Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kate Middleton Sure Looked Bouncy - No Baby Name Yet

Yesterday I overheard several women talking about how they wondered if Kate Middleton really gave birth on the day claimed, or perhaps several days earlier. The topic was the fact that Kate looked way too bouncy at the photo opportunity for someone who had given birth just 26 hours earlier. They also said the baby looked a little bigger/older than the baby should have for being so freshly born. Is it possible that Kate gave birth earlier in the week and then brought the baby back from her parent's home to the hospital in London and that is why the baby looks a bit bigger and Kate was able to almost skip down the steps to the waiting car. There is no baby name yet. Apparently the Queen has to draw names from a hat and then smokes a cigar and drinks gin made 300 years ago while she ponders each name. She then does karaoke and when she is so drunk she can't stand, she writes down four names and puts them together in an order that may or may not make sense. This tradition goes back thousands of years. Or, it could be just what I think happens when I sit back and ponder it while I drink gin someone tried to make in their bathtub.


  1. Funny I thought she must have had a C-Section because she didn't move like anyone I know 24 hours after having a vaginal birth...

  2. I left the birth center about 1.5 hrs after I gave birth. If you manage to get by without complications or drugs and without an episiotomy, it's not that big a deal.

    1. Ok I got excited and exaggerated was closer to 2.5 hours. ��

  3. Plus the baby's head looked pretty conehead-ish...

  4. Whatever, this is ridiculous. What reason would they have to do that? And 'people' are actually saying they can tell a 2-3 day difference in a freaking newborn?

    New Enty is a hatemonger.

  5. Give me a break. As someone said above, I've given birth twice naturally and was at home within a few hours and walked and moved just fine. It's typically the interventions that cause problems afterwards. And there's no way in hell someone who had a C section would be moving like that so quickly!

    1. I agree with you.
      I had 2 c-sections and I couldn't even move without someone helping me..until the next day or so, I was moving alone but, very slowly.

  6. As someone who had a c-section, no way did she have one, unless it was three weeks ago. It's major surgery. I figured she had a relatively simple vaginal birth and was riding on adrenaline in front of the crowd then will crash later.

  7. Kate is also a trained showpony - a serious professional at putting on a smile and making all the right moves despite any pain or discomfort.

  8. I was 12 hours total labor from water breaking to birth, 3 pushes, 2 stitches and was up and walking around hours after. 3 days after we were out to lunch. Now being pregnant I was horrible, terrible morning sickness for months on end.

    I have always said I would gladly have more, if I could just figure out how to only have to do the labor part, not the 40 weeks leading up to it.

  9. @KendraWM, I was the other way around - easy, happy, pregnancy, and then 60 hours of hellish labor culminating in an emergency C-section.

    I'll carry for you if you give birth for me!

  10. Of course she looks bouncy--she just had their first kid. I know I was bouncy when my first kid was born.
    And am I the only one who misses the real Enty?

  11. @prada is right, that's a conehead baby and some women give birth the way someone else passes a kidney stone. A few tylenol 3s and what my midwife calls a "natural born pusher" is on her way.

  12. I read that she had hair and make-up people come to the hospital, which makes sense. She looked awfully fresh for a new mother. I had my twins vaginally, but my hair was plastered to my head and I was oily. I'm sure I didn't smell that great either. Kate looks like she got a nice spa treatment at the hospital.

    1. Henri- i think its great she had some oampering before she left hospital or lindo wing or whatever the hell they call it. I read an article that this is a trend, moms to be go to a spa few days before delivery to get manu/pedis, hair cut and colored and facial. I think its great! You feel low enough after giving birth, these little things can really cheer you up. And i wld add nice coming home outfit.

    2. That's what I did with both my boys - the complete spa package right before my due dates! ;-)

    3. I got a Mani/pedi before mine last week. Usually get my hair cut and dyed too, but I ran out of time. I worked until the Friday before my Monday Csection. I do the toes for me though. Makes me feel better when I feel like crap afterwards.

