Monday, July 01, 2013

Michael Jackson Bought Off Two Dozen Boys He Abused

If you ever wondered how Michael Jackson blew threw all of the millions he earned over the years, it is because he was an impulsive shopper who thought every album would make as much money as Thriller and also because he blew $35M buying off two dozen boys he abused over a 15 year period. The Mirror is reporting that they have seen FBI files that show Michael was abusing kids and then paid their families off and were not released by the FBI during the 2005 molestation trial. The FBI has the files because they were part of all of the Anthony Pellicano case. Michael had hired him to try to find all the skeletons in Michael's closet. He did, but when he got busted, the FBI seized his files. If this had been anyone but Michael Jackson and his millions, the guy would have been in jail for the life. There is one mother in the files who let her son be molested because she liked Michael Jackson.


  1. Stuning revelation about that so called mother letting son be molested cos SHE liked MJ. more disgustting than PMK. How could she??????????? I will never understand people
    And shame on FBI fir not nailing his ass to the wall.

  2. This memo mentions nothing about MJ paying off his victims.

    Not saying it didn't happen, just saying this memo has no actual information.

  3. Disgusting if true.

  4. Not at all surprised. Why doesn't the FBI or local authorities go after the parents who sold their children? This is child sex trafficking at it's absolute worst.

  5. Well, if there is a Heaven and Hell, this pedo piece of shit is prolly sweating his nuts off getting tag teamed by Hitler and Ted Kennedy.

    1. I heart your posts count! They make me laugh :)

    2. Count, I hope you're right... :(

  6. Wow. Horrible. I want to know what Anthony meant by saying he discovered something worse about Michael than the molestation.

  7. Did anyone see WWHL with Cher last week? When Andy asked her what she thought of Michael Jackson, she pulled a face and said "I have too much information."

    1. @vip, ahh I must have only seen the beginning. Did Andy make her elaborate at all? Creepy!

    2. I thought that was interesting and was annoyed that Andy didn't ask her to elaborate! He neeeeeheeeever does. I'd like to know what really happened when MJ and Mac Culkin "hung out".

    3. CHER WAS ABLE TO "PULL A FACE??" That may be more shocking.

  8. I always believed he was a child molester and don't understand the thought process of because he was famous then that meant he was innocent. The ability to be successful does not a good person automatically make. This way of thinking allows the Sandusky's and Maj's and Saville's to get away with it. And of course they pick victims from rough backgrounds with questionable parents as they are setting themselves up for a defense. It's disgusting.

  9. Also, I used to love Elizabeth Taylor but then I read that in these files it is written that she turned a blind eye. I hope that's not true

  10. dawn---Yeah, what would be 'worse than molestation' that would cause Pellicano (the turbo turd) to drop a client?


    1. I was thinking more along the lines of a child sex ring. Supplying children to his sicko Hollywood friends...

  11. In no way do I support or condone anything about this but this is why the law needs to change.
    Pedophiles should not be allowed to pay off families. It is illegal and should be prosecuted. Then restitution could be paid. Otherwise rich Scumbags will always find willing participants who value money more than their children.
    Paying to have sex with children is so completely wrong. Selling your child to the highest bidder is something you should hang for.

    1. @it'sjustyou I agree. Then pigs like Dan Schneider would be stopped also. Having power and money should not give people a pass to be able to do horrible things.

      And shame on any parent that allows it to happen.

  12. Does this mean he also did things to his own children?

  13. People do fucked up things. I just saw a story where this mom let her boyfriend rape her 19 m/o baby, because she wanted to make him happy. Also, meth.

    1. @Amber
      That makes me sick to my stomach... WTF is wrong with people???

  14. Geez I feel awful for his kids having to know this is true.

  15. My sister has always thought that Michael was innocent, and I could never figure out where her misguided loyalty to him came from.

    I agree that they should go after the parents, however that would give their sons unwanted publicity.

  16. @Misch: I have a hunch that the kids already know about this. Some of them probably first hand.

  17. I've really wanted to give Michael the benefit of the doubt while he was alive and after - but it's so odd that these allegations have surrounded Michael for years.

