Monday, July 08, 2013

George Clooney & Stacy Keibler Split Again

For the hundredth time the tabloids are reporting that George Clooney and Stacy Keibler have split. This time they feel confident in saying it because the two did not spend the 4th together. Stacy was in Malibu while George Clooney was at his lake house in Italy entertaining friends and telling grand stories about himself in the mirror room which is opposite the room with all of his posters of himself in every movie which is opposite the room where photos from every magazine shoot he has ever done are framed which is opposite the room for all of his awards which is opposite the room which tells him he is fabulous everytime he crosses the threshold.


  1. Lots of hate for Clooney in this post. I don't really feel bad for any of these women. They all know what they're signing up for.

    OT: whatever happened to the big reveal that was supposed to happen this weekend? I was late to reading all the reveals but none of them seemed very shocking.

  2. Poor stacy. Time to find another sugar daddy. Julianna hough has a lot of competition now.

  3. They all have an expiration date and the clock starts ticking from day 1.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    mirror mirror on the wall....I feel bad for them. It's like dating a play boy and hoping that you're going to be the one to catch him and make him settle down. You can't blame a girl for dreaming. I also don't remember the drum roll..BIG REVEAL....happening.

  5. They probably broke up awhile ago, but he kept her on so she could get more PR and land a gig. Someone just mentioned she got a show.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't get the George hate either. It's not like they don't know his history.

    Hoping this is true.....

  8. I like George...Please

  9. Everybody knows who she is now not just moronic wrestling geeks plus she has her own Tv show starting next week on Lifetime (some enterprenural show about people trying to get a product into a supermarket) . Shes a wrestler she also knows all about cons and using people to your advantage.

  10. He has a big house.

  11. @Kate, I was wondering the same exact thing. I don't recall any super juicy reveal. Angelina reveal doesn't cut it and that was the biggest name in reveals this 4th. Maybe that's why Enty pretty much did reveals all weekend long of little blinds...

  12. He's looking like a Peepaw.

  13. He looks like her dad. I hope his next contract is a little more age appropriate. That picture gives me the creeps.

  14. Whohooo! Brushing up and firing off my "Pick me next, George!" resume.

  15. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Where this does look bad is that everyone knows what Clooney does regarding women--signing them up for 2-3 year contracts, then releasing them. I don't feel bad for the women so much. They were paid well and the smart ones like Stacey find ways to use it as a platform to improve their career. But as he gets older, Clooney will have to find a way to combat the dirty old man moniker which is just starting to creep into the corners of his facade.

  16. I love the dress she is wearing in that picture. It is one of my all time favorite dresses.

    1. @f2 - that's what I came here to say - that dress is fab. And her hair looks great, too.

  17. What was the Angelina reveal? I thought the Nicole and Keith's blind was a little juicy.

    George is getting older just like the rest of us and he's not aging real well. He swore years ago he'd never remarry or have a kid. Any woman should know what they're getting or not getting with him.

  18. Anonymous9:58 AM

    People mag is reporting that they split, so their reps must have given them that info.

  19. I read that she was busy filming some new show she is on and that's why they were apart for the holiday.

    He prob can't get it up anymore.

  20. Is he really that egostistical? I hope not, I love watching him in anything. Sigh.

    And yeah, where is the "big reveal -- not MV, but big"...???

  21. If I was a single woman I would take a Clooney contract any day over most offers from regular guys, let alone any actor out there. I'll bet everything is addressed -- sex (positions, frequency, kinks, etc.), birth control, travel, stipends, appearances, public relations, etc. Smart on everyone's behalf, but especially on his since he never wants to remarry or have kids. I'll bet there's a pregnancy clause.

    By all accounts, Clooney is a decent person, a pro on set and knows how to have a good time. He has his perfect life, so protecting it with a contract isn't a bad way to handle things. As for Kiebler, getting a ride-along for a few years isn't a bad way to spend your time. And when the clock runs out, I'm sure it's bittersweet, but no one can say it was a surprise or waste of their time.

    Kiebler will be just fine.

  22. Where's Whocaresnow12 who kept disputing this break-up all weekend? The Hollyweird insider who knows all about the private lives of the celebs?

    I think these two have been broken-up for a while.

  23. George is so messed up. She's supposed to be super sweet, even Enty said it and I've read it elsewhere. I bet all the other women think they could be the one. Girls, it ain't happening! Don't know if she thought that, and I'm sure they've been split for awhile now. Unlike the others tho, I wish her well, and she now has lots of career openings.

  24. I would think Enty would know more than I, but I can't imagine Cloons being THAT vain/narcissistic. I know most celebs have swelled heads. I'm sure it's hard to stay level. But I would think he'd be one of the more down-to-earth ones out there. He seems pretty self-depricating.

  25. Don't you mean - Cindy Crawford and Stacy Keibler Split Again??

    1. I was about to say: so, Cindy's done with her, I guess?

  26. She has done well for a ring rat. She always did seem the type that was after money though, not wrestler cock and drugs.

    Only other ring rat I can think of that did as well was Missy Hyatt, going from banging Jake the Snake Roberts and working her way up the ladder to the Wonder Years brother. I don't buy Torrie Wilson and A-Roid. I think them hos (Daiz, Hudson, etc) must have their publicists pay him to "date" them. All the juicin A-Roid does, his nuts are prolly like raisins and his cock like a penguin's wings.

    1. @Count - I follow you all the way up to the phrase "cock like a penguin's wings". Hmm - will nature photos of penguins enlighten me? Off to find out :-).

  27. Agree, all who get involved with him know the deal. And I dont see him being so narsasitic, he has good sense of humor about himself. And forgive spelling please :)

  28. Why feel sorry for the George's girls? It's soooo obvious that it's a temp job for a year, maybe 2 if it works out. They are bought and paid for, and each side has a bit of fun. At least he's nice and lets them do the breaking up.

  29. It seems like he's pretty honest about not getting married--I've seen more than one interview where he has said he's not interested. They seem to all come out of it ahead--for Stacy she definitely had exposure to things she would never had done with him, and he'll probably do right by her if it is over--so they move on....seems fair to me if they both knew what was up.

  30. So,roids give you a flat floppy cock? The things I learn on here..thanks Count!

  31. @frufra: Useless vestigial appendage. Penguins got wings, but they can't fly. Do enough of the juice and even though he got a cock, it's only good for peeing.

  32. @Jenn: Yes. If done often and in high doses, a man's body will stop producing testosterone. This will cause depression, impotence, bitch tit growth, etc.

  33. George Clooney is a user. He needs someone to fill in for his social obligations, but have we ever actually seen him show any sign of sexual attraction for his "dates"? The pictures look like an older man and his attractive daughter. He has wasted his life playing games.

  34. Aw hell, I'd sign his contract! At least he treats his gfs well when they're with him. They end up better off at the end.

  35. George seems very a-sexual to me. He has zero passion and absolutely zero sexual chemistry. He likes his arm candy, but it always comes off obligatory and with zero emotion or desire. He seems like a affable joker who just rather be with buddies drinking or playing basketball or cruising on motorcycles, etc. in other words, an overgrown 9 year old, who is also a lush.
