Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lamar Odom Has Been Cheating For A Year

The new issue of Star finally vocalizes what has been whispered about and blind itemed to death - namely that Lamar Odom has been cheating on Khloe Kardashian for over a year. Apparently the new issue also says that Khloe has kicked Lamar out of their home. The main woman Lamar has been cheating with (and I contend there has been more than one) is a stripper (above) he met in Washington D.C and has had a torrid affair with, including on the morning of the Kardashian family Christmas party when Lamar and his girlfriend had a threesome before he headed out to the party. I know you think it could not get better, but it does. While Lamar was at the party, he went to a bedroom and had phone sex with his girlfriend. Nothing says Christmas like sneaky phone sex from your in-laws home to your girlfriend.


  1. Anything's better than Chewie. Rrrrghghghgh!

  2. Not like she's a saint either...rumor has it she's had her share of affairs as well. Meh.

  3. It's a Kardashian who cares....

  4. I don't understand the phone sex part. I get why people would do it when they're lonely at night and have literally nothing else to do at that moment, but it just seems like an awful lot of work to get that in during an already busy day.

  5. Cathy, I think that it was probably just arousing to him to talk to a woman who had a normal voice and not that horrible Kardashian "vocal fry" croaking thing going on.

  6. They get what they ask for dating rappers and athletes. Of course the one who married the white dipshit didn't do herself any favor s either.

  7. I see a sex addict story in the works.... That was too much

  8. @sandybrook lol at white dipshit comment. And as the mother of an aspiring pro athlete, I hate that this is the expected behaviour and drill into my son regularly that this is NOT how to treat women.

  9. I remember what Khloe (Kris) put in her pre-nup as provision requirements for after the divorce (cars, make up allowances, cash, etc...) Khloe will be fine.

  10. Poor Big Foot! She should find one of her own kind to mate with.

  11. What is this chick wearing? She must be a low end stripper

  12. @another its hard for an athlete guy to turn them down when they are practically throwing themselves at the guy willing to give them anything mostly with no strings attached.

  13. That is what he cheated with??? Come on...

  14. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Not that this lady is ugly, but an athlete with Lamar's money can pull WAY better sweet meat than that.

  15. Lamar's cheating with NeYo?

  16. Is this a PMK publicity stunt?

  17. @Barton - true, but couldn't he get the same thing just by going through the In N Out drive-thru? (I've never been, but I assume they have a drive-thru)

  18. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I feel very sorry for Khloe, but what decent human being is going to be able to stand being on a reality tv show, have their home, marriage and the life of his vapid wife and parasitic family feeding on him?

  19. ANYONE who voluntarily joins that family HAS to be a famewhore. NO ONE who gets involved with them will be free from PMK's grasp. You'd have to know that going into it. That being said, WHY did we think Lamar and Khloe were the real deal? Doesn't he fit the same mold as all the other douchebags this family gets involved with? I will NEVER think Kris whateverhisnamewas married Kim because he loved her. How could you even get to know the REAL person (assuming all this fake tv bullshit isn't real) enough when there are cameras following you everywhere you go?!?!
    Doesn't give him the right to cheat, but WHY did we think he'd be different?! He's not. So he cheated, who fucking cares at this point?!

    OK, end of rant. I need to go get more coffee.....

  20. It's sad when anyone cheats. Why do some people bother getting married?

  21. Didn't KK & LO meet & get married within 30 days or something? I'm surprised the 'marriage' lasted as long as it did with only a 30 day courtship. I dated my hubby for 3 yrs before I let him put a ring on my finger ... but then again, I wasn't on a reality show looking at the bottom $$$ like the KarTrashians do.
    Happily married for over 13 yrs now & no cheating!!!!

  22. I remember certain media outlets were so happy for this couple. She was the fat white girl, the ugly sister in the family who had finally found her Prince Charming.

    "She would follow him anywhere from LA to Dallas because he was the only one who truly loves her ."

    Translation: he was a Negro playing in the NBA, the Lakers for that matter. A fat whitegirl's wet dream. This is the best she'll ever do so she needs to hold to him.

    1. Not really a white girl

    2. She's just as white as Cher who went around for years telling everyone she Indian.
      Unless you believed that Khloe is OJ's kid.

    3. Andrea,wth? Shes not white??!!

    4. She's white. That's Kim's schtick.....a white woman with a "black" booty.
      Some say Khloe has an hourglass figure but the heffa looks like a Heniken to me.

  23. @just curious, you are racist and gross.

    1. I'm not a KKKardashian, I don't pimp rich dumb negroes for fame and money.

    2. Fucking a Sasquatch like Khloe is gross.

    3. I agree. Just because a white woman (or any race) is big, does not mean she is ugly or predisposed to prefer a certain race. Bigot.

    4. True but society says differently. There's a youtube clip of Celtic fans yelling "ugly sister " at Lamar. The shit is funny.

  24. Seriously, there is enough to work with on these two that racial slurs do not need to be brought in to it.

  25. Phone sex is soooooo 1990s. Everyone knows you do Internet sex now with your warm and fuzzzy laptop, aptly named.

  26. I do not believe this. This is NOT true. THERE IS NO WAY THAT LAMAR HAS BEEN CHEATING ON KHLOE for only the last year. :)

  27. @Glitter

    I'm on board with that. This is fake just like rumor KanGay cheated on K-Trash. Hollywood Street King has an article about it stating how set up and fake it was.

  28. I've seen Lamar in person. He could have Tony Stark money, still ugly as sin. The only part of the story shocking to me is that she's African American. Didn't think that was his flavor.

  29. A man who would leave his high school sweetheat and hte mother of his two children after one child dies of SIDS is a total bag of dirty douche water!

