Monday, July 08, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Overdosed On Coke At 18 - Michael Lohan Sells Her Out

Michael Lohan obviously is not making enough money by referring people to rehab clinics. To make ends meet this month he sold a big story to The Sun in which he says that Lindsay Lohan overdosed on cocaine at 18. He says that she overdosed during the filming of Just My Luck (above) which she filmed just after her parents split. He also says that he got his gun and was going to kill the person who gave Lindsay the coke. Yeah, he was really upset about it. So much so that ten years later when he needed a buck he sold the story. Of course in the process of telling this story he also threw his daughter under the bus because she had earlier told the lie that she has only done coke four or five times and not until she was 21. Michael says the only reason he did not kill anyone was he got arrested for DUI while he was headed to save Lindsay. Interesting that no gun was found when he was pulled from the car after crashing it while drunk. It is his way of excusing his being drunk.


  1. I think he's saying he was going to kill himself. He probably gave her the coke..."Energy, baby! SMILES!!!"

  2. 4 or 5 times? I thought she said it was once or twice? Is she slowly upping the number of times she'll admit to using coke?

  3. All I see is "The Sun" as the source, and I roll my eyes and keep on rolling.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Would someone please lock this crazy man up and throw away the key. He is the reason Lindsay is the way she is.

  5. IF the story about him going after the guy who sold her coke was true, the only reason would be that pimp daddy controls the supply and can't nobody touch that national treasure.

  6. What a lying sack of shit.

  7. No photo of Michael in the mesh shirt? Color me devastated! :(

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    his own coke problem fried his brain

  9. The entire family is nothing but crack heads. Maybe Ali aint, but she prolly so fucking damaged from being around them people that she never had a chance at being a human.

  10. I went to the crash site after this happened. The idiot drove into a telephone pole and cracked it in half. It is a miracle he didn't kill someone. Sadly he spends quite a bit of time in my neighborhood. My friend snapped a photo of him in CVS.
    I wonder if Dina was the one who gave her the coke.
