Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Turned 27 Yesterday

With just her attorney and a Carvel ice cream cake, Lindsay Lohan turned 27 years old yesterday. I feel like I have been writing about her for 27 years and that everyday for the past 27 years has been pretty similar. I think it was pretty nice of Shawn Holley to make the trek out to Malibu to hang with Lindsay on her birthday and hopefully even gave her a break on how much she charged to celebrate with her. It is nice to see that Carvel still likes Lindsay even though they hate Dina with a passion. I'm trying to remember if the barred Dina from their stores forever or just make her actually pay now. I normally wouldn't care about Lindsay's birthday, but she is 27 and in celebrity drug years that is a big year. This is the year she needs to make it through if she does not want to be part of the 27 and dead crowd. Will she make it? Will she be alive to see 28? I think so. I think she is like the Keith Richards of Disney movies. She is going to look 80 at 30, but also 80 at 90 and be ok. She may kill both her parents along the way, but I think Lindsay will be ok.


  1. Somebody remind her Marilyn lived to be 36. Or don't. If she joins the 27 club, she joins.

  2. The 27 Club is for highly talented musical artists, not has been drug addled whores. Don't sully the geniuses that were Kurt Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin...
    What actors or actresses belong to the club?

    1. You are forgetting about "rumors" and "confessions of a teenage drama queen".
      Oh, and "daughter to father"

  3. I hate the whole 27 Club thing.

    I hope Lindsay turns it around. Come on Cady!

  4. She doesn't have the talent to be remembered for anything? Freaky Friday? Mean Girls? I don't think so. That's sure a hard 27.

  5. Didnt Amy Winehouse join

  6. goes---I know that, but Lilo would just lurve any association with ALL the famous folks who died at 27. I mean, 28? 29? Those ages won't get her on any lists.
    Famewhore in death, this betch.

    1. I wasn't really referring to your comment Libby, more so Enty's post.

      What's up with this blog now?
      I leave for a couple months and it's all kinds of fucked.
      How could Enty's writing, grammar, and proofreading gotten any worse than mine?
      What happened to all the other old timers?
      Vicki Cupper was a breath of fresh air compared to this new crowd, and all of the sudden Count in the pimp of Cdan.
      I see you're sending pics tho Count.
      If you're cuter than you are nastiy I might hafta join the fan club.

    2. I miss Vicki too

    3. I also miss Dia. Where did she go? And seaward.

    4. Yes, all those gals.
      It used to be it's just a bunch of bitching about 'faux enty' (no, I am not one of those either and neither is Reno or VIP.)
      I even miss sunny and her saccharine sweetness and links to cute yoga pants and sandals.

    5. I don't miss Vicki and her racist and hate filled comments.

    6. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Vicki is anything but a racist and hater.

    7. I'm sorry you don't like us Goes in Circles. You need to stay and keep commenting if you want this place to be better.
      I have fun here and only read this unintelligible blog for the commenters. Even the ones I consider whiny little betches.

    8. Syko- you must be a friend of Vicki's because anytime someone makes a truthful comment about her racism and hate filled comments, you run to your keyboard to defend her. That is terrible.

    9. A few people read a little too much into a (perhaps) misplaced joke and (as often happens in our knee jerk society-- and on this blog) some people chose to pull the "racist" card out of the closet in response.

    10. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Calling someone you don't even know a racist and hater is hardly commendable, darling. And I don't run anywhere.

    11. i remember you running away when everyone got upset with Vicki and her racist comment. You said you knew her IRL and you would never post here again because of how awful she was treated

      Lola- did you ever get back to me on how I go about blocking/ignoring you on blogger?

    12. I think alot of former cdaners went over to new blog that was started. I was on it for a while, but one of these sites is enough for me, lol. Then they went covert and u had to hv code abd i lost the unfo so there ya go. I miss idotherobot, and baby bot.

    13. Anonymous1:26 PM

      @a non a miss: You are delusional.

