commercials and not in LA) and let me tell you. the norm isn't 40 hours a week. I've had 18 hour days, including working weekends because that's when my talent is available. I've gone weeks without a day off and there are times that I've taken a Friday off to 'make up' for it.

    Everything I've read about him seems so positive that I refuse to believe that this is a diva move ;-)

  22. For some reason, I thought Fillion was brighter than this. Silly me. If he's like a lot of other actors who've been in a similar position, his current show is probably his one big chance to clean up, financially speaking. The last thing he should be doing is antagonizing the producer(s) or the network, since the show, while popular, isn't THAT popular.

    If he keeps this up, he could turn out to be another David Caruso. Once "Castle" folds, which it could well do after each and every season, he may never get another chance, especially if everyone in the business knows he's gone out of his way to be a pain in the butt.

    1. I don't know, he has a big fan base and cult following sort of despite his current show. That may not pay as much as leading a network show, but I doubt he wouldn't get work elsewhere.

    2. He will always have the Firefly/Joss Whedon geekdom following. He will never be another David Caruso.

  23. There is probably more to this story. How about we all pitch in to send some midol to our neighbor in the north. These posts have been so bitchy.

  24. @amh.producer Oh yes - Behold the legend that is Johnny Donnelly - And as much as I loved Ryan in 2guys, Nathan def stole his thunder.

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Can I just say.. I am loving all the Canadian writer comments today? You guys make-a me laugh!

  26. Anonymous10:53 AM

    How much are making with all of the $995/line ads? How many other Enties do you have to split it with? How many hours did you spend setting up your 15 minute auto posting system? How much are you paying the faithful minions who feed you blinds everyday? The welfare check must be late this month. So sorry. Try the soup kitchen downtown. It will make you less crabby.

  27. @ Stacey, thank you! Memory jogged! :-)

  28. I'm a fan of his and don't blame him for wanting a break from the long hours. However...that's kind of standard for an hour long drama, and what you sign up for when signing the contract. And holding up production, and possibly causing delays and payment problems for all the other people who work on the show, never seems like a good idea.

  29. He gets paid a ton of money... but how much money does the show make and where would the show be without him cast as the lead?

    It's obviously another stand-in who wrote this blind and the new guy knows about nothing about TV production. For instance, the show has entered its sixth season but the first season was a ten episode midseason show. So, he has been shooting so far for less than five years.

    When Steve Carell got a special schedule on The Office to accommodate shooting movies, did he get any critics? The guy was instrumental in making the show a hit and he negotiated a solution that required his scenes to be shot in a row but almost nobody noticed the changes.
    Why wouldn't Fillion deserve something like that? Let the production be more efficient and make a better schedule for all involved.

    And, if Fillion is despicable because he wants to work less for $20m, how about the dozens of movie stars who work five days a week for three or four months, then get paid more? How about the athletes who get an indecent sum of money? These people get paid as much because they bring a lot of money and they can ask for it, not because they deserve it, as the writer suggests it should be.
    Does the guy who wrote this have any idea on how this business actually works?

  30. Count, you should start watching Castle. Like, really.

  31. @Miss Mess: I believe Blogger has a calendar feature where you can fill in and shuffle around posts, so there was no time or expense to set up the system.

    As tasteless money grubbers, I am amazed Fugazi Enty hasn't resorted to "This post was brought to you by:_______" and fill in the blank with a link from some sap that paid $25/$50/$100 bucks. Take the middle, $50 bucks and you would generate $1000 in revenue/day. I'd buy one for $50 for the next Teen Mom Butt Slut post, and have them put up my Bang Bros affiliate link.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      @Count: Weren't you the one who posted the link to CDAN ad rates? I checked it out, and these motherfuckers are raking it in posting videos of cute kittens (who does not love them?) and videos that make fun of overweight people.

  32. @JBE: Eh, Suits and True Blood are the only 2 shows I set my watch to currently. W/ no Office or 30Rock I think NBC has lost me on Thursdays now.

  33. So he wants to work 4 days a week, good for him if he can pull it off.

  34. Im not in his business, i have no idea what the situation is.

  35. Fantastic link, MichaelaK!

  36. Nathan Fillion has other projects he likes to work on. Maybe that heavy shooting schedule for Castle is stopping his other stuff - Firefly movie, the Dr Horrible web series with NPH, etc.

    Leave Nathan Alone!!! Wah

  37. He probably wants out of his contract so he can concentrate on movies. That daily TV grind has made him chubby

  38. Fuck you, whomever wrote this. Don't you get tired of whining?

  39. I...what???

    When I first read this headline I thought, okay, it's probably because some crew member or someone had a family or medical emergency and couldn't get time off and NF out of respect for him/her arranged to have a day off because that's the type of thing he would do and I've heard he's one of the nicer actors in Hollywood.

    So reading this...whuh??? I don't know. I don't want to assume or judge without having all the facts; for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and think maybe he has something going on in his life, ill family member, something and really needs time off for personal reasons. But it's very weird nonetheless and totally OOC for him and what I've heard about him.

  40. Wasn't Nathan and his co-star a blind item reveal with him telling her not to be such a bitch and that they should be grateful to have the series?

  41. @Miss Mess: Nah, it wasn't me that posted it, but I seen it.

