Monday, July 15, 2013

Former ANTM Contestant Renee Alway In Standoff With SWAT Team

So, what do you do when you don't finish in first place on ANTM? You turn to a life of crime. Well, that is what Renee Alway has done anyway. She was on cycle 8 and finished third. I don't think I have watched since cycle 2. Nothing ever happens to the winners. They go all through this torture with Tyra Banks and having to be nice to her and nothing ever happens. The only one who has made anything of her life was Adrianne Curry and she has had to become a soft pron star preying on comic book nerds and reality show marriages to make a career. Renee was arrested a few weeks ago in Palm Springs after getting into a standoff with a SWAT team who came out when someone called in a report about a woman with a gun.

Renee had a gun and so much more. She was charged with burglary and possession of drugs and possession of forged bills and fraud and has her bail set at $150K. Earlier last month she had been charged with petty theft and fraud and possession of drugs. When she was arrested on June 28th, that was Renee's third arrest of the year, so congratulations to her on that. She is shooting for that celebrity record of six arrests in one year.

Funny story about Alway. She heard about audition for ANTM the day before it was held in Chicago. She had been in town to get married but went to the audition instead.


  1. Her next runway gig is a perp walk...better work it!

  2. Alot of felonioue females in todays writings!!

  3. I remember her as being resplendent in skankitude.

    1. @Barton you are HILARIOUS! Made my day lol

    2. @Barton, you win. I'm going to remember that phrase!

  4. Sounds like her fiance really dodged a bullet there.

  5. Love you, BF <3.

  6. God bless crazy betches. Vivid should offer to pay her bail in exchange for her starring in America's Next Backdoor Model.

  7. She went to ANTM instead of getting married??? Says it all really.

  8. Didn't she have a kid?

  9. So which celebrity holds the record for most arrests in a year?

    1. That's a really good question. Lohan?

    2. I think it's DMX

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I wonder if she is smizing in her mug shot.

  12. I don't understand; why AREN'T modeling agencies hiring the winners?

  13. Well well all know that cheap-ass Tyra won't bail her out. And yes, it would be interesting to know why the fashion houses and magazines don't hire the ANTM girls. Maybe it has to do with Tyra and her 'tude?

  14. One reason the winners don't do much is because they're tied up with contractual obligations (Cover Girl, Appearing as winner on next season, ANTM publicity stuff, etc.). By the time they're out of Tyra's clutches, the newness wears off. I'd rather finish 3, 4, 5---some of those girls are really making it! Plus ANTM is pretty cheap by High Fashion standards!

  15. Yet another whack job with a gun..

  16. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Hells yes! I hope she was holding a pose...

  17. It is surprising you never see any of the contestants or winners doing anything. However,I was very pleased to see Analeigh Tipton in a couple of movies (Crazy Stupid Love & Warm Bodies)! :)

  18. Funny story about Adrienne Curry: Marilyn Manson was the wedding planner when she and Peter Brady tied the knots. Dr Phil told them a year later that they should read Ivana Trump's "How to Have a Happy Divorce" and Larry Fortensky's "Making a May/December Romance Work for Your Checkbook." Curry also thought COS play meant she was getting an invite to audition for the Church of Scientology's annual Christmas play, and had to play along when she found herself at ComiCon wearing a sparkly thong and a t-shirt that read "Shelly is fine!"

  19. Yohanna wasn't doing too badly, and then she pumped her face full of tire rubber. Sad.

  20. Sorry, I don't see anything attractive and/or "high fashion" about this girl, judging by this photo.

  21. Anonymous9:26 AM

    How do I get into the soft PRON business? And if you have such "an obsession with digging up celebrity dirt", could you HIRE A MOTHERFUCKING editor/proofreader--SOMEONE, ANYONE who will work for minimum wage and just might even know how to spell the names of the celebrities you 'report' on (HAHAHAHAAAAAA).

  22. Anne from the season Eva won does commercial's fairly often. Mollie Sue had a career in Europe for awhile. Eva and Ya Ya have done some acting. Sarah from Season 9 has also done some commercials. Many more drop back into obscurity, but some of them do parlay their 15 minutes into something more.

  23. @Miss Mess: Send me face and body shots, height/weight/cup size & age, and I'll forward them to the appropriate people. Might as well include the activities on your "No List" also.

    If you want, you could start cam whoring to build a fan base, therefore driving up the price of your first few scenes.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Count: You already have all my stats. You know I'm blazing hot. And as for this thing you call a "No List", what's that? Do you think there's really anything I would ever say no to??? And I thought you knew me...

  24. Wow...this trick is seriously a hot mess.

  25. She was a hot mess on her season, I thought. She got the eventual ax because she looked too old in comparison to the others left... Tyra gave her a 2nd chance to land a huge contract when she picked her for "Modelville," but I think she came in 2nd or 3rd...

    Crazy, though. I feel for her son.

  26. I remember her. She seemed very... angry.

  27. Eva Pigford & umm...what's her name YaYa. They both had quite a bit of work. Eva is still very hot.

  28. Cycle 8 was literally the only one of ANTM that I ever watched. I still have no idea why. Anyway, I always thought Renee should have won. Jasleen what's-her-name won instead - is she still dating Piven? Ugh.

  29. How is it that Australia's next top model produces ACTUAL models and the other comps just find chavs and mall rats?

  30. Because Australia's Next Top Model actually has pretty and photogenic girls in their top 10, has challenges that actually help them succeed (unlike Tyra's "become a rap star" and "pose for your own perfume line"), and the show is more interested in having the best MODEL win instead of the best TV personality. I have an addiction to all of the "Next Top Models" and Australia's has always been, by far, the best quality and my favorite. (Let's forget about the time they had a live finale and Sarah Murdoch announced the wrong winner).



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