      I don't know anything about a secret password protected blog. I only know that I, and quite a few others, used to post here frequently, but were run off by the hatefulness that prevails here now. Now I seldom even read the blog, much less comment. It's like hanging out with a bunch of 12 year olds.

    14. Syko- I'm delusional? Where did I ever say anything to YOU about a password protected blog? Did you read anything I wrote?

  7. I thought that being a member of the 27 Club required having real talent.

  8. She hasn't been regularly hospitalized so I guess she can handle it. I'm thinking she'll last a while longer for sure.

  9. The 27 Club is for musicians, not actors or wanna be ones like Lilo.

  10. i dont know how these people do it. i feel sick off 4 vodka drinks in one night.

  11. goes---Didn't mean to misunderstand you. Nice to see you back.

    Vicki Cupper can be found on FB. She comments at Buzzfeed now sometimes. I sent her a message, and she didn't message me back. Maybe it's hiding in her inbox, maybe she hates me. But I know she's not the trollies b/c they would be MUCH more clever if they were Vicki.

  12. I shouldn't say I KNOW it's not Vicki being a troll. It's a presumption.
    (Watching this trial makes me parse my words about certainty.)

    1. @Libby - you're right, none of the trolls are Vicki

  13. seems like just yesterday when her mom thought she was 19 and she was really 20. Time flies.

  14. Her desire to go into hiding upon release from rehab makes me think she may actually be taking this stint seriously and taking stock of herself and life. Not willing to place any bets though.

  15. Does Lindsay have talent, though? Think about it. When you think of Mean Girls, what are your favorite parts? Do any of them actually include Lindsay as the star of the scene or are they all the scenes stolen by many of the scene stealers in that movie?

    Mean Girls was great because of Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Lizzy Caplan, Daniel Franzese, Amanda Seyfried and oddly enough Lacey Chabert. Lindsay was just the straight girl who did all the reaction shots. She didn't show anything like the chops that the rest of them did. You could have put an Olsen twin in her role and the movie would have been just as good.

    Also Freaky Friday was just a huge embarrassing display of how earnest her acting can be. Sorry, but her real talent is making people think that she actually has talent.

  16. Until someone has pics or video of her starfish and piss flaps, I'm no longer interested.

    She should try to start a high end cam whore racket. Like instead of the tokens being 20cents a piece, they are $200. Exclusive whores marketed to a high end clientele. Then someone could screen cap her eventual OD.

    1. Crown Prince of CDAN! Please limit your comments and lists to only the smartest and best. The delicate sensibilities of the "old timers" must be catered to. God forbid anyone else enjoy "their" site. Or not prostrate themselves to the glory of past times...

    2. LOL @ megan00m +1

      Oh, we're not supposed to +1s. :b

    3. Knowing that doing the +1 annoys the 'old timers' just makes me wanna +1 every comment.

    4. I have to "explain the rules to you that I just made up"? Its like you're some newbie ruining this gossip blog. ;)
      I'd like to thank Eddie Izzard for the blatant steal. As a newbie and not funny, I rely on others whit..
      Shoot did it too.

    5. +1, uptight bitches lol

  17. Phoenix - don't be so naive. That statement about Lindsay going into hiding, was Michael or Dina feeding the TMZ beast for $$$.

    Every time Lindsay has been in trouble, she releases a statement saying she's done partying, she's learned from the past, blah, blah, blah.

    Here's something to think about - while she was at Betty Ford, there wasn't a single post anywhere about her; she switches rehabs, and bam, there are updates daily.

  18. @Annie, imo she displayed potential when younger, but has all but buried it beneath years of hard partying and a drug dependent lifestyle. Her mind hasn't been clear in so long she never grew up, let alone develop any latent talent.

  19. Isn't River Pheonix a member of the 27 club? He was all acting.

    1. River was 23 when he passed away tho he was a musician.

    2. I still cannot believe how young River was..he was such an amazing many great performances in such a short time...and to think Joaquin, has such a varied career that also shows such talent! Same family! Wow

  20. @surfer, yeah.. you're probably right.

