Friday, July 12, 2013

Four For Friday - He Has Access To The Kids

It's announcement time. Don't have many except to say I will be here blogging all weekend and will have plenty of reveals. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

A few years ago I had a blind item which detailed how this A+ list mostly television actor had a thing for kiddie porn. It ruined his marriage. Although he tries to fulfill his fantasies in a safe and legal way with people who are of legal age, it is not always easy when he has to deal with someone close to him who also shares the same kink, but has actually been arrested for molesting a child. I know it is unlikely because of how things are arranged, but it does scare me that both of them have access to kids on a regular basis.


  1. Gross. His ex should put him on blast

  2. Arrested dude=The Principle from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

  3. JefferY Jones is his name. Now how do they have access to kids on a regular basis?

  4. Dun dun DUNNNN!!!

    Carlos Estevez

  5. A list=Charlie Sheen, his fetish when hiring one of Heidi's girls was to have them dress up as pre pubescent Cheerleaders, which is how he met Denise who he later married.

  6. Charlie sheen for the a lister?

  7. Jeffrey Jones is mostly movies. C LIST max.

  8. Jeffrey Jones was arrested for kiddie porn, but didn't know he was ever married. I assumed he was gay. I did see him in the 99 Cent Only store once.

  9. Charlie Sheen? Denise Richard mentioned some porn in her divorce papers.

  10. Charlie Sheen and Jeffery Jones were both in 'Ferris Beuller'. FWIW

  11. I think the person arrested could be a producer or something - it doesn't say they are an actor or celebrity unless I'm reading something incorrectly

  12. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I was j. Jones' cashier at a food emporium about 20 or so years ago. No memorable exchange. He appreciated the fact that I was starstruck, though.


  13. I kind of doubt that Sheen and Jeffrey Jones stayed close after filming a movie together over twenty-five years ago (did they even share a single scene?).

    Agree with Just Lurking, it's probably behind-the-scenes talent from a more recent endeavor.

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Seriously, child molesters should not be kept as blind items. If this is actual truth, they should be outed and arrested immediately

  15. I thought J Jones is in jail for a long time?

  16. I know it is unlikely because of how things are arranged, but it does scare me that both of them have access to kids on a regular basis.

    It scares you enough to turn a buck off of it as a BI instead of outing both of the freaks and making sure they DON'T have access to kids.

    1. +1
      If you know this to be fact then you are putting children at risk by blogging it instead of reporting it

  17. Yeah, because, "I heard from a guy who heard from a guy's cousin's haberdasher" is totally evidence that will hold up in court, and not no way, not no how get Enty sued for defamation of character when he names the guys and can't come up with a scintilla of proof.

    1. These idiots never get it, no matter how much this is explained in almost every criminal blind item

    2. If you don't have a 'scintilla of proof' of something as serious as potential pedophilia, don't write it as blind item. Those 'idiots' are concerned about children, not drugs.

    3. It doesn't need to be a blind item to be reported. Then there is at least a paper trail leading to the person if they are ever a suspect.

  18. @tru leigh - really hoping the "i assumed he was gay" comment was NOT because he was watching child porn. Please tell me it was for other reasons.

  19. It says A+ mostly television actor.

    That being said, I'm going to throw Alec Baldwin out there, who is now mostly television.

    1. Sue, now THAT wld be a mind f*cker!!!!!

  20. Sanctimonious much?

  21. If it was alec Baldwin , kim basinger would have that on blast in a minute

  22. i am appalled that this item refers to pedophilia as a kink.

  23. FWIW, IIRC Jeffrey Jones was arrested for having child porn, which he insisted was antique kitschy porn or something, NOT for literally molesting anyone.

  24. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Jonathan Andrew Sheen wins best vocab word of the day for " haberdasher"!

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hey! Why wasn't I told that the Blind Item about child molestation was also a vocab contest! I got lotsa big words all up in my brain that I gotsta share with all o' youse!

  26. Well then, AKW, as long as it was an antique-kitschy kiddie-porn and not kiddie-porn - kiddie-porn then that makes it okay. Kind of like the difference between date-rape and rape-rape. I'm sure the folks here would LOVE to discuss that variation with you - we've been through it many times.

    I agree with most that continuing to keep someone's secret when presented with strong evidence that they violate kids is pretty much being an accessory. What would you do if you opened the door at someone's house/office and found them in the middle of sex with a child? Would you pull them off, grab the child, then call the cops? Or would you quietly back out and close the door, pretending you saw nothing?

