Monday, July 01, 2013

Jennifer Lopez Puts Money Ahead Of Human Rights

I don't think anyone would be surprised that Jennifer Lopez would put her money ahead of human rights. She will do anything to grab a huge paycheck and that is exactly what she got when she sang "Happy Birthday" to the leader of Turkmenistan during a show in that country over the weekend. Her paycheck was almost in eight figures. Yeah, just about $10M for one show. Jennifer might even agree to actually sing live for that kind of money. After the show she apologized for even performing in the country and had no idea about their human rights record and blah blah blah. She knew. That is why she kept her performance there a big secret. She knew, but wanted that paycheck and everything else they promised her. She knew she could say sorry after it was over and maybe even drop $100K into Angelina Jolie's hand the next time she sees her and call it even. If you think Jennifer is going to give up that huge payday, she won't. She knew what she was doing and had a plan the entire time.


Marieeee said...

OT: Just heard Britney is pregnant. Anyone else hear it?

FSP said...

MV needs to go away.

Amber said...

Oh, please. I am not buying that JLo knows anything about anything going on outside the orbit of her own ass.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Dammnit Amber!!!

Anonymous said...

J Lo has always been a hustler. Remember when this happened a few years ago to the million dollar baby lady? Damn, the one that won an oscar for boys don't cry? Celeb's do this kind of shady party hosting, appearing, etc. for shady world leaders all the time, they know damn well that there's bad things being done by these bad people (sorry got a migraine today), but for 10 mil? They overlook it, and then just say " Oh, we didn't know.... " come the f on, you damn well know you knew! Otherwise the price tag wouldn't have been so high. If it was a performance for someone people like such as, Oprah, or Nelson Mandela ( hope he's getting better), then it wouldn't have been near so much.

nevermindthat said...

She knew. If she was truly sorry she would return the money or donate it to charity.

nevermindthat said...

@Marieee I heard it was just a pregnancy scare.

Cecilia00 said...

Nothing about her returning the money? Then her apology means squat

auntliddy said...

Onboard with the she knew crowd. Easy to be sorry after you cash the check. I think it shows severe lack of ethicss. Remenber when musicans refused to play in south africa because of apartied? Now thats putting your principles before the paycheck.

J Ruth said...

This makes me angry on so many levels. Take some responsibility for how you use your celebrity. It's not like she was starving on the streets in desperate need of some cash. She's already loaded! I think this is so sick.

sandybrook said...

When I read all this yesterday I thought it was a news parody. Never ever heard of this country and the despot 's name couldnt possibly be real. She couldnt have known anything when she signed up to get an easy payday. If she donated it all should be well.

FreudianSlip said...

I'm ready for this trick to be over already. She's a piece of trash who knew what she was doing.

hollywood dime said...

LOL @ Amber! I doubt that half the people commenting on this post knew about that country's human rights violations, so why would you expect Jennifer to know?

Unknown said...

I thought she got paid a little over a million

Star said...

Beyonce, Usher ,Jay-Z, Russell Simmons, Jon Bon Jovi, Lindsay Lohan, and Jlo all once performed for Gaddafi before too. Its nothing new just Jlo is taking the heat this time around

caralw said...

Actually, she changed into their ethnic garb, so someone on her team did some research. Also, just to get the visa requires a bit of effort. So, not buying her excuse.

J Ruth said...

I mean, come on. You're going to a country that borders Iran and Afghanistan and you don't bother to do a little Google search to find out what's going on? Did she also wear a blindfold the entire time she wasn't at the party so she didn't see the obvious poverty? She knew. She knew and she deserves to be shamed.

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Just reinforces my complete and utter hate for this bitch.

Super F*cking Awesome Katelyn said...

Seems like a good time for more MV clues!

miss Z said...

she should get same treatment as Paula Deen...but she wont.

Kels said...

I wonder if when people talk about Latino advancement, do they name J.Lo has a successful exception the way they do with black people and Jay-Z?

Because they are both money grubbing whores and should be a shining example of what NOT to do on a position of power and influence.

Kels said...

Um all those people had to give the money they got back!!! Trust and beliebe they were checked!!

crila16 said...

JLo isn't MV.

Why are people shocked that she's against human rights? She murders innocent animals for their fur for her ugly clothing line. Jenny from the Block my @ss.

Count Jerkula said...

She is a soulless whore, why would anyone be surprised by this? For another mill, she'da let the promoter take a dump on her chest on stage.

megan00m said...

Lol true..true..

megan00m said...

Wikipedia does exist, travel to some rando country without ever asking? Yeah right. A star who pays an entourage of security wouldn't be afraid of kidnapping or worse...just ladeedaa jump on a plane?

Del Riser said...

