Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Edward Furlong Stays Out Of Jail

Yesterday, Edward Furlong pleaded no contest to domestic violence and managed to keep himself out of jail. Back in May Furlong had been arrested when he violated the restraining order his ex-girlfriend had taken out on him. As part of his plea, six other charges against the actor were dismissed. Furlong has been in jail while awaiting this appearance so the judge said he had served enough time and ordered him to rehab for 90 days and to serve five years probation. By the end of the year, Furlong will be arrested again and back in jail. The guy just can't get clean and when he is not clean he is a violent guy. There must be some kind of jinx on these Terminator actors. If you are offered the role in a Terminator movie, I think you need to look at Edward Furlong and Nick Stahl and say nope.


  1. End well. This won't.

  2. Is he wearing his pajamas in court?

  3. He's quite the attractive fella, isn't he?

  4. Or you could just say, "No, thank you." when someone offers you meth. But I'm sure you're right, Enty, it's definitely the Terminator movies.

  5. He looks like Mickey Rourke.

  6. Hahaha @ the thank you Tabby :) It's always best to be polite to drug dealers.

  7. Enty forgot to include Arnold in his list. Arnold took anabolic steroids among other things

  8. Don't forget Linda Hamilton

  9. So where's the "accidentally leaked" photos of furlong's girlfriend? how come Michael k isn't giving him a cutesy nickname to go with the charges? oh yeah, he has a drug problem problem. he's not a thug rapper...he'll do some psa & it will blow over...Miranda Lambert won't be talking about him in interviews....enty won't be using harsh language ever on him because he has a serious problem...sigh

  10. He looks like a low level dealer.

  11. Just say no Edward. Drugs bad, freedom good.

  12. @ethorne, lol. That or a woman's blouse.
