Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Mariah Carey Dislocates Shoulder

The world came to a stop yesterday as it learned that Mariah Carey had dislocated her shoulder while filming a music video on Sunday. The world was ordered to stop by Mariah who also ordered all her employees to dislocate their shoulders so they knew how badly she felt and how she will need them to do extra hard labor in the next few weeks to make sure that her arm and shoulder never have to move. If you thought Mariah was a diva prior to this, I think her staff and her husband are in for a whole new level of diva behavior. I love ho the headlines I saw yesterday were things like Mariah Rushed To The Hospital or Mariah Rushed To Emergency Room like she was about to die or something. Guys in the NFL play with dislocated shoulders all the time. Martin Riggs does it to himself all the time to escape terrible situations. Yeah, I just threw in a Mel Gibson movie reference. I feel like if I have spent this much time talking about a Mariah Carey music video injury I might as well go all in and throw in some Mel Gibson to just really round this out.


  1. Michael K blamed it on Miguel. I agree.

    1. @lotta hahah totally Miguel's fault! I also loved his headline "as the lambs form a prayer circle". Amazing.

  2. Drunk or Pills? Both? Place your bets, people....

    Get well soon, Mariah.

  3. I'm betting she was pilled up, tripped over her own feet trying to dance, and hit the ground like a ton of shit. Likely a goose egg on the side of her dome too.

  4. Mayhaps she walked into something she couldn't see because she was too busy twisting to only let the camera get her 'good side'

  5. What colors do cranky pants come in?

    AngieJo slam coming soon...

  6. You're so right, Enty. I say she should've just walked it off! Damn pussy!

  7. Mariah is a sparkly angel! Get well soon Mims!

  8. Mariah needs to be propped or held up at all times. Her security guards earned what they have coming ;)

  9. probably dislocated it preening and trying to make that ridiculous pose where she sticks out her boobs so she looks like the inflated woman. I really cant with this woman, she's just so far up her own ass.

  10. Yep, she prolly tripped off her heels. BUT she did dislocate her shoulder and if you've every done that I have heard it hurts like a mo fo.

  11. Ow, that hurts--I think she gets herself so tricked out when she is onstage or performing with the tight clothes and high shoes, she can barely move, so if she got off balance, I can see that happening.

    When she was on Idol, when the judges would come on at the beginning, neither she or Nikki could walk by themselves--Randy and Keith had to hold them to get them down the steps to the judges table.

    Seems kind of silly to me, but I'm all about feeling comfortable no matter what it looks like, lol.

    Hope she gets better soon!

  12. She can't walk at all it seems. She's either being held up by someone or she's sitting. Lainey, who worships her it seems, is always commenting about it. Is it drugs or just the shoes? If its the shoes, take the damn things off. I don't think anyone will hold it against you.

  13. Centrifugal force, Packing 200 lbs of MiMi in a 100 lb costume? Was bound to happen sooner or later. Lucky no one lost an eye when the outfit exploded.

  14. Football players are pro athletes, Mimi is a crybaby. There's a whole different level of bitchiness going on there.
