Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Man Kills Himself In Court After Being Found Guilty Of Sodomizing 14 Year Old Girl

A Missouri man had just been found guilty of sodomizing a 14 year old girl who had testified against him during the trial. The man had been sentenced to 7 years in jail which seems way too light of a sentence for someone who could do that to a young girl. After the sentence had been issued, the 48 year old man swallowed a cyanide pill and killed himself in front of everyone in the courtroom. The man had ordered the poison last week and had it shipped to himself. You can have cyanide shipped to yourself? Seriously? Police believe the man already had the pill in his mouth when he entered the courthouse. Unlike the similar suicide last year, this one was not caught on video.


  1. He should have done it before the trial and save everyone the bother.

  2. Good. Why waste taxpayer money on this piece of shit?

  3. while he is pretty disgusting, 14-yos bang all the time. we need to focus on keeping adult activity and appearances strictly for adults.

    p.s. "teen" is the most popular tag on multiple porn sites. what does that say about our society?

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      All u have to do is look at Courtney stiffen and understand the depths that the sickness of "teen" porn - also I knew a girl who was 19 and started porn and she was successful due to her size and genes she looked 12 and would be instructed to pretend to be that young!!

  4. I'm okay with this suicide. Others like him should learn from this and take the cyanide pill BEFORE abusing children.

    1. This works for me. Hell, I'll donate to program to buy them the pills.

    2. Me too! Poison for Pedos!

    3. @Nellie. Official Name!

  5. He's a self-serving molesting rapist asshole but I support his right to kill himself. BYE!
    If he weren't such an asshole he'd have done it before trial.

  6. I'm sorry, hippy chk, you're right---Aspiring molesters, PLEASE take your cyanide pill at your first impulse. Thank you.

  7. Pfft, he wasn't going to kill himself if he was found not guilty. Come on. (And also, ugh.)

    1. Exactly. He did it because he was afraid of the repercussions he'd face in prison. He can sodomize a 14 year old child, but is too much of a weak coward to face it himself. Had he been found not guilty, he'd be alive and planning his next assault.

  8. He wouldn't have lasted long in jail so good for taxpayers

  9. these sick fucks are all the same, they don't regret the crime. They regret getting caught and paying for the crime.

    A first class cyanide ticket to hell works for me!

  10. Just wish he had done it sooner and saved us the expense of a trial.

  11. This is really going to mess with his victims head ESP if she saw it happen.

  12. I hope her family had a chance to fuck him up before he killed himself. Enjoy hell, sick bastard!

  13. Good riddance. 7 years in jail...and people wonder why nobody respects the "justice" system. If anyone molested my kids I sure as hell wouldn't waste the time and money on a trial so the fucker could sit in a cushy jail cell for a few years on our dime and then get out to do it all again. Also it's shitty to have a 14 year old face her abuser, seems like cruelty especially when you know how rape victims are treated. Poor girl. Her parents should've put a bullet in his head (after a few hours alone with him) and saved everyone the time, money and trauma.

    1. @888, it's not often I agree with you, but amen

  14. Since it's likely we won't find trial transcripts online, just remember:

    a) He was acquitted of forceful sodomy, meaning he didn't rape her in the sense that most of us think of as "rape",

    b) He was convicted of statutory sodomy, meaning it was likely consensual but she was deemed legally too young to say "yes",

    c) Age of consent laws vary all over the world and even here in the United States where it is legal in some states to have sex with a 13-year-old under certain circumstances.

    d) "Sodomy" is often defined legally as including oral sex, so unless any trial transcripts have been leaked, this may not have been anal sex.

    I'm so sick of people getting all 14th century punishment when it comes to alleged crimes against minors because when you equate raping a baby to having sex with a young teenager, you are lessening the impact of the former.

    1. So... It wasn't rape rape?

    2. "Acquitted" doesn't mean he didn't do it.

    3. Thank you dude. Finally some logical argumentative logic. Changes from the lynching first, facts second mentality displayed here.

  15. Seriously, even though I am happy he saved the tax payers money, where the hell does one order cyanide and have it mailed? That's pretty scary in and of itself.

    He did have to do it though because any grown man who sodomizes a 14 year old is obviously a coward and too chicken to face adults in prison. Good riddance.

  16. Evil Kumquat nailed it. It's pretty damned stupid to lump all types of this behavior into the same "rape" category. It causes people to automatically go into vengeful hatemonger mode based on inadequate assumptions. This guy probably got some consensual head from an underage girl, and while still illegal and deserving of some sanction, doesn't warrant the torture most people here would happily lavish upon him. Save that for the real rapists.