  18. I'm not saying whether it's true or not, since I don't know. However, it gets a bit of a side eye from me because:

    a. It's The Mirror

    b. It's Anthony Pellicano who has never met an opportunity for self promotion he didn't like (interesting that this info is coming out when Jackson is in the news again with the AEG

    c. The document says one of the witnesses sold her "story" to Hard Copy and says a grand jury heard evidence about the molestations (and apparently declined to indict). It also says that 2 DAs were considering bringing charges against Jackson (they didn't)

    d. One of the 2 "victims" that actually did sue Jackson recently recanted and said his father forced him to lie about the molestation in order to make money

    e. The FBI gave documents to the Mirror?

    For this to have happened the way Pellicano and The Mirror are claiming, several law enforcement agencies and prosecutors (both state and federal) completely ignored clear evidence that Jackson molested children and covered up a crime by paying off victims and/or their parents (a crime in and of itself).

    The issue of who/what exactly Jackson was in regard to his relationship with kids aside, I call bullshit on this story.

  19. 3 reasons of NOT believe : Pellicano(this guy was a liar even with his clients) and since when the Mirror has some secret FBI documents on Jackson.
    Why would The FBI keep secret documentaries on Jackson whereas the police searhed the clues of molesting children?
    Why did Marlon Brando(remember the rumor of his relation with his daughter) let his son to live with MJ?

  20. Lola is correct. The memo has no real information in it - and it's Anthony Pelicano. Nothing of substance here folks, just move on.

  21. I really think its just a matter of time until this all comes out. Really out. And it will change the way people have been thinking about MJ forever. Could also be a big part of the problems with Paris. Its a lot to be a young girl just realizing what may have been going on under your nose with your father and his "friends".

  22. as the doubters are concerned...even if you only read this site, not all of the tons of very interesting and riveting biographies and autobiographies that are written about Hollywood and it's stars--I can assure you that at least half of this is true and half is all you need to know this is awful. MJ was a sick and depraved man. Doubters please! He was a 40 year old man sleeping with 7 year old boys not related to him!!! And people wonder how parents could leave their kids with him--they are the same people deluding themselves and defending him!

  23. PS: What is "worse" than molesting little boys? PSS: Do we really want to know?

  24. LOL Di!

    I dunno. I am not defending him or vilifing him. But I do have to wonder how many of these stories are false, and money seeking. (remember I said *SOME*)

    I agree with Lola about questioning this story as well.

    There is a lot of money riding in the case, and I have no doubt that AEG is going to throw all sorts of mud that may or may not be true into the mix. Anything to help them win.

    So, I guess I am saying that I won't be shocked by the number of stories like this coming out. Some may be true, and a whole lot may be total BS IMO, and it is going to be very interesting to see how it all turns out.

  25. Eh...I'll put it here anyway.

    Three of the 4 lawsuits against Kevin Clash (Elmo's voice) were dismissed today. The judge said that the claims were filed more than 6 years after the plaintiffs should have known they suffered abuse and more than 3 years after they turned 18. Interesting.

  26. So is this it? Does this mean that all the molestations were real? He's an official child molester?

  27. oh, and as my mother says, pedophiles should be castrated

  28. @Ari: I fear the castration of pedos. The urges will still be in there, so an outlet will be found. If not through touching and abuse, then probably torture and murder. I'd be much more inclined to have public executions of habitual pedos.

  29. I have my own views abt MJs guilt/innocence regarding the abuse allegations

    One thing I will say, if any kid of mine were abused there would be no amount of money on earth that would make me not want justice done. Who the fuck leaves their kids alone with anyone they don't know regardless of celeb status that's just not good parenting ffs

  30. What Lola and BobNYC said. This story is totally bogus.

  31. Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Why this such a hard pill to swallow? I believe that MJ was molested as a child and in turn became a molseter himself.

    His relationships with young boys were unnatural, Macauly Culkin (sp), Corey Hart, Emanuelle Lewis... the list goes on and on. I always wondered why Diana Ross distanced herself from MJ after she had her two sons... then I figured it out quickly. She didn't want her sons violated.

    Child molesters, rapists, wife beaters, drug addicts, thieves all live in hollywood like in any other city. The difference her is the criminals have the money to pay off police, parents, judges, other stars, etc...

    Joan Crawford used to beat the tar out of her daughter, and you mean to tell me NO ONE saw anything? Bing Crosby used to brutilize his children and NO ONE saw anything? Judy Garland was a junkie and NO ONE saw anything? Come on now... Anna Nicole Smith was public stoned for the last 10 years of her life and NO ONE batted an eyelash!

    Come on now, the public is really good at looking hte other way, and coming up with excuses for bad behavior. It happens everyday. Denying it doesn't make th eevent go away.