  21. We are going to have to agree to disagree @phoenix. I only saw over-the-top, earnest acting when she was younger. Then after all the partying and drugs all I have seen is desperate, fame-whore acting. I never saw any potential or any sort of talent. So many other kids could act circles around her; Dakota Fanning, for instance.

  22. I liked her in Mean Girls (I liked everyone in Mean Girls). She was fresh-faced, her voice was cute. She didn't stand out so much because it was a truly talented ensemble.

    I used to feel bad for Lindsay, not anymore. Angelina Jolie said she's going on a humanitarian mission to the rehab center. You mentioned Lilo killing her parents but forgot to drop an AJ in there? Slacker.

    1. Try this image...AJ gliding into a Promises Malibu while Brooke Mueller clings to her neck as a refugee child would ...St. Angie touring the adderall cabinet and hot stone massage room...and kneels to wash Scott Weiland and numerous other embattled millionaires feet...thanks for giving me a lol coffee break was worth it for that! HaHa

  23. @Annie, I was thinking her first film The Parent Trap circa 1998. She really was very good in that.

  24. Annie---My favorite comparison of Lohan v. Fannings is that we don't even know the Fanning parents. THAT tells you everything you need to know.

    I personally think Lohan's 'talent' was that she was cute and she had learned how to be charismatic to adults WAY too young. Often kids who have very bad parents learn to perform, to get any positive attention from any adult.

  25. @goes in circles: I didn't actually send JSierra a dick pic, that was just joking. No way I'm trusting any of the betches here w/ my pics. You see the crap I post here? Its all pretty f*cked up IN context. Out of context, 3/4 of it is probably actionable.

    Also, I'm way more the site slut than the site pimp. Thank you for thinking highly of me though.

  26. Where is Ali? Did Linds already kill her? If she kills her parents, will that make her a serial killer?!?!?! Creepy.

    1. If she offs parents that makes her a hero, lol. ( kidding!! Dark humor alert!)

  27. Yes, where the hell is Ali??? I thought for sure that she was going to take over the gossip rags for Dina.

    1. I honestly think something happened to ali, ie, drug overload or dose and now she isnt mentis compis. Mb her abscence was her rehabbing from brain damage. In any event, she can be paraded around like a show pony, but no talking or interviews. Otherwise you know her disgrace of a uterus wld be having her yapping 24/7.

  28. Subject at hand...I have not missed lislag posts or pics in general...especially the bored court room images...I wish july would last forever...hmmm

  29. I think +1 only offends a few people. Very vocal people who have a beef w/ Celebitchy.
    The only thing that annoys ME here in comments is the 'reply' feature being different on the mobile site. GRRRRRR.
    And spam.

    1. I dont even know what + 1means. I think it mean me too, but mb not cos why wld anyone get mad about that?

    2. Exactly, @auntlicky.

  30. @ Phoenix, I was including Parent Trap in my assessments of her acting. There was only over acting and earnestness. I didn't see any real acting.

    @Libby, I agree with you about the parents and Lindsay learning how to charm adults way too young in her environment. It is definitely a sad story. It's too bad that she didn't somehow how learn how to channel all of that through acting.

  31. Wow, there were a lot of 'hows' in that last sentence. Aaand how.

  32. Wait. I thought that was a joke. Did Carvel REALLY give her a cake?? If that's true, then Fudgie the Whale is dead to me now, dead!

    1. Fudgy dead, lololololol. Turkish! Love it!

  33. ENT:

    I find your comments about this woman to be mendacious, callous, and ugly. You exemplify the ugly part of the American psyche, that is to say that 'we' always root for a person's destruction.

    Lindsay is certainly troubled. We should have sympathy for her, not hatred, and we should root for her success in rehab. She comes from a severely dysfunctional family and her mother pimps her out to sand niggers willing to pay massive amounts of cash for Lindsay's gash. Can you imagine?

