Monday, July 08, 2013

Lady GaGa Doesn't Want You To Know Her Secrets

You can be excused for not knowing that Lady GaGa is involved in a very big lawsuit. It does not get much press and Lady has done everything she can to make sure no one knows what is going on and she never mentions the suit even if asked. It is off limits. It is so off limits that she is asking a judge to seal part of the case because it would destroy her if made public. The case involves revenue sharing and a fight between people who played a role in making GaGa a star. There is also a separate lawsuit about whether GaGa stole most of the music and lyrics from her first record and whether people have been properly paid for those efforts. Basically her ex-boyfriend found a bunch of people to contribute music and then gave it to GaGa and she has taken credit for it all and for everything she has done. She would rather the world not know just how little of everything she has done is actually hers alone.


  1. Is one of her secrets that she's really a man?

  2. Just make with the new record already, Gaga!!!

  3. Isn't it standard operating procedure that parties in an active lawsuit do not discuss the lawsuit? Why would her not answering questions about it be questionable?

  4. Nice picture, lol.

  5. I'm asking---Are we sure she actually sings? I've never seen her live, except that video of a maybe-wang falling out of her skirt. But she wasn't singing in that clip.

    NOT saying Gaga is MV, just curious if she can sing. Anyone know?

    1. Yes, she can really sing. Before she got famous, she was singing bluesy types and even when she first started, she has a little performance of her playing piano and singing. She is a great singer just got too involved in making herself famous. It's sad because she is very talented.

    2. @libby that gurl can definitely SANG!! Just look up her recent public performance singing the SSB for a celebration of DOMA being ruled unconstitutional. She also looks really pretty now....she definitely got some facial tweaking done....

    3. @libby- definitely!!!!! I went to a concert of hers and she is incredible. A really outstanding singer.

  6. She's kind of morphing into a version of Christina Aguilera in that pic.

    She has fallen off the face of the earth, right?

    libby - I feel like when I've seen her perform on TV, she's really singing. But, I've never seen her live myself. I remember her scoffing at lip-synchers in the press.

  7. And the music she stole wasn't particularly original in the first place...

  8. @Libby, I believe there is also video of her performing pre Gaga too. She really does sing.

  9. I think her career is basically finished already. She probably owes Madonna royalties as well as a whole career.

  10. OK - I just read that she has a new album coming out so I guess that's why she's fallen off the face of the earth.

    I'm sure there's some good back-stabbing dirt on her. There certainly was on Madonna.

  11. GaGa didn't steal anything if the material was voluntarily contributed. The lawsuit is claiming proper credit was not given.

  12. Sorry, I don't believe this. She is just too talented and original. There is also a chance that she could have aspergers so I refuse to believe this.

    And she sings. She sings better than most of the artists of here, more talent in her pinky. She is not MV, don't insult this woman's voice. Even if she didn't write it, she still sung that shit.

  13. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The talk of her supposedly stealing someone else's act has been around for a while. That's not surprising and can be taken care of with hush money in the right hands, if true.

    Me thinks this is more than that. I think this has more to do with why she was MIA for the past several months. I don't think it's as simple as taking care of a bad knee. More like drug rehab or taking care of a serious health issue and she's trying to keep it quiet.

  14. Kels, re-read my comment please.

    I was curious if that was part of what Enty was hinting at, that she doesn't sing---THAT would destroy her. Stealing songs doesn't destroy anyone.

  15. I appreciate all the 'ear-witnesses' who have answered.

    Barely anyone sings all alone, all live anymore. It's hard to know who has a real voice under all the production.

  16. Why should anyone talk about ? There must be a lot of money involved...

  17. Good! I don't want to know her secrets or yours, so we're good.

  18. She is definitely not original. Regardless of her singing, which I think she does well, she hasn't done anything that Grace Jones, Deborah Harry or Madonna has done before her.

  19. Lupus (what Lady Gaga has said she has) can take someone out of commission for a while when it flares up, so I'm not surprised by the absence.

    There are plenty of live performances on YouTube to show that she can sing, but she has gotten a lot of material from others. As someone up there said, the lawsuit is mainly about giving credit to the right people.

  20. After learning that Kiss sweetened their first live album with studio trickery, I don't believe a note. In fact, watching live performances on TV is one long lip-reading game to me now. She has so much $$$ behind her, it's no wonder. She's not a singer. She's a product. A brand. A concept. The music is irrelevant.

  21. Layna - she was MIA because she had hip replacement surgery. She was actually touring at the time, and had to cancel the rest of her tour. And if she's recording right now, well, these two things alone explain her absence from the spotlight.

    1. My elderly father had is hip replaced and they had him up and walking that day. He was home in a week and back to his life within three living his normal life, abet a bit slower for awhile. I am thinking there was some plastic surgery and other shananagins involved.

  22. A popstar who doesn't write her own music and this fact would *ruin* her? Bullshit. That just makes her just like every other shitty "star" on the dial.

  23. Also, if you question her singing, go to Youtube and see raw video of her singing before she was Gaga. Gal has serious pipes.