    4. Congrats, Patricia!!

  13. This Enty is not funny, but they think they are. smh

    1. @libby, that's it exactly

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM


    3. Double agreed. They can't feign ignorance very well

  14. Having a baby naturally with no problems does not make you an invalid Enty. I was up and about the day after my births too.

  15. She looked elated! After a C-section you aren't walking ANYWHERE. She's relatively young and athletic, no surprise that she up walking around.

    @Megley- I'm right there with you! I miss OG Enty immensely.

  16. The baby looked pretty old man wrinkled yesterday. I don't understand why people have to make up conspiracies.

    Agreed, with a natural birth you can be up and about quickly. Oh you're tired, but I'm sure after the hullabaloo shen went back to resting.

    One thing I LOVED was that Kate was still showing her pooch! I can't think of any other celebrity who has done that. Since it's so rarely shown, I was shocked at my own poochiness after delivering!

    1. Never having had any kids autoimmune diseases (and probably never will as Im already having hot flashes) I had no idea new mothers still looked pregnant after birth. My own mother is eighty pounds and 5"2, and between her and the celeb moms I always thought a new mother had to come out of the hospital looking like a twig or else.
      BTW Enty, if a woman really wants her baby (granted lots dont) it IS possible for her to be up and about the next day smiling. If I was able to have a child (ha! As if.) I would be absolutely FLYING. Just knowing I was finally as good as all other women and finally in the special Supermommy club would be enough to make me bouncy and hysterical and so ecstatic everybody would think I was high.

  17. Ludicrous. To me, she was moving the least amount possible and seemed very tired.

    1. Exactly! Her eyes looked exhausted, as one would imagine. William took the baby down the steps. She wasn't all that smooth. She looked fantastic, no doubt, but not 100%. Guarantee she went to bed a couple of hours after that dog and pony show.

  18. Stop. Just stop.

    Child birth does not cause paralysis. Someone who recently had a C-section would not move that well. She still had significant left-over bump. The baby was over 8 pounds, of course it looked big. Some women are natural birthers and she is probably one of them. Just leave it alone and let them (and those of us that choose to) enjoy the baby.


  19. Oh, and it was a week before William's name was announced. But that was before the internet age. Now if we don't have updates on something every 5 minutes its a consipiracy.

    Yes, I miss the original Enty too.

  20. Uhm, Enty, most babies actually lose weight in the first 3-4 days after birth. This is one of the stupidest stories you have ever posted.

  21. The bottom line is that everyone's pregnancy & birth is different. Give the girl a break! She's young & in shape & pampered, & just gave birth to the royal heir. I'd be bouncy, too! Not everything is a conspiracy!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This new enty sure likes to complain about celebrities. If you hate them so much, why do you continue to gossip on them? The OG enty and even the enty of the last year weren't like this.

    Some women have easy births. I'd say Kate is one of them. No conspiracy involved.

  24. SMDH...These conspiracy things are getting WAY out of control. She looked just fine, the baby still looked like Winston Churchill--cone headed from the labor and all--Women are tough cookies..and yes, she is still on her adrenaline rush and excitement of a new baby--give her another day or so and she'll be a hot mess back at the palace. I had a c-section and was actually up and walking about (forced to by the hospital). Once I got up it was all fine, getting up and sitting back down were the nightmare

  25. To everyone there:
    All newborns are ugly and alike. The only difference in them is the skin color and weight.
    That's why doctors give the wrong baby to the mother sometimes.

  26. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I can't even muster up the energy to post what I wanted. Ditto what everyone else said..

  27. I hope the kid is not named George. I'm pulling for "James" or "Edward."

  28. Enty your "new" schtick is Lame!!!!!!!

  29. I don't think there is a conspiracy. I thought Kate looked great, a little tired perhaps. I am sure she took care of herself while pregnant.

  30. The theory is ridiculous; the humor lame. Bring the original Enty back. At least stop with the garbage. Quality over quantity wins out.