    I hope Lindsay gets out of rehab, goes to a non urban sober living facility, and rebuilds her life without her pimp parents. You should too. Try demonstrating a bit more humanity and a lot less craven immaturity. You come off as a guttersnipe, just another asshole lawyer in a legion of asshole lawyers.

    1. Massive G, I didn't know you had a thoughtful bone in your body. Pun intended. I'm actually impressed.

    2. Please don't mention his bone.

  34. Anonymous9:01 AM

    She's going to be like Leif Garrett, but have some weird cheap botox & injections like Tara Reid going on, becuase she went bargain shopping for cosmetic surgery.

  35. +1, a non a miss.

  36. a non a miss: I have to agree with Syko and must respectfully disagree with you. I know she made the "rice" joke but I believe it was a very misfired joke. It just came across racist (because it was) but I really believe she meant it to be a joke.

    Up until then she had never said anything racist that I recall. It's just what people remember now. Had she apologized she would probably have been forgiven. She just left instead.

    And I understand we probably won't agree on this.

    Lohag...If she actually has cleaned up her act I will be extremely surprised. She just can't with those parents.

  37. Wow - the big guns are out to defend Vicki - Rickatoo, Syko & Lola!

    The "joke" was in very poor taste, and many were offended by it. Even if she's your friend, you should be able to understand why people felt the way they did.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Wow, surfer! I had no idea I was one of the big guns!

  38. And I'm a "big gun"?


  39. When you consider how much flak Paula Deen is getting for using n*, I think casually dropping a racist joke isn't something to be taken lightly. It IS a big deal.

    BTW, what was the joke? I mean, is it repeatable? If not, then it's beyond poor taste and venturing into offensive. Whether or not it was meant to be is one thing, but please don't defend a racist joke as being in poor taste. A racist joke is a racist joke. Like "rape rape," if you get what I'm saying.

  40. Confirming someone isn't one of the new, hateful trolls now means what?

  41. @a non a miss
    I consider myself an "old timer" (in more ways than one) I've been reading for quite a few years. You have my blessing to +1 all you want. I have real life crap to worry about. +1 isn't gonna stress me out. :)

  42. I post shit that is totally in poor taste, I don't work racist though.

    No Lola, I think Surfer was being condescending. She learnt it by wacthing you.

  43. It wasn't even a joke. It was a comment about somebody who had done something awful could go fuck themselves and the rice they flew in on. Tasteless? Arguably. Racist? No. But are we REALLY arbitrating taste, or the lack thereof, now? I don't even remember the context of the comment, that's how impactful it was (I only remember at all because of people's overreaction).

    Look, I'm as liberal as they come. Real bigotry pisses me off. But knee jerk perceived bigotry that results in good people being unfairly branded pisses me off just as much. First of all, in some cases, it unfairly ruins people's lives/livelihoods (and I'm not speaking of this case as I very seriously doubt Vicki feels "ruined") but it also makes us take real bigotry far less seriously and in many cases turn a blind eye. Who does that serve?

  44. I'm certainly not a "big gun" so don't think you're referring to me Surfer but rest assured I clearly DID understand why everyone was offended. And I cannot blame them. My point was that up to that time I cannot recall any other overt racist comments. But yes to be clear, it was horrible and perhaps I've misplaced my reasonable doubt since she never did come back to apologize.

    I think I'm a horrible optimist who still, perhaps stupidly, believes that most people are usually good unless proven otherwise. It just came so out of the blue that I find it hard to believe that she may, actually have a dislike for Asians. Which again, I don't know.

    And of course if I am wrong my apologies. Not sure if I 'splained myself well.

  45. @Count...

    Wow. It has become clear over the last week or so that you really don't get sarcasm. At all.

    And that you are extraordinarily thin skinned.


  46. @rackatoo: if they ain't a new hateful troll, then they maybe an old hateful twunt.

    @lola: Why do you defend hate speech? The other day you tried to minimize racist comments and lump them in with my tasteless humor, now you are trying to make us believe flying rice comments to/about an asian are just fine and dandy. I feel bad for you having to go through life trying to convince your self of such things. Concentrate on loving your self, not hating people who are different and defending racists.