  24. I thought this was a photo of Donatella Versace.

  25. I thought this was a photo of Donatella Versace.

  26. Does anyone even care? She's hype and copying others, not talent.

  27. Her drive for fame far eclipsed her talent ages ago. Which is sad. She can sing, but instead gravitated towards meat dresses and alien pod entrances. I find her need for attention shameless and sickening considering how gifted she once was. I can't wait for her 15 to be up.

  28. I've been to two of her concerts. Can confirm the bitch can sing. She may not have one of the best voices but she can definitely sing live and put on a pretty decent show.

  29. I got some free book for my Kindle that is all about conspiracy theories. One is that there are several Lady GaGas and that's why she often wears those outfits with veils and crap obscuring her face. Granted, yes, Stephanie whoever-she-was is the original, but this book claims that it's often not her in concerts and such.

    (Book also claimed that Dubya actually had a stroke that rendered him totally out of commission when he "choked on the pretzel" way back when and that's why we never even see him anymore. I don't know that I believe all of the conspiracy theories I hear/read, but I sure do love thinking about them.)

    1. @AKM - W is often at the Texas Rangers games, sitting with Nolan Ryan and his wife, Ruth. (I watch a lot of baseball :-).) And I hate to even tell you that, because conspiracy theories are fun!

    2. What is the name of the book? I'm on bedrest and love a good conspiracy theory!

    3. AKM Ohhh I love conspiracies! I am definitely looking into that book. If anyone Is in the mood forsome OT might I suggest conspiracies? Uh oh, the Lynch mob may be after me, I said the forbidden OT :p

    4. Omg I've totally been getting into conspiracies lately too!! It's UNBELIEVABLE yet believable the conspiracies in Hollywood, Fortune 500 companies, government, etc etc etc...last night I literally didnt get any sleep because I fell down the rabbit hole and was reading this old-ish link on LSA on all sorts of crazy sh*t in Hweird. And the night before I had a nightmare of the illuminati. Not to bring up *that* word...illuminati...but it pops up here and there in whatever I've read so far. I tell my family what I've learned /read a far and they think I'm nuts, which may or may not be true! ;)

  30. I've heard about the lawsuit, in fact I'm pretty sure this is the same "ex-boyfriend" who wanted bank because he "created" the Lady Gaga name.

    Everybody wants a slice...

  31. She and Jimmy Page should compare notes.

  32. Long time lurker here. I saw her in concert -- 10 rows back -- and she can sing.

  33. Here ya go, juicy. It was The New Conspiracy Handbook. I thought it was kind of fun. It's $5.99 now, though.

    Sure, W. goes out and about here and there. The book was just pointing out that he seems quite low-profile compared to, say, Bill Clinton.

    Of course, I mention all of this, and I just saw an interview he and Laura did in Africa. So maybe this conspiracy theory doesn't hold water after all. Who knows, though? The theories are just too much fun, at any rate. :-)

  34. Hmmm, that would explain why her second album sucked.

  35. Didn't she steal the whole Gaga persona from a young lady who died? Something has definitely happened, even with surgery something seems off for her to be underground for so long.

  36. I understand that her "Little Monsters" LOVE Lady Gaga and think she is SO original, but I promise she is not. She is a manufactured character just like the boys from One Direction or Cap'n Crunch. If you think that she understands how you feel and she speaks to you through her music, it is because she was designed to do just that. She is a fair to good singer, but there are a lot of fair to good singers in the industry. Stefani Germanotta couldn't become a star, so she (and apparently lots of friends) created Lady Gaga.

  37. Lady Gaga is what you get when Alice Cooper and Madonna have a baby and let Cyndi Lauper and Boy George babysit.

    Did you know that Alice Cooper dumped freaking Raquel Welch for his wife? Alice has the ultimate compliment any time his wife gets mad at him "I broke up with one of the most beautiful women ever alive to be with you" lol

    1. Met Alice's wife a few times and she is super normal and nice..only found out after third meeting who she was,an then only because someone there had met them together..I think Raquel is ALL wrong..he chose well..btw alice has this amazing radio show in phx!

  38. @ Libby, went to her concert about 3 years ago in Houston. She sang, she danced, she played piano, she talked. We were about 10 feet from her. Best show I have ever seen, talent wise. Of course being in my 30's I felt like an old lady there, but it was really something. She can really sing, she's quite talented.

  39. @Tyger Lilly For the win! Nailed it.

  40. I saw here pics for a really long time before hearing her music...I was thinking experimental grace jones-y possibility...was really surprised when I heard "poker face" it was very x-tina! Just more fun..I have come to enjoy her, but becoming too much with that "madonna accent from the country of Europea"...hope she settles and stops now with facial tweek...born this way? Oh well let ga do her ga...

  41. I didn't read all the comments, but I enjoy her music. It doesn't have to be super original to be entertaining. I like real music like Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin, et al but I also like Gaga and Taylor Swift. I like a lot of things. I've seen Gaga live and really enjoyed the show-it was like cirque du soleil with good singing and decent songs. It was a real 'show' even if it wasn't totally original. It's like going to a restaurant-most restaurants more or less copy off one another, to a certain degree. Some people like McDonald's hamburgers, some people like a prime rib burger for $28 with organic duck fat fries or whatever. I think one of them is better-doesn't mean the other one isn't the best for someone else.

