Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Farrah Abraham Kicked Out Of Rehab

I have a hard time calling what Farrah Abraham was doing rehab. I'm not a big fan of outpatient rehab where you stay in a hotel with room service and a mini-bar while fellow rehab patients are in a facility and denied access to booze and other illegal substances. The fact that Farrah Abraham was only doing outpatient and only doing it for ten days and still was kicked out for bad behavior shows a lot about who she is. According to Radar, not only did Farrah invite the paps on to the grounds of the rehab clinic but also tried to take photos of Tanning Mom while in group therapy so she presumably could sell them. Yesterday the clinic finally had enough and kicked Farrah out of the program. They had wanted to kick her out after she had been in the program for just a few days because of how much trouble she was. It is obvious she went as a favor to Michael Lohan and for probably a kickback of his kickback. It is not like she cares about getting sober. I bet within a few weeks she is hosting a party in Vegas or some strip club and getting hammered.


  1. If you look up "trash" in the dictionary, there is a picture of this POS (along with many others). The only way to stop glorifying this type of behavior (famewhoring) is to simply stop giving them a platform. Stop posting, stop papping, stop reporting on E!, ET, etc. They will go away. Look at what happend to Ebola Hilton a couple years ago.

    Enty, be the change you want and we need. Stop with this one, all the other teen moms, Jersey Shore, bachelors, etc. We will gladly support you with this endeavor!

    1. Patty: Please marry me. I so believe this too. Reality shows should not exist and/or create "stars ". The end.

  2. Is she even an alcoholic? I don't think there's a rehab for being a fame whore...and a whore whore.

    1. @Karen- "a whore whore." That is excellent.

  3. Who's paying for this rehab? She doesn't really work, so I doubt she has health insurance. I always wonder that when I see rehab stories involving D-listers.

  4. That is really shitty of her to take pictures of people in group therapy. Those people are there for legitimate addictions, and this dipshit is trying to make a buck off of it. Thank you, MTV for exploiting these teens and making them "famous". The world is now a better place.

  5. @MBK, porn money probably. Getting paid to appear at clubs. I'm sure she still has money left over from her Teen Mom I.

  6. If the poor girl ever needs a legitimate rehabilitation situation, The Count's Basement Chains Cleansing And Reprogramming Center will comp her a stay. We use some pretty advanced techniques, so the waivers will need to be signed and notarized.

    1. I think you have finally found your calling. Wuz I you I wld charge up the wazoo for all the snotty nosed slummers and save your charity for those who NEED your punishment to survive. ;%

  7. I'm loving this since she's quick to credit Kim Kardashian as her role model.

  8. She drinks and doesn't take care of her kid whose custody I'm not even sure she has. Shes not the worst of these Teen Mom creatures Jennelle is but like all the rest of them she is pretty screwed up and its just like MTV to exploit shit like this for revenue. I wouldn't be surprised if there are girls somewhere who look up to these pieces of trash and idolize them.

  9. I read somewhere that there is going to be a fifth season of 16 & Pregnant. Also Teen Mom 3 with a different cast.

    1. Yay! A new crop of whore-whores!

  10. Wow. How low do you have to be to try to take pics of your fellow patients?! If ever you've been in GT, you know what a huge violation that would be. *smh*

    KK is her 'role model'? Seriously?

    We are doomed... I fucking weep.

  11. One of these days karma is really gonna kick her in the ass for this behavior.

  12. +1 to all 'whore-whores'!!!!One!1!

  13. Made up drama to keep her in the media. Her manager is the same bottom feeder who represents the rehab place, Michael Lohan, and used to represent Octomom.

  14. And also represents Tan Mom.

  15. Enty, please don't give this trash anymore publicity.

  16. This bitch's 8-finger cootch didn't get her famous enough, so she tried to use Tan Mom for attention? Shaking my damn aqua head!

  17. Reason #101 why you don't pay girls oodles of money who get pregnant at 16-17 to appear on a show about teen pregnancy!

    Being someone who had their first child at 17, it's definitely something I take seriously and educated my daughter so that she didn't have to go through what I went through.

    I think the better option would have been to give the girls a tiny bit to help them out, but there should have been a trust set up for the children so that there will be something for these kids in the future! Most have burned through there money...being famous!

  18. desiree-` i look at Teen mom as a lesson in what you DONT want to happen to you If anyone is attracted to this kind of trouble, she's already troubled.

  19. Someone should have told her the time frame of the fame whore process. She went through the staged pap pics, porn, rehab process way too fast. Where does she have to go after this? Far, far away...I hope.

  20. She will actually be in Vegas at The Crazy Horse 3 strip club celebrating the release of her sex tape on August 20! Haha

  21. Anonymous1:23 PM

    fame (infamy)so contagious

  22. When will this trash bag go away? I really wish Enty would stop talking about her.