  47. Well that's interesting. My comment that followed Lola's was deleted. All I said was this:

    Nah, Sherry. I wasn't referring to you. No worries.

  48. @lola: don't retreat to faux sarcasm now.

    You claim to be as liberal as they come, so I ask: bed wetting or tree hugging?

  49. So those clowns have another blog?? Do they read CDAN and then make funnier and more educated comments on the posts that we can't read? Or do they all just sit around chatting it up about whatever?
    Muy exclusivo!

    I'm camping out in this post because this is where the action is.

    On the macabre side of things:
    I often think that I or any of us could totally just die and no one here would ever know it. We'd just go away and never be heard from again. I want y'all to know if I die so I might put CDAN in my will so someone can let you all know if I have an untimely death. (no, I'm not suicidal or anything and I plan to live forever, I just have these bizarre thoughts and wanted to share!)

    1. @Sugar, put me on your little bracelet thing 'cause I'd miss your sweet butt and I totally know how to dial 911 while I eat your snickers and wait for the ambulance (I'll read CDAN to you between bites, that should help!).

      And I also owe you a little wrist slap for complimenting that Massive Creep who forgot to take his troll hat off. (I think I know who it is, too.)

    2. @Sugar- I would want to know if something happened to you! You're one of the coolest commenters on here. :)

    3. Sorry Chef! But it actually felt that 'he' put some thought into that. It probably killed him!
      PS you'd NEVAH EVAH EVAH find my snickers stash.
      Thanks, Lotta! I'm so happy my radness shines through. You are a cool chick-a-dee as well.

      My husband doesn't know about any of you. Shhhhh!

  50. @sugar: first, that is what's good about e-friends, no grieving, no late night calls for bail money, and if you bone em, it ain't completely anonynous sex, so you don't have to feel like a ho, unless you dig that kinda stuff.

    I don't think it is a blog, its that lame o message boars that Fugazi Enty pimped to no avail. There was even a Fugazi Enty posting there till the questions got too difficult to handle. 4:04 est on Weds, July 3. If there was a new post on there in the last week, I'll Moo while Lola LuvFists my Jaxhole.

    1. I see what you did there. Clever.

    2. True, Count. But I'd be sad if you or anyone else here kicks it. At least I'll never know, Huh.

  51. Oddly Sugar I think of that as well. When you consider how much of a digital footprint we each create one really wonders if we are inadvertently making ourselves immortal. I know others here have mentioned someone who used to visit here and was quite fragile but disappeared. Interesting to note.

    Overall poster turnover means that no matter how witty or profane or rude or racist you may be you can pretty much be sure you'll be forgotten. Kinda sad really.

    1. Sugar is immortal!!! Forever living in CDAN Land!!! Maybe I'll come back and cyber haunt all y'all!!!

  52. A point of information... An OT blog was created (I don't know by who) by people that wanted to go of topic and not hear "old timers" complaining about it. At some point that blog was turned private and is believed to be the breeding ground for the troll attacks. The "old timers" are not in that group, but ironically, are the ones being attacked by even newer people. Must of the old timers haven't been on this blog in months.

    1. A invite only Facebook group was also created by the old timers who 'no longer read' CDaN.

    2. A non, if there is an invite only FB group, I wasn't invited.

    3. Me neither, @Rickatoo.

  53. @syko: from what I've seen, it was hatefull old timers who were bitter new people were steering the conversations and not acquiessing (?) to the demands of the "we were here first" crowd. Adapt or die.

  54. Yet every time someone calls Syko or Mooshki out, your group (mooshki, black cat, syko, rickatoo, lutefisk et al) jumps in to a) speak up on their behalf, and b) announce they rarely read anymore [guess the bat signal goes out when a name is mentioned], but just had to pipe up to say whatever.


  55. Old timers.

    That's rich.