  27. @AKM
    It was Pee-Wee Herman, who had a collection of 50s homoerotic magazines officially about sport, that featured naked teenagers and the likes.
    It was part of a District Attorney campaign to raise his profile and get publicity with high profile arrests. Both Herman and Jeffrey Jones were targets in the investigation. The charges about Jones were much more serious - he paid a 14 year old boy to pose for sexually explicit photos.

    Herman was eventually charged a $100 fine and he was a registered sex offender during a 3 year probation. Jones was registered for life and has failed at least twice to update his registration.

  28. Hey hey hey...I NEVER said that it was okay. Reread what I wrote...I said that HE insisted that that's what it was. And as Angela pointed out, I had my facts wrong anyway. Again, read what I wrote...I said IIRC. And clearly I didn't. So back off.

    I work with DV and SV survivors. I am MORE than sympathetic. Please don't accuse me of being otherwise.

  29. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Anna--how about 'blunderbuss'. Pretty cool word, dontcha' think? xoxo

  30. Alex Baldwin is NOT a pedophile. I say that with absolute certainty, having known him since college. You may well dislike his temper - as he does, by the way - but you should never accuse him of that kind of heinous behavior.

    As for his temper, men behave as their role models for men did - in most cases, their pater familias. If you are a man, and your role model for being a man, cheated on his wife, so will you. If your role model was angry all of the time, your responses to situations will be as his were. It is a horrifically hard, and in most cases, impossible thing to lose because it becomes ingrained in your automatic behavior. I think you should have sympathy for Alex instead of scorn. He only hurts himself for the most part, he is ashamed of his behavior when he gets angry, and has a fair amount of self loathing because of it.

    As for leaving a nasty message for Ireland - yes, inexcusable, but evidence that he loves her dearly and wants to be with her as much as he can. You also have to factor in the fact that he had the divorce from hell in judging him.

    1. Please stop calling your buddy from college the wrong name.

    2. Kaft i always figured alec's father had to be a piece of work.

  31. Jeffrey Jones was on Deadwood, which is too bad bc loved that show.

    For some reason I thought of David Duchovny for this.

  32. While I agree child molesters should not be hidden, coming from a gossip site, especially this one, the info may not be 100% accurate. I don't think anyone wants to see an innocent persons life ruined.

  33. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anna-- cellar door is the most beautiful word in the English language. Did you know that? It's true!

  34. @ Massive G-I have to ask, where did all your gangsta go?? It's quite a turn around in posting style. Also, his name is Alec.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Totally agree, Hannah. Massive G, bring back the sweet, compassionate posts that made you so endearing!

  35. Trolls suck except for Count and Amanda's Wig

  36. Anonymous5:54 PM

    So true, sandy. I really suck I suck so hard. I suck more than anyone. I suck so much, I got an award. No one sucks more than I do!

  37. My brother doesn't get drunk and beat his wife, or molest his kids.

    That pater familia bullshit is a lame ass excuse to behave like a jackass and then whine about how it's not their fault.

    Alec Baldwin is simply an asshole.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Jenn, do you hear that? It's the trolls burying your opinions under a mountain of 'HAPPY HOUR IS IN FULL SWING AND NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE TOPIC AT HAND ANYMORE". Please join us.

  38. Ann nana if you claim to suck so hard you need to put your money where your mouth is and prove it!

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      I'm doing it right now!!! What? I don't suck enough for you? What the fuck do I have to do to suck more than I do right right now??

  39. Oh don't leave yourself that open! think the way Count would :)

  40. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Count would love how mich I suck. True, there's always room for improvement, but I think he'd be pretty satisfied with how much I suck right now. Still, thanks for the constructive criticism. I'm always looking for ways to suck even more and better than I do right now.

  41. More tongue and spit less lips and attitiude should do fine :)

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      iIs that, "more tongue and spit", or "more tongue and spit less"? Either way, I like your ideas.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Sorry, sandy, it's "Is".

  42. Please don't refer to this as a "kink".
    A kink is getting off by masterbating at a cemetery or sticking a toe up someone's bum. THIS is criminal and victimizes.

  43. If it's Charlie Sheen the arrangement could be referring to the fact that he does not have direct custody if his own kids - which is why Denise has the boys.
    Also, if I remember well he only has supervised visits with all his kids... **Shudders**

  44. The trolls here really bring it. Well spoken trolls are rare, CDaN is the best.

  45. I have 2 guesses.
    RDJ as he was suppose to have been with Lindsay Lohan when she was way under age.

    Someone in his family because it said he HAS to deal with that person.

    It said the person was arrested but never said they were convicted.

    It could have been swept under the Hollywood rug.

  46. I meant to say Charlie Sheen as the actor and RDJ as the second person or someone in Charlie's family.

  47. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The only person arrested for child molestation that I've been able to find is Mia Farrow's brother.



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