  42. I saw her in Guys & Dolls when she was in high school; her voice was noticeably better than everyone else's back then. Yes, it was a totally amateur high school production so it's not like the competition was super-fierce, but -- having seen her performance then -- she definitely has a good enough voice to be a fairly processed pop star.

  43. Anonymous11:39 AM

    @surfer: Gaga may have had a hip problem, and she was recording new music, I agree with that. But I still think there was something more than that going on with her. That's just my hunch.

    I like her. She has a solid voice, a near-great one in today's pop music landscape. And I appreciate the commitment to putting on a real show. There's nothing wrong with someone singing with just a guitar, in plain clothes. That can be entertaining, too. Entertainment can take on all forms and it's up to us to figure out what works for us. I like all of it, for the most part. Just entertain me, damn it! :-D

  44. Watched the video VIP linked above. Her face has been so tweaked. Nose, chin, brow, eyes, lips and cheeks all look way different.

  45. She can sing. No doubt about that. And before she became "Lady Gaga" she wrote songs for other artists. So she obviously can write. No conspiracy about her "disappearance". She had hip surgery, and I can confirm from personal experience that if you ever want to walk without a limp, or dance again, at least 4 months for healing and physio.

    As for this lawsuit,dunno. But each and every "star" out there has had tons of people who helped them get their success, and the bigger they make it, the bigger the lawsuits when people want a piece of that pie.

  46. Anonymous12:07 PM

    oh please, it's bubble gum dance pop music,just pay your songwriters and move along,nothing to see here.

  47. Anonymous12:08 PM

    @ Hurricane Tiffany, I am soooooooo in to conspiracy theories, Jesse Ventura has a show called "Conspiracy Theory", eye opening and crazy shit. You can find it on youtube.

  48. @ Anna Nonymous I've heard of that show! Sounds interesting...he was our governor at one point (Minnesota) and a lot of people didnt like him. I, however, got a great kick out of him. I was pretty young though when he was in office so I'm not totally up to speed on if he was a good politician or not.

    If anybody is bored and wants to know the link that got me started down the rabbit hole last night it's:

    1. Sorry I can't make it clicky. I think this link has been talked about on this site before, but its been awhile. From that link I researched a ton of other things that was brought up there, and found more links, and now it's overwhelming. Sorry I'm officially off topic now *ducks as stones are thrown*

    2. Damn you Tiffany! I can feel my spare time slowly slipping away

  49. Would not surprise me in the least if the only thing she is responsible for is the horrid outfits she wears.

  50. Anonymous1:20 PM

    she has this youtube video singing poker face just the piano
    she can sing
    BUT the image..i just think shes a cokehead
    and tried to hard

    Doubt she will be as big as she was again

  51. I like Jesse Ventura, probably the greatest heel color commentor in wrestling history (sorry Bobby the Brain fans) but that Conspiracy Theory show was meh. Glossed over stories. if you subtract the commercials and the ins/outs from commercial where they tell you what their gonna tell you then tell you what they told you, a 1/2 hour comes in at maybe 15 minutes of info you could get on any website.

    My fave conspiracy site is I got tired of the articles the guy posts (mix it up and blame someone besides the Jews once in a while) but the links across the top to his archives has some interesting stuff in there. Especially the MLK conspiracy (James Earl Ray was a patsy), Mena (Clinton tied to the Iran/Contra scandal), and some of the ones on banking/the economy.

  52. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "destroy her"? does anyone care about her anymore?

  53. Ooh I wonder what the case is about? Also have seen her in concert in 2008 (so early-ish days) and she sings live. She's okay.

    I'm sad I missed the conspiracy theories. Perhaps that could be a fun Your Turn topic.

  54. I actually heard that she was another Paula Deen. She was heard making racist comments.

  55. Rob Fusari, the "ex" boyfriend and producer in question, he went to and graduated from William Paterson University of NJ. Back in late 2001 I was a freshman who was majoring in radio broadcasting with a minor in music management. My music management professor was a trusted confident of Rob Fusari, who had recently wrote and produced tracks for Destiny's Child. Rob told my professor a story about how Beyonce is a fraud - that she got writing credit for Bootyliscious but didn't contribute or produce at all. The point of the story in class was that is the nature of the business, I want you to know what you are getting into.

    Knowing that about Rob, I'm totally not surprised at this Lawsuit against GaGa. Everything in pop music is calculated, created, fake, and in an alternate reality. Media and the music industry act all shocked at what Fusari is doing but I gurantee you, they are not shocked. They just care about GaGa bringing in money. Her last album stunk. Fusari may be an ass but he knows what he is doing and knows good music. Her first album was amazing. Lets see what happens with this lawsuit.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Well, I know she stole her image from Grace Jones but the music and songs I didn't know about.