    I stopped commenting for a while thanks to the old timers who said that us "newbies" (and mind you, I'd be commenting for over a year) were trying to take over the blog with our over-sharing.

    I guess we should have gone and "f*ed ourselves and the rice we flew in on," that's way better than going OT.

  56. I'm waiting for vickicupper on a mobile to come harass us!

  57. Perhaps a "Your Turn: What do you think of the blog?" is in order? :)

  58. @count - like I said, you have your groups confused. The people that complained about the very OT comments are not the people that created the OT blog.

    Personally, I randomly scan posts, but only read comments unless someone alerts me that people are talking shit out here. Others have chosen to ignore the whole place entirely.

    1. @Rickatoo that comment right there says it all "I only read posts when someone alerts me that people are talking shit". No one was talking shit here. Someone mentioned that Vicki Cupper is no longer on the site. A few people said they remember her being racist and didn't miss her. Those are opinions, not talking shit. Syko flew in then you followed then Lola had a few minutes to school everyone. It's so tiring. The idea that everyone else on this blog is not worthy because they only came here after the himmmm thing is so obnoxious. For what it's worth most of the normal, nice, funny maybe a little sarcastic people on here have been either lurkers or commenters for years. If you hate it here by all means don't come back. We're all sick of hearing that you've been here longer and your lack of sense of humour is well....not funny.


    That was an awesome suggestion with a name that ramps the awesomeness up by a gazillion percent!

  60. @Rickatoo - Old School CDaN ring a bell?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I needed a new image to properly profess that I was and never will be a member of an exclusive invite only Facebook group for old timer CDaNers

    3. DOUBLE UGH. It's so hard to change my photo on my old timer phone

    4. @surfer - that group was open to the public until a few weeks ago when someone started sharing other people's personal information on public forums. It was started (not by me) about a year ago, when some decided to abandon this space to the ADD people that had no interest in discussing the topics being posted.

  61. @sugar: yer better off not knowing. Only 2 deaths of e-friends I found out about both were lost to pill addictions way too young.

    @racka2: so old twunts ran off new twunts and newr twunts ran off the older twunts. So we got 3 groups of twunts happening here, which group do Lola and her racist friend belong to?

    Anyone else notice Lola headed for the hills when I asked why she repeatedly defended hate speech and called her out on the faux sarcasm. Cant be taking this long to feed her cats.

    1. Count, I'll try to make it easier for you and the Jerkettes to understand.

      Group 1 - people around since the beginning. Didn't like the OT comments of group 2 (see below), complained for a while, now generally lurk.
      Group 2 - appear to have found CDaN after the Himmmm exposure. Formed their own OT blog, then made it a password protected breeding ground for troll attacks.
      Group 3 - people that blame group 1 for the actions of group 2.

      Does that clear it up for you, dear?

    2. It's Jerkuladies, tyvm.

  62. old timers, new timers - who gives a flying frack. I've been reading this blog and randomly commenting for many years (used to be irishstayc) and it's always been the same BS that goes on -(who is enty - enty is a girl- enty has sold out - enty has terrible grammar - don't go off topic, don't talk about inside jokes) ALWAYS! It's a blog, it's comments on a blog.NOT brain surgery or rocket science.

    Can't we just comment without tearing each other down? Sweet Jesus - maybe I've been living at the beach too long but chill peeps, chill.Life is too short.

    ok rant done. And what in the hell is up with Ali? She looks like death warmed over at a very low temp.

  63. The rice comment wasn't the only one Vicki made. She also accused all Southerners/Republicans of being racist (pot/kettle?).

    I see where you are coming from Sherry, in that it wasn't like a daily thing but when she would drop her hateful bombs they were just that. Bombs.
    It must be nice to have so many apologists willing to come out of the woodwork to defend you.

    I'm surprised none of you have pointed out that "She has an Asian friend", yet.

  64. I just had an epiphany. Didn't we all get into a huge fight on NYE, the day before New Years reveals?

    It's the GD anticipation that makes us all bitchy!