  31. The Shenty that wrote is clueless because the last time she had anything remotely phallic between her legs, she was kicked out of the produce section. It's no wonder she can't conceive (pun totally intended) of what actual childbirth entails. How's menopause treating you?

  32. msgirl - I loved the fact that she showed her pooch, too! It's nice to see a "normal" post-delivery photo of a famous woman and not the 6-weeks-later-I've-dropped-all-my-weight photo.

  33. lol, and I just realized. That isn't even a photo of the new prince.

  34. Why the negativity Enty?

    Kate is happy and excited to be a new mother.

    Find the real Enty and have some booze and bacon you might feel better.

  35. MsGirl, I said the same thing to my husband about her stomach. How great it was and how much pressure she would take off other new mums by doing that. They both looked elated. Wish everyone the best.

    1. Agree. Kate was keeping it real! Love her!

    2. She's awesome! Love her, too!!

  36. I am seconding that ditto.

  37. Holy cow. All anyone could really see was the top of the head and a little hand. Way to try to start a silly conspiracy theory. I didn't know that the "basketball bump" doesn't immediately deflate, so that was a surprise, but one that was easily explained by women who know from experience.

    Also, the non-stop looping of coverage may have made it seem like Kate was standing and smiling for much longer than she was. CNN went seventy-minutes without a break in coverage yesterday, lending a feeling to a casual viewer that Will, Kate and baby were in front of the hospital non-stop.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. And dont forget if she seemed bouncy, shes is young, and was an athelete, so in pretty good shape. I cld see she looked exhausted, wils too. Its called, "normal." I hope shes laying around somewhere with her feet up, half asleep while baby snoozing on her chest. :)

  40. If there were women truly having thos discussion, they are idiots (for all the reasons mentioned above).

  41. ...and the conspiracy theories begin.

    I highly doubt they're going to fake the birthday of the heir to the throne. It's selfish and unfair to the child, thinking it was born on a different day.

    Plus...the kid would have thought he was a Cancer his whole life, only to find out he's really a Leo. Not cool. I really don't think they would do that.

    I also think Kate looked exhausted in all the photos. Beautiful, but exhausted. Her stomach also still looks preggers, so you can tell she literally just gave birth.

  42. yeah they're going to lie to the 3rd in line to be king about his birth date for the rest of his life. *eyeroll* give me a fucking break. she's a duchess and yes she just gave birth a day earlier but let's face it the royals have an image to maintain and that is smiling and looking cheeful 24/7.

  43. Had my twin boys naturally...and while I could get around a few hours after, I was certainly not bouncy for at least a few days...and even then I was still EXHAUSTED.

    BUT...every woman has a different birth story. :) Kate has a team of people to help her and she probably got rest...whereas I was woken up every 2 hours so they could draw blood and take my blood pressure. lol...I'm not royal though.

  44. @scratchy - you ARE just as good as all of us who've had babies! And believe me, there are far too many women in the Mommy Club who really just don't deserve to be here...

    1. Cermkay is right scrathchy. You are no less of a person because you didnt give birth. :)

  45. I was up and about walking, feeling pretty good about 8 hours after a 18-hour labor that ended in drug-free, natural birth. It's not impossible.

    The baby looks like his pretty mother.

  46. Kate looked amazing and like she was glowing!! William looked so proud! They seemed so sweet and down-to- earth. They are going to be wonderful parents.
    Funny how Kim & Kanye are way more entitled and snobby!

  47. I absolutely cringe when posters come onto threads and say they just don't care. And with that I must declare, "I just don't care about this AT ALL!!!!!!!"

    I am so sick of this fucking story. Christ. I don't get the fascination. And these people need some space. Good lord.

    And with these conspiracy theories about the birth - Really? Get a grip.

    She looked fabulous emerging from the hospital, and the baby is adorbs. Eek. I'm such a girl...

  48. I'm pretty sure Diana was up and out being photographed with Charles before taking William home the very next day too.

  49. Jeez. I've never had a baby and even I know that she looked normal, the baby looked normal, everything is normal. And the only thing bouncy on her was her hair. She wasn't bouncing around but she looked great, if a bit tired and poochy. Which, again, is NORMAL.