  17. Oh my god, he SEXUALLY MOLESTED a 14 year old child! But because she said it was ok it makes it not as bad somehow?!

  18. This man threw his life and away and I don't give a flying fart about it. If he didn't value his own life, why should anyone else. As for sex with a 14 year old- WRONG- no matter what orifice was used and how it was used. And, no, she should not have had to face him, even if she willingly had sex with him. Damage control, where are you? There are supposed to be professional people out there keeping shit like this from happening. All I want to know is where did he get the pills from and how much does anyone think they may have cost? And to what effect? How long did it take Mr. Slimey to die, die die?

  19. Anonymous10:58 AM can just order cyanide pills like fuckin melatonin online somewhere?

  20. @evil kumquat good post.

  21. Good, I wish I could have assisted him.

  22. There is no such thing as a child, even a 14 year old, "consenting" to sex with an adult. Period.

  23. So he dated some horny cock loving teen eager to fuck any wang, she got angry with him (probably because he didn't buy her shoes or stuff), testifies against him and he deserves rapist punishment in jail?

    This poor guy didn't deserve even a sanction. He did well commiting suicide, he was going to be tortured as an usual rapist in jail the whole seven years, if he could made it. At least he took some revenge making the "justice people" see someone dying.

  24. @ Evil Kumquat: You don't know if he coerced her. Forcible sodomy implies the victim is physically held down etc.

    However, perhaps she wasn't underage and consenting. Perhaps he groomed her, or coerced her with the threat of repercussions if she did not cooperate with him. When it is strictly underage sex (not sexual assault),I believe it is called STATUTORY RAPE. He was not charged with statutory rape. He was charged and not found guilty of forcible sodomy, but found guilty of statutory sodomy. The circumstances have not been released, so I do not know how the jury reached this conclusion.

    Again, we do not know the details yet. But I believe your intentions are pure, however, you are doing a huge disservice to all sexual assault victims by separating violent attacks from other types of sexual assault.

    In Canada, all sexual crimes are called sexual assault. And then there are degrees of sexual assault. First degree, second degree etc. to the fourth degree. This was done because of the bias against victims of sexual assault who were not dragged off the street, into an alley, and assaulted by a stranger. The teenager or adult forced to submit to sexual assault for fear of repercussions is as much as a victim as a baby. Assault is assault.

    Child molesters are known for grooming their victims. We do not have the details of what happened to this poor 14 year old girl. However, the courts (historically) are not on the victims' side. For him to be convicted, IMO, there was no doubt as to his guilt.

  25. Good.

    I know a man who admitted to molesting a 5 year old girl for over a year and was sentenced to 18 months - he served 7. A joke, indeed.

    This man was 48 years old and the girl 14... how anyone deems that okay in their mind is beyond me.

    First time poster, btw! been lurking a couple of years now!

  26. He should have killed himself first,BEFORE all this ever happened.

  27. I hope the victim was not in court when this happened.

  28. Argue about age of consent all you want. This took place in Missouri. Age of consent is not 14 there, so he was guilty of having sex with an underage kid. He's now dead. I didn't kill him..but I'm not sad he's dead.

  29. I don't think the prosecutor would have brought forcible sodomy charges unless they thought they had a good chance of conviction. So this girl was traumatized not once, but twice. And yes, I believe she was in the courtroom based on what I could find. As awful as that is, at least she can move on with her life in the knowledge that he will never do it to her or anybody else, again. There is some peace in that.
    Unfortunately, search of the web shows almost no details of the trial, just the same damn newswire feeds everywhere. Real journalism is dead.
    Any lurkers from near Maryville can fill us in????

  30. People have been saying for years that they need to publicize how much lasting psychological damage sexual contact can do to a minor, even a teen. The problem is that at this point everyone does know that, some people just don't care. When an adult engages in sex acts with a minor, or even fantasizes about it, they are fully aware of the fact that their desires are not right, but they do it anyway.

    And just in case anybody has forgotten about this charming bloke (sorry for the need to cut & paste):

  31. I'm happy he did this. And 7 years is not nearly enough time for the crime. Hopefully his victim is getting therapy bc this will screw her up. It's been 30 years since the last time I was raped/molested by a step-uncle and I still deal w it.

  32. The silence from Jerkula on this thread is astounding ...
    I don t what happened exactly, I just know that sodomy between a 48y old male and a 14y female is sexual assault and sexual exploitation, did he psychologically groom her before or physically forced her does not matter. I won t light a candle for his soul.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.
