Monday, July 01, 2013

Mariah Carey Lip Synchs Again

For the second time in two months, Mariah Carey could not be bothered to actually sing while on television. Last night on the BET Awards, she lip synched Beautiful and doesn't even care. I'm not sure she can sing anymore. Are her live shows going to to turn into her standing there lip synching? She does not dance so there is not really any excuse other than laziness or she can't sing.


  1. She can probably still sing. I'm betting she is too stupid/burnt out to remember lines.

    Can you tell the new ENTern to hit the ENTER key between finishing the write up and embedding the code for video and/or pics. For a site generating the kind of cash this one is, you certainly don't put much money into the staff, huh?

  2. P.S. Auto play = added to the blocked list.

  3. Well people (me) have paid hundreds of dollars to watch Britney lip synch while her medical handlers shuffle her around on stage in a vain attempt to dance soooo.... What's the big deal?

    In fact, I'd say Mariah's laziness is one of her most entertaining qualities. Endearing, in fact.

  4. She so puffed up and fake she prob forgot hiw to sing live.

  5. maybe she would rather be at home with her kids and her husband? and she is passive-aggressively rebelling against her management, while still keeping her income going?

    or so i'd like to imagine.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    on the American Idol video that I saw she was singing live, she may have been singing on top of a backing track, using her own voice as a back up singer, but I would have sworn up and down that it was live. I could be wrong. She's got so much money rolling in forever off of her songwriting royalties, she really doesn't need to work at all. She's been richer than God for a long time.

  7. I can see that some performers/entertainers may need to lipsync while performing last when they are great athletic dancers and putting on a choreographed show but she can barely move. No excuse for her.

  8. Does Mariah still need to "prove" she can sing? I think she's worked hard enough the last 15 years that if she wants to to lip those whistle register notes, who cares.

  9. Just because Mariah has amazing range, doesn't make a good singer.

  10. She sang All I Want for Christmas is You with Jimmy Fallon and his band. It was pretty awesome.

  11. Do any of these Pop singers actually sing live at their shows?

  12. She seemed drunk or she was just overdoing it to compensate on the lipsynch.

  13. The rumor is that bad technique has left her voice destroyed so she no longer sings live. No more vocal acrobatics from MiMi unless there is a backing vocal to accompany her.

  14. IF you saw her live on GMA with Miguel, then that's the voice she's working with now. It's raspy, cracky and a mess. She excused it as saying it was too early for her but we all knew the deal.

  15. She can't even go anywhere without being carried, why would she sing when she doesn't need to exert herself.

  16. I never really gave it much thought, but last night it hit me, sine we all talk so much about the racism recently (I guess, thx to Paula Dean).
    How is the show that honors only black people NOT racist?
    We don't have any shows that are only made for white race (and if we created one - man, that would be a scandal of scandals!), so why is there and exclusive show for black entertainers?

    1. Because every other show and channel is targeted toward a white audience and white advertising dollars. Maybe you spent too much time "not giving it much thought" while thinking about that 1 channel that white Americans just can't claim! Call the waaaambulance already.

  17. @mirame.... double standards, i guess. :\

  18. @Mirame, we have the oscars. :p

    I'm not sure everyone understands what racism is.

    I also don't understand why Mariah would lip synch when she can sing so well. I'd have to agree with the posters above that her voice has changed for the worse.

  19. Only 2 awards shows that matter are the Emmy's and Oscars. Everything else is crap.

  20. Seriously! I get so mad when Nickelodeon has those stupid "Teen Choice" awards. Why should teens get to choose what they like? If that isn't an ageism double-standard, i don't know what is. They don't have Middle Aged White People awards! Stupid double standards.

  21. It's hell to sing in the morning.

  22. Well then start a "WET"..Let's conjure up the programming right now, ya'll. This could seriously be funny..

    "How to Twerk Like a Sistah! Friday's at Midnight-Host Miley Cyrus"

    "Ethnic Diversity in Your Neighborhood-It's not just about Restaurants and Food" Saturday at 11AM.

    LOL!! Seriously we could make up some funny shit about us. We should all take this time to just laugh and have fun with it.

  23. Anonymous12:46 PM

    NAHHHH but did yall see paula patton!!!!!!

    the bitch was higher than a KITE!

  24. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who bills himself/herself as a singer, charges money for concerts, and then lip-syncs is an out-and-out thief.

  25. What about the People's Choice Awards? That's so wrong, dogs have opinions too!

    Mariah is a saint! She works out in high heels FFS!

  26. Thats what happens when a singer drinks too much. Alcohol rots the vocal cords.

  27. Guess she doesn't care or can't sing anymore or any combination of the two. It must really suck to loose one's talent with age. Guess it is a good thing it happened after making millions..