  42. @Cheryl, yes, but that was the answer to a blind about a cast member who was supposedly being a bitch to the crew (Stana Katic, revealed) and her male lead (Nathan, revealed) called her out on it and said who did she think she was talking to the crew like that. If it's true, it's one of the reasons I think something else must be going on with him if he's acting that way on the set. Because from what I've heard, he's just not the diva type whatsoever.

  43. If he can get them to organize for it, I would imagine everyone on his show would love to work a little harder those 4 days and have a longer weekend.
    I do think they work long long hours --more than a normal job as it is so I don't know if that is possible to do it in less but I would think anyone who could have that schedule would like it.

    I have been at my job for almost 20 yrs and for the first 15 yrs I worked 12-14 hr days, worked every weekend and holiday, carried a pager, was on the road all the time--and then I had a health thing and now they let me work from home--and I don't have any guilt--I still work hard, and I feel like I have earned it. He's the star of the show--if he is good enough they feel he is worth it, good for him.

  44. Seriously? I'm more bothered by the fact that our U.S. senators and representatives only work three days a week.

    I like Nathan Fillion and he can do whatever he likes.

  45. Awww, Captain Tightpants. . .

  46. CONSPIRACY THEORY: Obviously, we don’t have all of the information, which makes this story a perfect example of gossip in true form: Rumors, guesses, lies, bogus leaks, half-truths and hearsay. I love it! I will play along and guess that NF’s hissy-fit is a red herring to cover-up his displeasure with the addition of Edelstein as the possible replacement for Katic (or however you spell her name).

    We all know that networks float “possible replacements” as a negotiating tactic to get an actor to back down on a certain demand or smack a diva into reality, etc. I don’t know the history on Katic, but maybe she’s hell on the set or is asking for more $$ or is pregnant and will be missing for while? ABC might need an alternate female lead as back-up. No matter how he feels about Katic personally, NF might frown on a new sidekick citing the integrity/chemistry of the show and he's ready to bounce.

    I remember that CSI didn’t play that sh*t and called their bluff when the cast tried a united front to get more bank (copying the Friends cast). They overestimated their value and everyone snapped out of it & resumed cashing those checks with the quickness. Some of you guys are saying that Fillion has multiple commitments, so he probably figures that getting the axe or tanking the show is a minimal risk now that Castle is into reruns. Jackpot! He earned his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and now he’s over it? Unfortunately, like most vain actors he’s thinking about himself instead of the staff and crew.

  47. Any other celeb and this would enrage me. However, he did come to Ottawa ComicCon this year.. so that earns him big points!

    There are way worse out there.. Summer Glau cancelled Ottawa ComicCon with the lamest excuse ever!

  48. You don't need cable to watch Castle, it's on ABC, one of the original 3 networks, and you can watch it with a TV and a decent antenna. Or a high speed internet connection.

    It's a decent show, it's not great. I seriously doubt it would have survived the first season without Nathan, he is the reason I watch it even if he is having some Matthew Perry like weight fluctuations.

    This is one of those stories that reminds me that CDAN is an anonymous internet gossip site and everything written here should be taken with a heaping spoonful of salt. Remember 'entertainment purposes only'.

  49. 'Castle' is big enough a hit to garner him $20 million? WHO THE FUCK WATCHES THESE SHOWS???!1/!?/1

  50. Fillion does not make 20 million a year. In fact, he makes much less than other lead actors on network shows.

    From what I understand, he didn't hold up production--he informed everyone beforehand that he wouldn't be there on Friday, and they scheduled the shooting around that. No one lost work because of him.

  51. I'd give my left tit or nut to just be able to afford a real home in CA on my salary. Have to live in a trailer cuz can't afford over $500,000 for a modest lil shack in So Cal. Oh well. At least I get to be trailer trash :)

  52. I've met Nathan and at the time HE offered to take a picture with me and my friends, sign a note for my grandma who knew him from OLTL and took the time to be kind to me and my clique of friends when we were in B.C. I can't see him being a diva just for poops and giggles.

    One of my favorite actors for the way that he treated a bunch of gals that were excited to just shake his hand & say that we loved his work.

    1. OMG Now I know where I've seen him! OLTL! I've never seen Firefly or Castle and thought maybe he looked familiar because I thought he was Jason Bateman. Thank you for solving that mystery for me!


  53. Circumstances sound like bs. And we all should work less.

    Mal rocks.

  54. I'm not kicking him out of bed for taking a three day weekend. It gives me an extra day to keep him in it.

    Dream, dream, dreeeeeeaam...

  55. Love Ethan Randall/ Ethan Embry. I always hoped he'd be a bigger star but he couldnt seem to get a career launching role.

  56. Yeah, hollywood, Nathan's a huge coke addict. Totally. That absolutely explains his chunking up over the years. *eyeroll*

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @michaelaK - ahhhhh thank u, thank u That is one seriously FINE ass. Oh Captain, my Captain.

  59. A lot of people tried to push his show on me as being another Remington Steele. It isn't, and he's no Pierce Brosnan.

  60. Forget to mention, it sounds like he is pulling a David Duchovony. See how well that didn't work for him.

  61. For every hour he works on set his costar Stana Katic works the same amount of hours if not more, so reducing his work schedule means his costar is going to see her work hours increase. I think that's a bit unfair to ask for her.

  62. Awww, I want to like him. Oh well...

  63. Enty you're a real douche - plus your argument is invalid anyway... move along please!

  64. I would do that if I could. Go, Nathan!



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