Monday, July 08, 2013

Jenny McCarthy Replacing Joy Behar

There has been a lot of talk and discussion and back and forth and article writing and column whispering that Joy Behar's replacement on The View was going to be someone Latin. Last I checked Jenny McCarthy is not Latin. She has been seen naked by a lot of Latin people though. And also every other color of the rainbow. Apparently with the certain future demise of her bust of a talk show, Jenny wants something more stable. She also would like to be the star of something. The View is a place where she can settle herself comfortably into a chair for the next 20 years without doing much and can promote everything she wants to promote and will let the world hear her views on a variety of subjects while also trying to get a guy not stuck in a hospital bed without a remote actually watch the show. I was hoping for a bold choice, but I guess Jenny could be seen as a younger replacement of Joy.


  1. And because of this, I will continue not watching The View. Unless Sweet Brown is on again.

    1. SweetBrown was on the show?? What?? When did I miss that?

    2. Last week! The theme of the show was people who got famous on the internet. I watched for Billy Echiner, but stayed for Sweet Brown

  2. Thia was already previously rumored.

  3. Ugh. I'm never watching that show again.

    1. I'd have to start watching to never watch it again. But I can see where this could be the final push.

  4. If Sherri "the world isn't flat? Huh" Shepherd can host, so can Jenny "I cured autism with my mind" McCarthy.

    NO WAY is she another Joy Behar. I haven't watched the show in years, but Joy Behar is a talented comedian. McCarthy is an accidental comedian.

  5. I can take Jenny in small doses. But mostly she grates my last nerve.

  6. I don't care for her, but she'll do well on that show.

  7. Politicians and prostitutes all end up respectable.

  8. As if I needed another reason to not watch The view. Does anyone have the deets on why Oprah cut the cord on Jenny's talk show? Is it simply because she is bat shit crazy?

  9. I am not home during the day, so who cares? I hope she doesn't use it as a platform for her anti vaccination crusade. That set public health back a few decades.

  10. Thank god I never watch The View.

  11. I do watch the show and enjoy Whoopi and Joy the most. They are both intelligent and articulate. Hasselcrack is grating, Sherry occasionally is funny and Barbara is just getting too old and can't hear well enough to participate. Jenny was on as a guest host a few weeks ago and I just thought she was trying too hard by wearing the glasses. I was surprised she didn't have her hair up in a librarian bun too. I will watch only because there's not much else on at that time and I work rom home.

    1. Please tell me you really didn't call Whoopi and Joy Behar "intelligent and articulate." *sigh*

  12. There might be some fireworks between her and Elizabeth Hasselbeck, because Elizabeth's used to being the only sexy-ish one on the show and now she'll have competition.

  13. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Im at work during the day, never cared to DVR it
    a bunch women yapping away?
    dont care abt their opinion on something
    Now its going to be filled with jenny and her crazy eyes....good luck
    wont last another year

  14. I font know how any if these people get eork, i really dont.

  15. I will not be watching The View. I cannot stand Jenny McCarthy, never could. Pretty lady, NOT funny- all she did was make stupid faces.
    AAarrggh, I wish she'd go away!!!

  16. I like her but I don't watch TV now. I think she's been to hell and back and has done the best she can to help others in a similar situation. I don't agree with her at all re vaccinations but I haven't walked in her shoes ....

  17. Even if we don't watch we will be subjected to the marketing train that will come if they hire her. Oh well.

  18. Behar is a miserable cunt. Good riddance.

  19. @anothergrayhare - The View airs opposite The Price is Right and Maury in my area - that's always a better choice!

  20. Rather, those are always a better choice. The View is awful, is what I'm trying to say.

  21. Dumb choice because this nitwit is very polarizing and stupid. The Talk is starting to look profoundly intelligent.

    Besides being a complete idiot, McCarthy tries to hard to be funny, which she is not.

  22. I can't wait for the anti-anti-vaxxer battalions to pour out and decry her and call for her death. I mean, she repeated a suspicion (a stupid suspicion) that thousands of other people had already voiced, so clearly she must die.

  23. She is an idiot, so she will fit in well.

  24. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I don't have a problem with her being put on the show. She's sassy, loud, brassy, ( annoying yes, but Behar wasn't?), she's a logical replacement. She's opinionated, a youngish mother, she's already put herself out there as a celebrity mom, and if this will get her out of the party circuit dry humping every available rich guy, then so much the better.

  25. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  26. No guy is going to turn on the View to listen to her speak. Even if they had a Special Nude Edition, the presence of Whoopi would adversely impact any hard on potential.

    Her and Hasslebeck in a spelling contest might be worth watching.

  27. I thought that was a pic of Reese Witherspoon.

  28. If this idiot anti-vaccine, killer of children is on The View, I will never, ever watch it again, but I will watch for who's advertising as soon as she's announced as Joy's replacement & I will write to the advertisers that I will boycott their products not only if they advertise on The View, but if they advertise on ABC!
    That should get the network's attention!

  29. It's long been rumored Jenny's son was misdiagnosed and never had autism in the first place. Maybe she counts that as a "cure".

    She's an idiot but I don't watch this show anyways so I won't be missing anything.

  30. **Groans and repeatedly slams face into desk** Maybe this will finally kill The View.....(one can only hope)

  31. Ugh...I hate when she's on. The only thing worse is if Bitsy goes --it looks like they are auditioning Rachel Campos again and she is just freaking awful.

  32. Love it! I may actually watch the show now...maybe.