She can plead ignorance and I'd buy that, but she has handlers who make the travel arrangements and so forth, someone knew. Money is money to her, she doesn't care how she gets it.

Scallywag said...

I heard about this before she went. There was already buzz about it. She knew what she was walking into; her paycheck covers the backlash.

Patty said...

I'm sorry, did you say she "sang"??!!

Krissie said...

I really hate this "I feel so bad about what I did! By the way, I am going to keep the money for it" mentality. Reminds me of all the stories lately about how Jim Carrey is sorry he made a violent money, except apparently won't be donating the paycheck. (Although I think what JLo did is a lot worse than making a violent movie. I'm just saying I think their apologies are hollow.)

Sherry said...

First off who thinks her singing is worth $10M? She can't sing fer shit. Also worrying is that most people in this mostly desert country live in relative poverty (unless you're lucky to be part of the oil industry) and they can shell out $10M for JHo but completely forget about taking care of their own people. That's also a crime in my mind.

And yeah Kels..what has she really done for Latino advancement? Show what you can become if you work hard getting off the block? Not much that I can see. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

MadamChef said...

Another day, another chance to shit on Angelina Jolie for something she's not even a part of. The AJ hate is strong with this Enty.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Like many of you knew where that country is or the political situation.
Wikipedia is not a source of information, too liberal biased. If some terrorist is imprisoned, he (it, terrorists are animals) maybe called "political prisoner" (who only bombed bars, bus stations and streets).
Most artists have played before despicable people, and nobody cared, as long as they were liberals (castro, chávez, the Chinese dictator of the time...) or powerful (this dude can be a dictator in his village, but is nothing outside).

Anonymous said...

listen.... do you know the SHIT i would do for 10 millions dollars!!!
lip synching in front of a bunch of ppl is no where near the top that list

apologize alll the way to the bankkkk jlo

shes getting old, how long you think she has before these offers start shriveling up?
How else shes going to pay for dick?

ride that ass till it falls to ur knees bitch

Pip said...

I didn't even know that was a country. I can see her following the cash, and not researching her surroundings. I doubt she is sorry. 10 million is a lot of money.

L-rod said...

I'm latina and I do mention her to some extent. I don't like her and agree she is very calculated and is all about dollars to her. That being said she has opened the doors for other latina celebrities in terms of spokesperson deals like Loreal, Pepsi etc.

Kels said...

She alreasy has money a hundred million. She didn't need to do this like someone like us would.

Cause I would learn Farsi and sing an Iranian tune for The President of Iran for 10 million dollars at this point in my life. Im broke and I have student loans.

delete account said...

Applause applause!!! Co-sign all the way.

delete account said...

Donating the moneh to charity wouldnt do squat. All that would do is give nasty J Ho a great tax deduction. She'd still be making bank.
I dont like Beyounce, but remember how the media crucified her for performing for Gadhafi? And that was when he was on friendly terms with the West. You wont see J Ho get a backlash like Beyonce did, though, I guarantee you wont.

Hazeldazel said...

Yeah, yeah, we heard the same story when she sang for Gaddhafi. Sorry sorry, didn't know, no monies were ever donated. Step on a lego beeyotch.

Vercingetorix said...

I don't understand the hate, no one gave the first family any shit when they happily posed for a picture with the same guy

Henriette said...

I'm not a JBlow fan, but she's not the only one who does this, many celebs do this. Mariah did it a few years ago, and I bet that's how Janet Jackson met her Middle Eastern money maker.

janele said...

I'm sure if there were any human rights violations, Scientology's "Citizens Commission on Human Rights" group would have told her.

(Bad joke -- this "human rights" group is just a Scientology front, and they basically just blame psychiatrists for all of the evils of the world. Apparently, good ol' L. Ron Hubbard didn't like the diagnosis a psychiatrist gave him and decided to incorporate his hate in his writings/teachings/bullshit.)

evie2345 said...

Yeah, I would definitely research any place I was going, if I didn't know much about it. If I was hired by a foreign government? No way I'd accept without doung some homework.
It's so easy to research- I'm guessing she just doesn't care and only wants a paycheck.
I saw that it was $1.4 million, but whatever, it's stupid.

Jenn said...

I'd sing for the bastard. His ears would bleed, his head would explode, he'd melt, ala Ark of the Covenant on Indiana Jones, so, it'd all even out in the end. I'd be paid up front, of course.

I'm surprised this shit doesn't happen when JLo sings,but auto-tune, it's a miracle of modern technology.

D Brown said...

If she is supposed to give back the money she earned in T., because of the human rights violations there, does that not mean that she has to give back all the money she earns in the USA due to human rights violations by the IRS there? Just asking.


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