Thursday, July 11, 2013

Halle Berry Is Getting Married This Weekend

Halle Berry is getting married this weekend Olivier Martinez. I don't think any of his girlfriends are on the guest list, but they might be working the reception. I'm not sure why Halle would want to marry Olivier except for the fact that she is carrying his baby. I know she thinks she is crazy in love, but she thought the same thing about David Justice. Remember that? Yeah, that relationship left a few scars and marks. I'm not saying Olivier is that same kind of guy, but to Gabriel Aubry he is and the paps he has threatened think he is and Kylie Minogue has nothing nice to say about the guy at all, so, basically he is exactly Halle Berry's type. Mazel Tov on the marriage though. I hope it works out for them, I just don't think it will.


  1. There is a sucker born every minute

  2. She's crazy, are they getting married in France ?
    Somehow I think he just outsmarted her....

  3. I don't get what she sees in him.

  4. Cuz this is gonna end well...

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I hope she's got a good prenup because based on the cheating rumors about him he's been involved with another woman and seems to only be after her money.

  6. Wow. A crazy narcissist marrying a violent womanizer. This is going to end well. I can just hear Nahla a year from now... "Mommy, why does Punchy Daddy always get mad after he comes home in the morning?"

  7. And divorced in a year.

    She ends up hating all her ex's so that divorce should be a mess

  8. Halle is no prize at all. Nice to look at, but not nice to have around long term.

    She gave up Gabriel for this loser? Why? Gabriel is so much better looking and seems to be a much better man. She should have kept him as more than a sperm donor.

    I think Halle prefers men who treat her like shit. Domestic abuse my ass, that's foreplay in Halle's mind.

    Wesley Snipes beat her so bad, she is now partially deaf in one ear. David Justice also beat her. Eric Benet perferred to have sex with other women. I would not be surprised if Olivier also beats her.

  9. Don't forget David Justice beat the shit out of her when they were married.

    OT in case y'all are thirsty today is 7/11 and 7-11 is giving away free Slurpees all day (small but still cold)

  10. we just got 7-11's here in the village cool...

  11. I still remember Olivier's rant about how much the legal fee's (Gabe & Halle) were costing "THEM" over Nahla...

  12. Dangit, Sandy! Now you tell me?!?

    (Is the deal where it's good through 11 p.m.?)

  13. All day today Dewie if its night where you are you should be able to

  14. she makes bad choices with men

    always has millions of excuses after the relationship falls apart to explain why she did????

    repeats the same pattern

  15. Excellent, thank you for the tip!

    Halle and Olivier deserve each other.

  16. "I don't think any of his girlfriends are on the guest list, but they might be working the reception."


  17. @rajah, reminds me of that scene from Sex and the City when Carrie sees a therapist and she's making excuse after excuse for why all her relationships fail (because of the men). The therapist finally says, "But the thing [these men] all have in common is... you."

  18. One thing I would like to say about the David Justice stuff: Has there been any violence/turmoil surrounding him since he split with Berry? Now how about surrounding her?

    I am totally not saying he had any right to hit the broad. I'm saying more along the lines that he was young and not equipped to deal with that kind of crazy she so obviously possesses.

    Possibly if Justice was a career Brave and never spent time in Pinstripes, I wouldn't care to bring this line of thinking up.

  19. I'm hoping Gabriel gets custody of Nahla, eventually. I can't imagine what that douchebag Olivier says to her about her father. Poor kid. She's the real loser in this situation.

  20. Poor kid not only Nahla but the unborn. Shit. At least Nahla has Gabriel.

  21. @Count Justice has been a model citizen ever since that time and still does TV (but I can say the same about Ray Lewis too)

  22. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I don't get what she sees in this man. When theses two go through their divorce, it will be NASTY.

  23. The picture Michael K has up on Dlisted shows how very, deeply, terrifyingly UGLY this man is. I mean, the man was hit hard with the ugly stick.

    I remember years ago Kylie Minogue saying something like "I know everyone is so jealous that I get to sleep with HIM" meaning Olivier, and even then I was like, um, no, not so much.

    And isn't Aubrey actually a nice guy?

    Yes, I also remember a few years ago reading an interview with her where she's lamenting all the violent men who've beat her, so now she's with an actual boxer who is known to be violent.

    Again, so sorry for both kids. :-(

  24. There was a time when Olivier was hot (Unfaithful) but in recent years his looks have taken a nosedive. Damn.

  25. I can't believe Olivier is going to marry Halle! I thought by now he realized how crazy she is. Run, Olivier, RUN!

  26. I bet this marriage is part of her plan to move Nahla to France. I hope the custody judge sees through her.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. enty you are such a debbie downer

  29. Anonymous3:10 PM

    She's such a horrible woman. I'm just sitting back, waiting for shit to hit the fan. Then, I'll pop some popcorn and enjoy a serious case of schadenfreude.

  30. I'm not sure I believe all the abuse stories or even that Eric Benet was a sex addict. All of her exes seem to be scared to talk about her and have taken the high road. I guess they don't want their bunnies boiled.

    1. Bunnies as in scrotums. Gotcha.

  31. Oh halle. Anyway i thought ahe swore she wld never marry again. I hope it works out for the sake of the children.

  32. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Think of the children!!!

  33. I just notice in every interview he can get, Martinez says, "My boy will be American." Whenever he says that, something just sends chills down my spine.

    This is going to be magnificent when it ends because Gabriel will laugh his balls off at her. Bet, she will try to go to him for help and he's like, "Uh no." Awesome!

  34. No, ac, he will help all he can because he's not a complete asshole and she's the mother of his child. We know he's a decent person because Halle's not interested in him anymore.

  35. Anonymous7:15 PM

    AND because Enty called him out on it.



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