  65. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Settle down people!!!!!!! I just want to know if the Count is really a guy!!! That's the real enigma wrapped mystery.

    P.S. I don't remember Vicki's 'Ricegate', but how would it not be racist to equate Asians with rice?

  67. It's a blog. Yall need to chill and step outside brah. It's just a blog. Lmfao at these fb invite only groups like ooooo so exclusive.

  68. Once more with feeling.

    I watch Downton Abbey, too!!

    Group 1: People around since the beginning.

    Group 2: The commoners with their slovenly commoner talk about how are you doing today.

    Group 3: The townsfolk who blame the royalty for the commoners' actions.

    Group 4: People in the real world who give not one wit about your "standing" on a gossip blog.

    Stop trying to make CDaN your version of the good ol' boys club and let people talk the way they do. Conversation is organic and you're not the teacher's pet.

    1. We graduated, you guys get the lunch table, just stop invoking our names for your own nonsense. That's really not too much to ask.

    2. @Rickatoo Mother Nature would like you to sit at her table to join her in blazin up and chillin. It's a blog dude, a GOSSIP one at that. Chill.

  69. Mean Girls is my fav but I don't think Lohan was amazing in it. I tried to watch Labor Pains one time...I had to watch it in 20 minute increments while doing something else and I don't think I finished it. And now I can't remember why I was compelled to watch it.

    I do hope she is serious about becoming clean and hopefully leading a better life.

  70. I rarely comment, I used to lurk everyday. I wasn't here in the beginning but I was here before Himmmm became a newsworthy.

    I used to like the tone of the blinds. They prob weren't true old vintage that some of you knew, but they were good enough. I loved the banter on here. Sometimes intense discussion of a blind, sometimes off topic current affairs and sometimes peoples private lives. I liked reading it all even if I didn't agree with some of the opinions and I never posted. It was like a conversation, fluid and it certainly beat Blind gossip & all the others.

    I really loved the off topic & now a lot of that has gone. It gets mad on here every now & then when the trolls come back, but at least it livens things up a little.

    The blinds have become increasingly laughable which is why there is so much bad behaviour in the back of class. It's hard to respect a bad teacher! Ok we don't have to come here, but some people really do make connections with other people online and enjoy each others company. The Old timers (group 1), thank you Rickatoo for that hand out, all obv felt that connection if they now have their own facebook group. Good on them if they don't feel comfy here.

    I get fed up with people telling other people what to post, don't go off topic, don't do +1, don't make stupid guesses. The people who tend to issue these instructions seem to be the people that were the old timers. I only ever see you on here to have a moan, like you're the hall monitors. The tone gets on my nerves a bit, it reminds me of the Labour Party lectures we used to get here in the UK. They'd make a cock up & then tell us all off for spotting it. It's irrational I know, but when Lola started a sentence with "Look" it made my hackles rise just a little bit. That's the way politicians always start off when they're getting defensive & stroppy.

    The blinds now are like those oil paintings that are made in China. One person has one colour on their brush and make the same marks on every painting, they are done on a production line. If you see a reasonably priced oil painting & it looks souless that's why!

    Sorry I'm rambling, but if you wonder why people like VIP and Dia etc have wondered off to other gossip blogs & don't come on here as much I think this is why.

    Please excuse all bad grammar etc, I'm a child of the 70's & it wasn't on the syllabus. We were free to write how we wanted!!

  71. No one wants your lunch table, Regina George. Just stop acting like people who aren't "old timers" aren't as 'cool' as you are and don't belong on the blog. That's not too much to ask.

    Oh, and one of your own insulted me personally even though I never said jack to her. Why? Because I asked someone if her kid was feeling better. That, my dear, is nonsense.

  72. Guys! Guys! Lindsay would be very upset to see that all this discourse and drama is not about her! Won't you please take her feelings into consideration and stop all the fussin' and feudin'?

    Have a safe and happy holiday everybody!