    The fact tat Khloe can not conceive has also hurt the marriage and his over inflated ego.

    There have been rumors about Khloe cheating as well. There have been rumors about Lamar and Rob Kardashian being lovers.

  30. @Glitter...Yeah, it has me questioning too.
    They need stories for their show.

    Dealing with fidelity problems can keep them going another seasons. PLUS all the "Poor Khloe" mag covers.

    They pay a stripper some decent cash to play this part, plus she gets her name in the papers, and whatever fame perks come with it. It plays out for a year, and then after that Khloe & Lamar can say they have worked through their issues, she's forgiven him, and they are back together.

    Season #3812 is now written.

  31. I think he will be sorry, because she was devoted to and very helpful to him, and not after his money. Khloe is strong and will be fine. We all know how hes gonna end up.

  32. You can't cheat on a fake relationship.

  33. @ms snarky, perfectly said!

  34. kill me now... I actually like Khloe, I think she did love her husband and I am really sad for her about this.
    Yes she might have been cheating recently (with a terrible douche.. ugh, I can't even write his name) - but i think it's the strain on the marriage from not being able to conceive and his betrayals..
    hugs to Khloe

    1. I LOATHE this family, especially PMK and KimmieKakes, but I always had a soft spot for Khole.

  35. Didn't they also start some other rumor recently about Kanye cheating? What happened to that story?

    These freakn' fame whores. When oh when will their 15 minutes be up?

  36. To be fair I heard Lamar has a huge trouser snake. So at least he is sharing it!

    There have been so many blinds about them everything from him and Rob's "Special" friendship to Khloe banging the rapper the Game.

    No one cares.

  37. in related news, the sky is blue today.

  38. Andrea is right, not a white girl by any stretch of the imagination. Armenians are Central Asiatics/Turkic people. White skin doesn't make you white, if you're going to be racist at least know your races.

    1. The bitch is white. Who the fuck cares about her lineage .
      If she was dark skinned, she wouldn't even been mention in this blog and all of y'all being sympathetic to her wouldn't care if Lamar was cheating just like the commenters in the Denzel thread.
      No one would care about the KKKARDASHIAN period if they were anything but white, they wouldn't be famous.
      They referred to themselves as white several times.
      Just call what it is.

  39. @888 - I also hated the racist comment.. so booo to that poster.

    Technically though, Armenians are 100% Caucasian, so 100% white. Now, if the rumours about Khloe daddy are true, she could still have a different heritage :P

    1. There's nothing racist about what I said. It's the truth because that's society's perception. The world thinks black men will take any white woman.
      Khloe/Lamar are that stereotypical IR couple: a fat whitegirl with a average looking brother.

  40. Ahh poor Khloe. She is the one I actually like.

  41. @Just Curious: I think that is because DeNiro takes all the good looking black chicks. Who can follow Father Bobby?

  42. There are other options for Khloe: she could turn lesbo or get a band wrapped around her stomach , lie about dieting through exercise and healthy eating, pose for Playboy and find a decent whitebitch who prefers the background like Carnie Wilson's hubby.

  43. I actually like Khloe - she seems like the most down to earth of the Klan. No woman (or man) should put up w cheating. These kind of reveals make me sad.

  44. I second that Elizabeth. Ever feel like an Aussie holiday, let me know Count.

  45. I hope she takes the dog. Years ago I remember her saying they didn't get a dog because Lamar hated dogs, and now fast forward to the boxer. You know that dog is going to be abused if he stays with that ahole.

  46. @Kerri: I may need to be in a coma for the long flight, but send me a pic and your height. It might totally be worth 2 pharmaceutically induced comas ;)

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Count, you know so much about us, and yet you remain a mystery. Give us a few specs? It'll help me tremendously during my special 'alone' time, if you know what I mean!

  47. I'm 6' tall in work boots, a lil shy of that flat footed. I'm thick and meaty, floating between 235 and 245. Fairly strong from the physical labor of my youth. I've said this before, but back in the day I've had 2 chicks' dads tell them "I like seeing you with a guy like that, because I know he will keep you safe."

    Brown hair, rapidly going salt n pepper. Usually a trimmed beard, that is also starting to gray. Blue/Green/Gray eyes, depending on what I'm wearing (so I'm told). Right now I have a nice tan going from wearing a wife beater while mowing the lawn.

    My fave positions are spooning, doggy and chick on top (especially if she is short). I think I like administering spankins because I'm an ass man, boobs are pretty much extra credit. I'm a fan of role play and LOVE to go toy shopping with a lady. I think sex outside is great because becoming one IN nature is better than becoming one WITH nature.

    I like walks in the park, motorcycle riding, hanging out in bars, classic rock and depraved sex.

    My ideal first date would be a romantic dinner and drinks, a comedy club and drinks, then a hotel room and drinks. Maybe throw a doobie or 2 in there along the way.

    I drink, I smoke, I curse, I recreationally do drugs. I like porn and strip clubs. I can be pig headed at times and I sometimes have difficulty turning off my biting wit.

    That enough to get you over the top, Babe.

  48. @Kerri: Chicks should never be allowed to judge their own asses.

    Besides, there will be time to tone it up while I get my passport and contact the consulate to negotiate my entry into your country. Hopefully they are less restrictive than Canada.

  49. Duh1: Allow me to list sexual positions for you because I am so sexy. Also, I have a biting wit.
    Derr2: No no, my backside is ugly! I'm not worthy!
    Duh1: Exercise your ass until I get a passport and bust into Canada.

  50. Come on. All the friggin material I served up on a silver platter and that is the best you can do. Exercise yer wit kid.

    Also, I'm trying to bust into Australia, not Canuckistan.



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