    New Enties are ridic.

  50. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I can't believe any woman who ever had a baby discussed that anywhere. I'm thinking Enty (a man) made this story up just to stir up some trouble.

  51. Give me a break..... A young woman gives birth, first pregnancy, no complications, baby is healthy, so there HAS to be a conspiracy. Somebody call Sherlock STAT!

  52. I was 36 when I had my first baby at 11:30 pm and came home the next morning and had a birthday party for my father as baby was born on his birthday. I was tired, but a nothing a shower and a little makeup didn't disguise. Had the 2nd baby a year later and came home the same day. If you're healthy and have a normal delivery without complications it's not a big deal. I had gestational diabetes and high blood pressure and still felt great after both deliveries. It's an exhilarating time for new parents for the most part. Don't women give birth in fields and go right back to work in some countries??

  53. I love how she wore a dress similar to Diana.
    She probably had a full nights rest.
    Who buckles a baby into a car seat like that? That was my only concern.

    I agree the writer on this blog has changed.

  54. No way the real birth date of a future king would be faked. For what reason? They're not Kardashians looking to kash in on every shit they take.

    Kate looked perfectly normal for a woman in good shape who delivered a baby 24 hours before. She had bags under her eyes if you look closely.

  55. When I read this I wondered how this writer could know so many stupid women. I don't even have kids, but when I looked at her I thought a) even with the makeup and hair, she looked tired (which is realistic) b)she obviously didn't have a c-section because she wouldn't be walking around. A friend recently had a baby left the hospital early the next day and was out having lunch the day after that.

    My favorite thing was that she showed off her post baby figure without trying to hide it. In fact her dress probably enhanced the bump. Not like the other celebrities that go into hiding and don't appear until they are back to their original size.

  56. People are just CRAZY!!! After both if my deliveries I was up walking around within an hour. I had "easy" deliveries and no epidural, just light pain meds and only a few stitches. I know I am an oddity but I felt pretty good after both of the deliveries and left the hospital as soon as they would release me.

  57. Oh, for fuck's sake, how stupid can people be?

    18 hours after I had my second, I was at the store getting groceries. I went rollerblading three days later. And I was 37 years old.

  58. It really must be a slow news day.. or the Enties need the extra hits.

    I thought they looked wonderful, and it was quite touching to see William put the baby in the car and drive off.

  59. She looked beautiful and tired. I couldn't move for three days after C-section. Get real!!!!!

  60. But did they really have to name the baby George????????

  61. Kate looked beautiful and I love that the dress showed off her tummy.

    Aren't vaginal births easier (generally) to recover from than a C-section?

    1. Yes. A C section is major abdominal surgery. It's been nearly 20 years and I still have a scar.

  62. I love the Royals, and all of the "fanfare", and yes, she looked tired and had the "poochy" midsection and I applaud them both for always keeping it real.

  63. And...the baby is adorable and I love hearing all of the birthing stories!!

    Oh yea....and screw the Kardashians...cuz you know the next thing we'll be inundated with is Kim's baby pictures (to the highest bidder) and her post baby weight body/lipo body.

  64. So you're saying that there is a huge size difference between a baby that is 1.5 days old to a baby that is 4 days old? Absolute BS - I call shenanigans.

  65. I had 10-pound boys and was up and walking around within a few hours. Also no epidural. And new babies typically lose weight the first few days, not gain.

  66. Misch - I had two children, no epidural. No one's sticking a needle in my spine unless they have an x-ray to guide them. Two hours after my daughter was born, I wanted to leave. They wouldn't let me. I hate hospitals, and got out of there ASAP. I thought Kate looked great, and she had a big baby. Nothing fishy about the birth. Unlike Bey-Bey...

  67. Ha ha ha, again haven't laughed so much in a long Enty, English maybe?

  68. This site has gotten so stupid. I don't even know why I'm checking in right now. How are all you regulars still reading this drivel?
