Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kidd Kraddick Has Died

Popular national morning radio personality David “Kidd” Kraddick died Saturday near New Orleans where he was hosting a golf tournament to raise money for children. He was 53. Kidd Kraddick was actually more popular than Ryan Seacrest, and supposedly got paid more from Clear Channel than Ryan Seacrest. No cause of death was announced. He died on the way to the hospital at 1 p.m. yesterday.

Keep looking up, because that is where it all is.


  1. That sux, liked him alot.

  2. I read that 1st thing this morning when I woke sad, I listened to him for years.
    Dish Nation won't be the same now, either.
    RIP, Kidd

  3. He was on the radio since before I moved to Dallas which is an amazing run in this town. I'm more of a Howard Stern fan, but I did listen occasionally over the years.

    My daughter heard that he died of an aneurism, but it's not being reported how he died, so that could just be speculation at this point.

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I read this hours ago and didn't even know who he was. Sad. At least you don't have arsehole radio DJ's like we do in aus. Does this mean Enty's awoken to post more fodder?

    1. LOTS of arsehole DJs in US. They do stupid stunts just like the Aussies. Hate it. Only listen to three or four stations because of it. Stupid human tricks-NOT my favorite pasttime. Sorry to bust that balloon for ya but that is the sad truth of it...

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Sophia, we have the shame of being responsible for the British nurse who killed herself because of a stupid prank. And the twits who got Gwynnie liquored up talking about her bush. I'm not a fan if shock DJ's. glad it's not just Aussies then...

    3. We had "hold your wee for Wii." Guess what happens when you hold your pee in for hour while drinking glass after glass of water... nothing good.

  5. Been listening for over 10 years. My mornings won't be the same. He really was an amazing man. My thoughts are with his family and friends. RIP Kidd.

  6. The charity, Kidd's Kids, takes families of injured or critically ill children to an all expense paid vacation to Disney every year. We have friends who their daughter had cancer and they were able to go one year. Their daughter, and the many other children were treated like royalty. The families were very well taken care of and she even made the comment that they would pay for their other children. Kidd told her-For one week, we want you to be a family. To be able to laugh, to be silly, to have FUN and not worry. This is your whole families time to just BE. Their daughter passed away 11 months after the trip.
    He was humble, he was funny, he was genuine.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Jesus moose, that's mega sad...

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So kids, I'm still off work, bored, awake from too much energy(no red bull in four days) and looking for summin to do....apart from clean my house, cos I'm naked. And lazy.

    1. Dance party! Naked! Invite your friends!!! Sorry u so bored. I gots plenty of projects to do but little nrg to do them with. Sucks!!!

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Ha ha!! I NEED projects! Too much energy and not enuf to do. Maybe I should take up macramé?

  8. What? Was he ill at all or is this completely unexpected ?

  9. I remember listening to him as a teenager. Love his charity. Wish more celebrities were like him.

  10. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Moosefan, your story brought tears to my eyes. I am not familiar with David Kraddick but he sounds like a wonderful talent and person. Rest in Peace.

  11. I've never heard of him but it sounds like he was very beloved by his listeners. Too young to die.

  12. I listened to the Kidd kraddick show for over 10 years. I am absolutely saddened to hear this. I pray for his daughter Caroline, who he spoke of all the time. Thank you Kidd for your show giving life to my mornings and for your wonderful charity, kidd's kids.

  13. He was so popular that I never heard of him.

    1. Although EVERYBODY has heard of you

  14. Rip Kidd. My morning drive just got a lot less funny. And talk about a man that lived how he preached. Did so much for disabled/sick kids. My condolences to his daughter, family and friends.

    And if you didn't know who he was--no need to be snarky about it.

  15. @Becca....

    I'd say that kind of speaks more towards your ignorance than his popularity, no?

  16. Wow, this is a shock. I grew up in Dallas and remember listening to him when I was in 6th grade -- and I'm 39 now. (Now that I do the math, that must've been his first job.) All the best to his family.

    1. He started on the Eagle in '84 then moved to Kiss in '92. I never listened to his show
      because the Kelly chic was so annoying, but its still a big loss for Dallas.

  17. He was fun to listen to, and he did great charity work. Sad to hear of his passing.

  18. I never heard of him either. Stopped listening to most commercial stations years ago. Yep even NPR. Prefer local homegrown and political. Sad for his family and those he served. Boo!

  19. Ok, he took adderall. I hope it doesn't come down to being related to that. I've been thinking I should quit it because I get headaches all the time. I just don't think your body tolerates it as well when you get older. ("Hello, Captain Obvious")

  20. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Gawd. I hear about aderral all the time. Not sure if we have it here? Os it Ritalin? Hopefully there's nothing insidious underlying his death for his families sake. Although, we've all got our poison.

  21. I heard this last night. I used to listen to him on my drive into work every weekday. And my kids listened to him every school day morning. Been a huge fan way before he went national.

    He has had the same crew working with him forever, and you could tell they were all friends.

    I bet a lot Metroplex people (and then later people from around the country) remember crying on their way to work or school when he would showcase some of Kidds Kids. He really has done a lot of wonderful work for sick and dying children.

    53 is so young, he did a lot of wonderful things in that short time span.

    Like I said, it was very sad to hear about his passing last night, but reading the words that he closed each show "Keep looking up, because that is where it all is" brought tears to my eyes ;(

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Jo: 53 IS young. My da died @ 50. It sucks. I hope his family have a mega strong supportive network. And good memories.

  22. Although I never heard of him, he seemed a good man, so this is sad.


  23. Probably blew his fucking brains out

  24. Like others, my mornings won't be the same. He was a good man who left the world a little better than he found it. RIP, Kidd.

  25. So sad. . . I remember him when I was in high school in the early 80's, everyone my age in the metroplex listened to his show in the evening. Used to call in sometimes and vote in the Battle of the Bands. . .

  26. Never heard of him here in NY, but RIP. Was he mostly west coast?

  27. Kidd was a talented, funny, witty, unselfish man who died while at a golf fundraiser for his amazing charity, Kidds Kids for the families of disabled children.

    He was the best part of my daily morning drive. He had a rapier-wit and a big heart. I will miss him terribly. I've never felt so deeply for the loss of someone I never knew.


  28. Happen to be in New Orleans this weekend and its all anyone is talking about. Never listened to him, but super sad to hear that someone that age passed away.

  29. Never liked the show, he was the reason I gave up on the local station that replaced their local morning show with his. That said, he did great charity work and 53 is way too young. RIP.