  73. @rickatoo: so yer sayin it was a year ago the ad people took over the site? Any idea how much of our info they store for market research? Does b profane work for them on the Conspiracy and Whore Desk?

    Do yer mommies in whatever friggin group yer in give you pettins fer failed attempts at white knighting them or only successfull ones?

    You got a $ 350/ hour, flat rate incall hooker, trip to the isles included and a $200 outcall whore, menu items vary, who do you book?

  74. This is why I stopped reading this site months ago.

  75. I'm with ya FSP. Things got a little catty and suddenly everything anyone said was attacked by someone, I still remember the firestorm after the whole chink eye debacle in early Feb and one reader who was sweet and never, ever offensive, was chased off the site and labeled as a racist.

    A lot of us have some much emotionally invested in this blog, which makes it easy to get possessive and defensive. I left when I started questioning my own character because of how people were reading and interpreting my comments. I know who I am and I don't need anyone, especially people who don't know me, telling me that I am a spiteful, hateful, spinster cat lady. But obvi I came back and it was for the comments, because most of you guys rock and you were the friends I needed when I was going through a really rough time. I tried to abandon CDAN but ultimately, I just couldn't. But I can abandon reading the actual posts because that shit is ridiculous, wtf is going on up there?!

    Ugh sorry, I guess I had something on my chest I just needed to share. And I am not talking about my breasts, you perves.

  76. So wait, there's cool kids talking somewhere else? Oh man..deja vu..Guess I'll go back and hang with the theatre nerds again..

    Bacon, just to be clear: I do agree with you that what Vicki did was wrong. I am not in any way apologizing for her behavior. Just that I had not witnessed anything racist until that point. She should have apologized and we all would be drinking wine now and getting ready for reveal day!! Wooo Hooo!!

    Maybe it's Shark Week Sunny.

    While we may never completely agree on what is absolutely racist (Ricegate) or who is absolutely A racist (Vicki) I find the common ground in that everyone agrees Racism IS wrong. Group hug..

  77. I am a long time lurked since way before the himmmm debacle... I loved this site for community as well as the great gossip. These past few months this site has gone downhill quick. Every time I come here now I question why I'm back. I guess I keep hoping it will go back to the fun place it used to be. It's been great reading this awful Lindsey post only because all the "old timers" came back out to play. Hopefully Dia shows up soon too.

  78. Poor Linds, still riding the crazy train!! I wish her all the luck in the world - she is going to need it. Happy 4th everyone! Chill out and relax it's only a blog....

  79. Come gather 'round people
    Wherever you roam
    And admit that the waters
    Around you have grown
    And accept it that soon
    You'll be drenched to the bone
    If your time to you
    Is worth savin'
    Then you better start swimmin'
    Or you'll sink like a stone
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come writers and critics
    Who prophesize with your pen
    And keep your eyes wide
    The chance won't come again
    And don't speak too soon
    For the wheel's still in spin
    And there's no tellin' who
    That it's namin'
    For the loser now
    Will be later to win
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come senators, congressmen
    Please heed the call
    Don't stand in the doorway
    Don't block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt
    Will be he who has stalled
    There's a battle outside
    And it is ragin'
    It'll soon shake your windows
    And rattle your walls
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come mothers and fathers
    Throughout the land
    And don't criticize
    What you can't understand
    Your sons and your daughters
    Are beyond your command
    Your old road is
    Rapidly agin'
    Please get out of the new one
    If you can't lend your hand
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    The line it is drawn
    The curse it is cast
    The slow one now
    Will later be fast
    As the present now
    Will later be past
    The order is
    Rapidly fadin'
    And the first one now
    Will later be last
    For the times they are a-changin'.

  80. @Sherry, did you call me?

    @FSP, me too.

    Are we done with this high school thing of cool kids and who got here first?
    It's a blog site, there will be newcomers all the time and people will be a**holes whether they were here in the beggining or just today. Who cares if Enty or Jax write this blog? There's still some inside knowledge. Like someone said it before, it's organic, it changes, adapt or die. Better yet, don't come back.
