Monday, July 08, 2013

Jennifer Love Hewitt Quits Twitter

Apparently Jennifer Love Hewitt is not getting the love she needs from the people on Twitter and has decided to quit the site. You know, for now. She will evaluate it and when she feels that people have missed her enough, she will be back. Or, once she decides the people can't live without what she has to say then she will be back. Oh, or when she decides she misses hundreds of thousands of people saying how wonderful and amazing she is, then she will be back. Her explanation for quitting was kind of vague. "Unfortunately with all the negativity people choose to send on twitter as well as threats to there [sic] own well being. I’m sad to say twitter is No longer for me. ... Life should be filled with positivity and holding each other up, not making threats and sending bad vibes."

While I agree with what she is saying, no one could really find examples on her Twitter of what she was talking about and some are saying it is a ploy to drive up the prices of her baby photos. If you don't see her or hear from Jennifer for the next few months, then tabloids will pay a higher price for an interview and photos when her baby is born.


  1. Wonder if she'll bedazzle the baby?

  2. Jennifer H^^ You just made me realize that I hope she has a boy. Not that that will stop her from probably being a stage mom with him, but at least boys aren't so tarted up from birth. Usually. Maybe Seacrest, but few others.

  3. Twitter is mostly for kids and young people who have very poor interpersonal skills.

  4. If she has a boy she'll just bajazzle his balls.

  5. @libby, Seacrest was a a chubby little nerd, hardly tarted up from birth.

  6. Why is quitting a social media site newsworthy? I find it quite refreshing when a person is so not into facebook, twitter, etc. "It's all bullshit," in the words of my astute 90-year-old grandmom. She asked me to explain twitter and facebook to her last year, when the news anchors kept referring to them.

  7. Naw, Susie....I was talking about his bow-tie pics n such. The little suits we see him in, in old photos--they're totally fine, it was a joke.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Twitter is also used heavily by media types, journalists and PR flacks. They all talk about it like it's a significant form of social media, but no real person spends any time whatsoever on Twitter (except the occasional media consumer who "follows" a celeb for laughs).

  10. Does she still have the two accounts under the different names she gave her breasts?

    1. LOL, the left one quit, but the right one's still going at it.

      I'll bet her vajayjay has a blog.

  11. None of them shld be on twitter. First if all, usually NOT star twittering, and the people who respond are not all there. It is very negative. It seems to allow people to unleash their awful inner thoughts.

  12. She looks cute pregnant.

  13. She probably got private messages, if no one can find a threat being tweeted her way.

  14. Aunt Liddy, I had to read your comment close to five times to make out what you were talking about.

    1. Pip, sorry. I reread what i write, its what I meant to say. Perhaps awkwardly said? Idk, obviously, i know what i meant, lol lol

    2. Lol! Just ignore her posts, Pip. They never say anything of importance and are always written horribly.

  15. Anonymous11:49 AM

    riiight.... because disappearing when you're a c list t.v actress who's barely been clinging to a job for fifteen years by the skin of your teeth, it's a good idea to fall off the map until people remember how much they need and adore you????.....

  16. Anonymous11:57 AM

    that baby bump grew fast overnight
    noone questions if its real or not

  17. @Anna...

    Like her or not she is firmly A list (TV). She has headlined two of her own highly successful shows and co-starred in a highly successful ensemble show. She's hardly been "barely clinging to a job for fifteen years" since The Client List was created with her in mind (based on her Golden Globe nominated performance in the movie of the same name on Lifetime).

    Huh. Under the who knew files...

    She's apparently a popstar in Japan and has had moderate success elsewhere around the world.

  18. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm neutral on JLH but hope she finds alot of happiness being a mom. I hope this relationship works out for her.

  19. "Why is quitting a social media site newsworthy?"

    Because she'll be back. They're just teeing her up for the hypocrisy when that happens.

  20. It has. I'm pretty sure everyone speaking negatively on Twitter just don't use it correctly. It is seriously one of the best social networks, your words reach thousands of people in seconds.
