Monday, July 01, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Going Into Hiding After Rehab

I have heard some dumb things come out of whatever Lohan family member is currently selling stories to the tabloids, but this one might top them all. Apparently it was TMZ's turn to enjoy the largess of a Lohan family member who needed to pay rent and they have a story that says that when Lindsay gets out of rehab next month (Yes, she gets out in August, so next month. I know, I know. I'm sad too. I wish it could be forever.) that she plans on going into hiding and not living in LA or NYC. Does anyone on the planet believe that? Maybe the people who are currently living in a cult and think Kool Aid is tasty might believe it, but Lindsay is probably dying in rehab. Not dying for drugs or booze, but dying for a pap to take photos of her and notice her and fawn all over her and leave their wallet where she can grab it. You don't think Lindsay LOVES there is a place where she can get papped while smoking at her new rehab place.  She was probably telling her fellow smokers that it is such a pain, while at the same time was orgasmic at the thought of being in a tabloid for the first time in a month.


  1. i will open a fame addiction rehab. it's gotta be somewhere kinda remote, like yosemite park, rocky or appalachian mountains, etc. no paps, no crowds, just nature, reflection, and community.

    1. @T.E. You would have to think of a euphimism for famewhoring and fame addiction because no celebrity/actor/actress would wanna admit their fame addiction.

    2. Train- we have the name already-"exhaustion", lol

    3. Keep them out of Yosemite. I don't want them spoiling my happy place.

    4. North Dakota or Wyoming. Perfect lack of paps for home for celeb exhaustion.

    5. Yosemite remote?! Have you heard of the traffic jams there?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have a feeling that this won't happen and we'll see her everywhere.

  3. the bottom of The Grand Canyon with no way up....

  4. Her first stop will probably be the talk shows where she will talk about her relevations at rehab.

  5. She would need a solid 3+ months of rehab, not a month.

  6. She just wants people to play "where in the world is lindsay lohan" in place of "where in the world is amanda bynes"

  7. Lindsay: all she needs is a good pappin'

  8. IDK I hope she means it, and I hope she's serious about her recovery. As much as I enjoy making fun of her, I do still root for her. While she is an adult and at this point makes her own choices, her upbringing really did not prepare her to be a stable, functioning adult. It also doesn't help that her trolls-for-parents won't back off.

  9. Yeah. And I'm going to sprout firecrotch colored wings and fly away.

  10. She looks pretty decent in this photo: face is nice & full, lips deflated back to normal size, hair isn't fried. But maybe that's because it was taken from far away?

  11. She's full of shit. Remember she said she's only done coke a few times? Right. There is no way she goes away. LA or NYC are where all the great parties and drugs are!

  12. I think she said this last time she was in rehab.

  13. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think a year in rehab would be a good START. There's no way on God's green earth this fame hooker, ( let us not forget she is literally hooking off her fame) is going to go quietly in to that good night. Like most child stars, she's used to the fame, paps, adulation and it's normal for her, has she ever once stayed in? has she ever once shown any kind of propensity for sobriety, solitude, quiet, reflection, thought, consciousness, anything like that? Oh no, Enty's right, she looks pleased as punch to be papped smoking, because if she's not an in demand, papped constantly starlet then what is she? A drug and alcohol addicted, talentless (although the Anger Management thing wasn't a complete waste) so ok talent-compromised, self destructive, Michael Lohan spawn, child star, the decks stacked against her. There's easy money, jewelry, trips plus all the free top shelf booze and pure coke she can get her freckled mitts on. She's going to be milking the pap gravy train forever, and stealing all the rolexes, cuff links and valuables she can get her hands on while dude's in the shower. Don't forget, she's got freckled mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay in Rhode Island is it?

  14. The only place that Lindsay is going to after rehab is back to hooking.

  15. The only vaidation she has ever gotten in her life from her parents is for producing them fame by assiciation and perks and drugs. Its gonna be pretty hard to give up. Its all she knows, the only way to get people to love her.

  16. She looks better in this picture than she has in years...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I don't want to see anyone destroy themselves, so I'm hoping she's taking this seriously and will be strong enough upon release to see it through. Part of me would love to see her tell her parents to eff off, enroll in college in some normal city like Cleveland or Tulsa, and spend her weekends doing community theater.

    Then again, I started a new diet today, so I'm a little loopy on hunger right now.

  19. How does one maintain one's hair extensions whilst in rehab? Looking at this picture makes me wonder. I agree that she does look better than she has in a long while.

  20. @Fru - Maybe she's got the clip-in ones. They're actually starting to look decent now.

  21. Hahahaha! Hahaahhaha! Hahahaha! Hahaahhaha! Oooooooh....goodness. That's phucking phunny!

    Famewhore has got to fame whore. She'll wither & die without it.

  22. She needs to go in hiding from her family . . .

  23. @fru, they probably allow her to keep all her cosmetics and hair stuff. i'm sure she has someone deliver/buy her hair products.

  24. @te cruz, good idea. I'll be a mental health counselor there.

  25. She makes rehab look so cool. I wish that I had a substance abuse problem.

  26. I, too, have my doubts, but I really hope we're all wrong. I want her to get it together and be strong and happy. *sigh* probably a pipe dream, though.

  27. i'll make it sound fabulous. a privacy retreat - communing with nature - something like that.

    and then they arrive and get their egos popped. hopefully they will grow into normal, stable, humble adults.

    1. @T.E. and Auntliddy There you go. Lol. I've always thought exhaustion is for substance abuse problems. So for famewhoring, maybe a self-actualization retreat or intrapersonal boot camp :p

  28. Didn't Lindsay make some comments after sentencing to a journalist about how rehab basically wasn't going to work for her? I swear I read that somewhere. So if that's the case, I think TMZ's story is bunk.

    "Mean Girls" was on the other night, and I couldn't help but watch it. Not that she had Academy Award potential, but still, her timing was good and to see how far she's fallen does make you feel a little bad for her. Just a teeny bit, though.


  29. She will be making her first public appearance at whatever is the latest hot spot for celebrities to party at five minutes after she is released. She is like a moth attracted to the light.

  30. Dani: I did the same thing when I saw that headline..I laughed and I laughed and I laughed some more.

    And maybe, just maybe that's her real hair this time? Also do we know if this picture was taken recently? It could actually be an old one. She still looks puffy to me.

  31. Did you all see the smile on her face when she knew she was being photographed on the balcony of her rehab facility over a week ago? She NEEDS to be photographed. She loves every second of it. She's not going anywhere she can't be snapped daily.

  32. yeah... right. The only place she's going is to the newest john she's got lined up. So yeah, she might be out of sight for awhile.

  33. GOOD!

    I hope she stays there.

  34. I don't give them (actors) too hard a time about the fame-whoring thing, after all recognition is what gets them work. Some of them though, feed off adulation/attention, loving it more than the work itself, becoming addicted to it, and all it brings--drugs, drink, etc. This, to me, separates the actor from the celebrity. Lohan falls into this category.

  35. She's going into hiding AFTER the premire of The Canyons. Yeah, that's a set up for a probation violation if there was ever one.

  36. I will offer fame-whore aversion therapy to the patients of this new rehab oasis. any thoughts of fame, whether acted upon or simply spoken of, will be met with a swift response. options will include gentle reminders that such behavior is inappropriate, including smacks across the face, kicks in the booty and duct taping of the mouth.

  37. K + LL = KLindsay KLohan: She serves her desire for a new 'hot' and profitable identity + the K family strokes out at somebody else cashing in on their identity = Our Win/Win because we'll avoid all search terms beginning w/"K' for a bit. How much could we lose? And THINK how much we could gain?
