Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jay-Z Performs Same Song For Six Hours Straight

For six hours straight yesterday, Jay-Z performed in front of crowds at the Pace Gallery in NYC. He sang Picasso Baby. He seemed to enjoy it the whole time, and kept it fairly fresh, but six hours? Crazy. Yeah, yeah it is modern art.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    wow, good for him. that's great commitment. Has anyone else heard any rumblings in the gossip world that he's bi?

  2. I would have loved to see this! Bet id have seen james franco there too! All kidding aside..pretty cool.

  3. Seems like a try- hard way to get artist cred.

  4. Sarah: bingo. Jay Z and Beyonce are all about the PR.

    1. I lost respect with the video of him hitting some woman at a party. She was taking video and he just walks up and clocks her.
      Google it, I don't know how to make it clicky from my phone.

  5. Sounds like an alternate form of torture we might want to implement at Gitmo.

    1. +1000010000
      He's talented, blah, blah, blah...
      He's also annoying, ugly as sin, and married to a borderline moron...I've enjoyed some of his stuff but SIX HOURS of the same damn song?!?!

      Jigga man needs some new "yes" people....

  6. 6 hours because it was a video shoot.

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Jay-Z already has artistic cred. No need to try. He's seen as one of the best rap artists ever.

    And all celebs are about PR. I give Jay credit for being smart about his choices 95% of the time. I have issues with him, but he's pretty cool.

  8. so over him. NExT!

  9. I've always loved Jay-Z regardless of his power-couple deal with Beyonce. His new album is good but even he said it's only his 4th greatest. Dude has been in the rap game for nearly 20 years. He isn't douchey like Kanye and at least doing something like this is far better than the shit Kanye spews out and calls 'art.'

  10. Who is JayZ? (do you hear the sound of an old can of works opening up? That was deliberate)

  11. Worms, dammit,not works.

  12. I feel like Jay Z could take a shit in the middle of the museum and the world would say, "He's brilliant! Now THAT's art."


  13. That's six hours away from Beyonce!

  14. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Admirable, but hardly compares to the 18 hours a day that Enty puts in writing all of this just for us. Without revealing too much, just let me say that the man has sacrificed his health, appearance, social life, car, family, house, pets, and BACON just to keep us informed. Makes Jay-Z look like a complete slacker!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I admire his commitment & I bet he probably hates that song now. Of course, herpaderp face does love the sound of his own voice.

  17. Commitment...not so sure. EGO sounds more like it. I wish both him and his wife would go away.

    1. The voice of reason. Right here folks!

  18. This sort of "art"- like the woman sleeping in a box-is asinine. Its not art, its just dopey.

  19. Written freestyles, albums have one maybe two good tracks on it and even he said this wasn't his favorite album. I'll pass. And the videos do not flatter him in any way.

    Didn't hear about the bi rumors (@Anna)but I did hear he beat Foxy Brown and gave her herpes. I mean beat her bad.

  20. Ugh. No, I'm not a rap fan but even I do like some stuff. I do not get the Jay-Z love.

  21. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Only a gay man would sing his own song for 6 hours!



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