  32. I met a guy once who toured with the Jacksons once (maybe the Victory tour), he was a technical guy and in charge of "the glove". There were of course mutlples, and the one for stage actually had led lights in it or soemthing similar that required a technician.
    Anyway, tidbits from him:
    Michael liked silk boxer shorts
    He liked young, blond surfer type boys (i got the idea we were talking teenage young)
    MJ was upset that Bruce Springsteen blew him off somewhere when their paths crossed

  33. For a long time I believed MJ was guilty, then I had my doubts after reading something years ago that discounted the claims against him and that parents were after money. What I could never understand is why Michael contained to be around these young boys even after he was accused?

    I thought Cher's response to Andy last week was very interesting. So, now I'm back to believing MJ was a pedo.

  34. Here's info about the glove and the lights

  35. Also, I strongly believe that MJ adopted his children so that he would have his victims in-house. Prince Michael was a Macauly look-alike for a moment. MJ used to bleach Prince's hair to make him look like Macauly.

    This muthafather was truly sick.

    Did Paris really try to kill herself, or was she put away to keep her silent? I've been wondering this for a while now.

  36. If you go to The Mirror's site they have a couple more documents.

  37. MsPink Kitty, I hate to admit it, but I wondered the same thing.

    I have no doubt the poor darling has major issues. Loosing a parent, I cannot imagine how hard that must be, and to top it off with the crazy Jackson bunch.

    I (of course have no insider info) think she was perhaps self harming, and wonder if they are getting her some treatment, and keeping her away from the trial. Who wouldn't want to shield a girl from that.

    I really hope that it actually happened like that, and not that she actually tried to kill herself. :(

    I feel very protective of her and Blanket, like I did when Wills and Harry lost Diana.

  38. Why is it that people think that rich and/or famous people must be innocent of allegations like this? If you heard this many stories about someone average would you find so many reasons to deny it?
    Yes, there's a probability that a few of the people claiming that MJ molested them or their sons are in it for the money. But every single one?
    Exactly how much money would it take to become 'that guy that claims MJ molested him but was probably just trying to get money' and have your career ruined and that be the first thing that comes up if someone Googles your name?
    It's hard enough for those molested by someone not famous to come out and tell people about it and they don't end up on every front page and gossip site.

  39. Absolutely It's Just U..These cases should ALWAYS be criminally prosecuted once it comes to light. No dropping the charges. Period.

    That being said IF the FBI had this information why wasn't he prosecuted? Especially if there were multiple victims. Really that's my question and not a declaration of Michael's posthumous innocence.

  40. I recently watched a French movie called Polisse. It is based on real life cases. A guy is brought in & confesses that he wants to sleep with his daughter , & then states that he will never see a day in jail because he has powerful friends. The police interviewing him are ready to kill when their boss calls them out & tells them to take it easy on him because he's had a call telling him to treat him gently. I imagine this scenario could have gone down at the FBI & now one of the people who were told to drop it have leaked the files because Wade Robson has come forward & MJ is dead.

    Also, why do scum like these parents get to have children & my husband & I couldn't? How could you not kill someone who molests your child?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Anonymous2:24 PM


  43. I don't know why it's hard to believe MJ was a pedophile. He went on TV to say he slept with young children with no problem, and he REALLY didn't understand what was wrong with that. I'm sure in his mind he rationalized it somehow by saying he was still a child at heart, but that doesn't mean it's right. I think the parents should be prosecuted too.

  44. @ Count J: agreed, except Joseph K instead of Ted

  45. @Spiffy: Whichever one it is, they are making JFK and Bobby watch. Their hell is not getting laid.

  46. @Count -- You've been enlightening [on a wide variety of subjects] and on fire lately. And you hit on the perfect roles for JFK and RFK in that particular situation.

    Re your response to Ari: You're right. Castration is not the answer for sexual offenders. Their urges will just be rechanneled to other actions that would probably be worse for their victims.

    @MJ Defenders -- Have you ever personally known [or even had second or third hand knowledge of] a 30 something man who wants have sleepovers w/unrelated boys -- Much less have them sleep in his own bed?

    Maybe MJ hit on a lot of boys. Some of whom had responsible parents who refused his invitations. Would they want any publicity or media spotlights on their little boys? No. They wouldn't come out and announce MJ's advances -- They'd stay quiet and continue to protect their child.
