Monday, July 08, 2013

John Mayer Pays Tribute To "My Katy"

John Mayer talks about his feelings for Katy Perry in concert this weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Katy gone bruh!
    We will never get her back now

  2. Barf. He is slimy.

  3. and yet he failed to mention the three times he dumped her and getting blown by Giada in between (allegedly)

    He isn't aging well, he would do well to stay with Katy for as long as he can until she gets sick of him.

  4. Katy has major man issues. He's going to break her heart too. :(

  5. Geeeesh! Does this guy ever learn???? He needs to keep his trap shut about his relationships. & thinking back to the infamous "David Duke Dick" comment in Playboy, maybe he just needs to ONLY sing. Never talk.

  6. Wow so she talked for him and he thought she was wonderful? Damn I'm a freakin' hero at my house then.. My husband can't get a word in edgewise.

  7. Said it before and I'll say it're wasting those glorious creamalicious, lucious, motor-boating worthy jugs on that douchebag, Katy. Waste them on ME!!

  8. What, she was a saint for putting up with his vocal rest needs early in their relationship? It's not like it was a monumental sacrifice...puleez.

  9. Hey this was in Milwaukee!

  10. What can I say, some girls just don't mind getting shit on by bad boys over and over again...

  11. Ugh to for and about him.

  12. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I'm smelling an engagement and/or quicky marriage about to happen! barf. This guy has verbal diarrhea, and he needs to STFU about his personal life, news flash, we all have personal lives, no one gives a crap about your girl talking for you, Oscar Mayer Wiener.

  13. My question is, when he starting talking again, wasn't that a big sign to hit the exit?
