Friday, July 12, 2013

I Don't Care About North West

Apparently someone is reading about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's baby North West, but it is not me. When I see headlines that rival the size of the end of World War 2 just to let me know that Kanye and Kim and the baby take naps together, I start to question the sanity of people. It is not just the reporters, it is the people reading the stories. The tabloids know which stories you are reading and if a Kim Kardashian baby story is at the top of the list, then it is going to be up to some intern to come up with some other angle to talk about with North.

These are exclusives I have seen in the past two weeks.

Kim only bottle feeds
Kim only breast feeds
The weight of the baby
The length of the baby
The nap story
Kim's first meal after having the baby
Kanye's a hands on dad
Kanye's a hands off dad
Kanye doesn't change diapers
Kanye changes diapers
Both parents take care of the baby at night
Both parents sleep and let the night nurse handle everything



  1. Can you imagine having to nap next to these two? Ugh.

  2. You say enough but you are perpetuating the story by writing about them no?

  3. The pictures of her crying face are the best, lol

  4. Between Kimmie and Kayne North doesn't stand a choice..
    And I've noticed very little about them...

  5. I was wondering the other day, who actually watches Keeping up with the Kardashians? Maybe it's because I'm from Australia, but no-one I know watches it- I don't know if it's even still on here. I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to trashy reality show pleasures here and there (ANTM, Survivor), but I can't for the life of me understand why people would watch it.

  6. @Roman - exactly. QUIT TALKING ABOUT THEM. People are too nosy not to read.

  7. Im not overly interested myself. Weird situation.

  8. If you're not reading about them why the hell you writing about them and , dammit, gettin me to read it. Thanks for nothin. lol

  9. @The Langoliers, I watch lots of reality TV, but I just can't with the Kardashians. I have seen friends post on fb about watching it as a guilty pleasure. These are normal, intelligent people who are watching this shit. I always want to say something snarky about how they are only helping this family stay in the media, but I bite my tongue instead.

  10. So when is the baby due?

  11. And yet here is enty writing his longest post since morn, about how he hates writing about them, and somehow manages to remember every headline about them he has read

  12. Phoenix, apparently it took three or four takes to get it. You know, on their "reality" show.

  13. the best thing that I have seen written about this who debacle is from suri's burn book and she noticed how "north west" is an anagram of "the worst".

    Love it!

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I find it hard to believe that the Kartrashians are still relevant.

  15. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Enty, if you hate writing and reading about them so much then don't, we don't like it anymore than you do. I'm interested in what's up with Khloe, but can't stand Kim and the GD baby stories, let's boycott them!

  16.'re still posting. I don't think WE care much, either. Just sayin'. :-/

  17. What? The baby hasn't walked on water yet?
    Or did I just steal some intern's thunder?

  18. "I don't give any fucks... And please listen to all the fucks I don't give!"

    *rolls eyes*

    1. I have zero fucks to give. I gave at the office to Wills and Kate's baby.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It's a sad day when I'd rather read a Kim Kardashian story than read about another Bieber tantrum.

  20. I wish I had seen Kim's face when they pull the baby out and it is as black as kanye. I am not racist but just sayin...

  21. Its funny that all the tabs are running amuch creating stories, and yet she has stayed pretty quiet with the new bebe'.

  22. "Let's make a post about other's boring contradictory articles." ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz

  23. Then stop writing about them!

  24. @Pip I just found out yesterday that my co-workers are HUGE Kardashian fans and they swallow up everything TMZ puts out about them! Again, these are normal, intelligent people like your friends. I told my co-workers I thought the whole family were "attention whores" and didn't like them. One of my co-workers even called them "America's Royal Family." Barf!!

    1. D, that is barf worthy!! Did queen elizabeth have a porno video? Now that wld have been hilarious!!

  25. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Well, you all can bash Enty for being hypocritical, but did you not read the part where he says, "These are exclusives I have seen in the past two weeks."? He didn't read them people! He just saw the words and was able to absorb what they were saying without having to read them.

    1. LMAO! I am privy to exclusives every time I stand in line at the grocery store. Would anyone care to fund my radio show?

  26. Anonymous1:20 PM

    @Amanda's: This may be true, but you still have to actually READ those words. Enty has earned his fame because he is gifted with the Second Sight. His ex-wife Carli (who joined him on the two radio shows he blessed all of us with) will totally vouch for this.

    1. Ooooh Ann, Enty should ask your cousin Anna about Sylvia Browne!

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      @Amanda: Anna doesn't have to ask, she can just send it telepathically. She also has the gift.

    3. The gift....of gab?

  27. I was dogsitting for a friend this week & my TV watching kept getting interrupted to dvr their show. I had no idea she was a fan. I yelled at her (I was shocked & apalled) & she was embarrassed to admit she watches it.

  28. Anonymous2:27 PM

    You got it--Grovel And Beg.

  29. The biggest things are mag sales/circulation and web clicks. Until people stop clicking on stories about them, they're not going away. Same goes for all the other fame whores:

    Kate Loves 8
    Sarah Palin
    Paris Hilton

    I almost never click on them (although my abstaining isn't going to make a difference, I know). Clicked on this one because I agree with it.

    I hate "reality" crap (shows/stories/blinds/blind reveals). Love Enty(ies) and this site, but I also hate anything re:

    "Reality" celebs

    I just doooonnnnnn't caaaaaarrreee.

  30. @The Langoliers, I'm australian too and not one person in my wider circle watches their show - but my teen nieces and all their friends do. they think Kim is a role model :/

  31. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Without NorthWest, we can't have NorthEast, SouthWest, or SouthEast! Ya' gotta at least give two shits about SouthWest, Enty!

  32. Interesting...the only one of my friends who keeps up with the Kardashians (see what I did there? I'm so damn clever...LOL) is also a very normal, intelligent woman who I would just NEVER guess would approve of all the whoring. She actually got mad when I said that everything about Kimmie is fake. "She's so beautiful!" Um, no, not really. I think I'm better-looking quite honestly, and I'm a fat, middle-aged broad. (Hubby says curvy, and I love him. G)

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I Cee where you're going with this, See. We need more posts AND comments about these guys to set the truth free! (See what I did there, Cee?). LOLOLOL!!!!

  33. I have never seen any of the K shows and have never cared about any of them. But somehow I have come to have a visceral, white-hot hatred of the Kardashian/Jenner bunch. I think it may have been brought on by the pimping out of the two young ones, constantly being photographed in what amounts to child porn. I hope Kris Jenner burns in hell for eternity, if there is a hell. And if there isn't perhaps someone will throw her into an erupting volcano somewhere, the soulless fucking cunt.



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