Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lamar Odom Has Gone Off The Deep End

Talk about coming in mid-story. When you watch the video below, Lamar Odom is already in full cranky mode. It is like he has just found out he is going to have to spend two weeks straight sitting in the back seat of a car with Kris Jenner while the rest of the family rides up front. In case you cannot watch the video, let me describe it for you. Lamar is throwing stuff out of a car that does not belong to him. Lamar then beats on said car with a metal pole. Lamar is witnessed doing these things not only by paps, but also a tour bus filled with tourists. Oh, and don't forget the woman at the end who hops out of her car to get a photo with Lamar who stops acting all Hulk like and poses with her. Probably got her number and asks her if she would like to have sex later. There are multiple crimes Lamar is committing in the video, and I'm shocked the police were not called and Lamar hauled away in handcuffs.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    What are the chances the car belongs to someone Khloe is sleeping with?

    1. Juicy! I like the way you think!

  2. Tourists ride in pickup trucks like that now? It's true I haven't been to LA since the financial crisis, but that's low-budget.

  3. @Libby, that looks like an economy tour :)

    Frankly, if I had to deal with PMK day in and day out, I'd have lost my shit years ago.

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    truly, it's amazing that this didn't happen earlier. Can you blame the guy? He just got outed as being a documented cheater, the whole threesome thing before a K family Christmas? Phone sex in the closet? Not surprised he's flipping out.

  5. yeah i'd be pissed too if i was in that family. the press is probably getting to him, and pmk is pushing him off the deep end.

  6. Did anyone see the Queen Bee on WWHL last night? I watched with the volume off but noticed the screen said Khloe was on the phone at one point. Outside of the family and Jonathan, do these losers have any friends who want to talk to them?

    1. @Dewie did bieber's mom show up to WWHL or did she bail bc of the whole peeing in a bucket scandal?

    2. Nope. She was on there and lied like a dog. Made her son out to be an angel.

    3. @dawn @dewie those two women are AWFUL

  7. The possibilities are endless.

  8. I gurantee that Lamar was cheating long before Khloe was, if she even did. This marriage has been over for many months, don't believe the stories that this implosion of Khloe and Lamar is anything recent, because I can assure you, it is not.

  9. Looks staged. Sorry, just can't believe anything K-Trashian.

    1. I feel the same way about anyone 'reality' related. I am eternally confused by whatever their names are that I only ever see on gossip sites, though not lately. Spencer? I can't believe they are real people. This is one of the reasons I don't have a tv. Anything good is on the abc iView anyway.

  10. Lamar wasn't hauled off in hand-cuffs because Kris staged the whole thing. Those are HER paps.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I was going to say he'd be stupid to risk violating the NBA's personal conduct policy over a staged pap fight but then I remembered that unlike the Ginger Hammer, David Stern hasn't imposed such a thing on his league.

  13. @Libby Yes they have tourist buses like that. AND there are tons of them all over LA clogging traffic even more than it is normally.

    That photo lady probably stopped to ask him if he was leaving that parking space. Then took his photo when he said no.

  14. @Kristin, was that who was sitting next to PMK? I had no idea, thought she was some random eighteen-year-old twit from a CW show, ha ha.

  15. Flora--Admittedly, the only 'tourist' area I ever visited in LA was the Walk of Fame---they had those upper-deck bus tours THERE, like they have in NYC. I guess I haven't been on enough 'star tours', meaning none.

  16. My favorite part of WWHL? When Kris was berating the cowards who sit behind their computers saying vile things about a celebrity when they don't really KNOW them. Like the Kardashians haven't intentionally broadcast every stinking detail of their lives specifically for the publicity. So, in other words, you love being a famewhore, you just don't want anyone to call you a famewhore while you are famewhoring? Hilarious.

  17. Hey, if I lived married into the kardashian family....I'm sure I would've lost it way before now!! Lol.... I cannot imagine PMK being my MIL.

  18. The part of the story that Enty neglected to post: The pap was allegedly trespassing on gated property to get shots of Lamar, and is the same pap that allegedly was involved in a hit and run with Rob K. So if that's the case, then this would be an appropriate response

  19. Brother Odom, you're already a stereotype for marrying the fat whitegirl and letting her momma manage you. So please don't add aggressive black make to your resume. You gotta be smarter than that. But stopping to take a pic with the girl was funny.

  20. So some sports guy is a mess. Who would have thought #irony

  21. ...But...Lamar is a celebrity, so it's ok if he's breaking the law.

  22. Please let this be the string that unravels the sweater.

  23. I never understood what Khloe saw in him anyway. The guy is fug. Seriously homely. And he comes across as d-u-m. Plus he's a basketball player and they all cheat anyway.

  24. My favorite Kris Jenner quote from WWHL was when she said that her vagina and Patti Malette's (Bieber's mom) were golden for pushing out those kids.

  25. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Enty totally called this in at least 4 blinds over the last 3 weeks. How the heck does he know? It's like ESP or something! Eeeeeeerrrrrie. I'm not going to doubt anything else from here on out!

  26. OMG Ann Nah! Me too. I will believe everything from here on out just as you would suggest we do!

    Very clever. Not.

  27. Lamar, man, what the hell?

  28. Ok watched video. All i saw was man throwing stuff around, then picking it up.

  29. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hey gypsy, I'm not telling you what to believe. If you don't want to face facts, that is completely within your rights, but at least refrain from directing sarcasm to the validity of what Enty knows.

  30. Ha Ann Nah. A million pardons. I thought that was exactly what you were doing.
    Now I am confused.
    My guess is you work in PR. Or you are enty.
    Or you are an alien from outerspace. Or a stoner.
    Or all of the above. *Scratching chin in consideration with profound preponderance.

  31. To be fair, he probably thought the car was khloe.

  32. Anonymous12:58 PM

    'Tis true, Gypsy. I'm a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma.

  33. hahaha this is soo funny paps deserve it!

  34. Lam Lam, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. :( If you can't trust a black NBA player to be faithful, then who can you trust??

  35. ...He was in 2 cars right? I thought I saw him taking stuff out of a yaris and then out of another car.

    He and Khloe are actually likeable. And yes, PMK got to him. The whole family got to him.

  36. PMK has successfully managed to screw over every single child's life. What a fabulous motherly achievement! *Golf Clap*



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