Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Dumpster Food At Golden Corral

I have eaten at Golden Corral in the past. I'm regretting that decision now. Apparently the stores don't take hygiene all that seriously because they allow food to be stored next to the dumpsters. An employee of Golden Corral in Florida (Of course it had to be Florida) posted a video online of food being stored next to dumpsters because the store was preparing for an inspection. The employee tried to complain to the store, the corporate offices, the county health department and the local news. No one cared. They do now. Golden Corral gave some BS statement about this being a one time thing and that all the food was thrown away immediately. Uh huh. That no customer ever ate any of the food. Uh huh.


  1. Anyone who has ever walked into Golden Corral and seen the pile of shit they have in the buffet (not looking anything like in the Tv ads) wouldn't be too surprised at this.

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I love Golden Corral, and the one I go to looks exactly like the TV commercials.

    Honestly, if you knew what went on in the kitchens of any restaurant, from the local greasy spoon to high end four star places, you would be disgusted. Better to not think about it, and enjoy the food.

  3. What did you expect? A corral is where hens live. And those animals are the some of the dirtiest in the animal world.

    1. Ummm no, hens live in a coop.

    2. *nodding* Horses (and sometimes cows) live in corrals.

      Pigs live in pens. In case you wondered. *g*

    3. I raise chickens. Sure, they poop all over the place and are garbage disposals, but I still love them. Their eggs are worth it.

  4. Aaaaannnnd....according to Golden Corral, the father of the employee who made this video first used it in an attempt to blackmail Golden Corral, asking for $5000. The company says the food was destroyed within an hour of the video being made, that this employee actually participated in the disposal of the food, and that no customer had any of it.

    Furthermore, the Florida Dept. of Corrections has confirmed that this employee has been arrested numerous times and is currently on probation after serving time for burglary.

    Ordinarily, when a company plays the 'disgruntled employee' card after a whistleblower event, I don't believe them. But with this guy's past, it just might be true this time.

  5. i dont eat at buffets, and i also cook most of my food specifically, because i don't always trust other people's sanitation.

  6. Sorry Squeezebox, but announcing that this guy was on probation, is nothing short of shaming him for whistleblowing. I think most people will see beyond that statement and realize what he was saying was the truth.

  7. Thanks @Squeezebox, it's reprehensible when someone tries to imitate a whistleblower for their own gain. Let's wait for the rest of the story.

    The amount of $5000 just cracks me up, for some reason. I am thinking of a high school teacher who advised us to never commit a crime for less than $1 million, and that was in 1981 dollars.

  8. @figgy, ONE MEEEEEELLLLION DOLLARS! (Austin Powers)

  9. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Regardless of this guys past, the fact there is meat sitting out in the FL sun is just plain heinous.

  10. well maybe he was told to throw that food out, so he took it and 'displayed' it around the dumpster so that he could film it/blackmail. need more information. does he have any co-workers that can back up his claims?

  11. I think it is true. Golden Corral always makes me whit diarrhea for weeks.

  12. I would doubt this dude if it weren't for employees all over the country doing the same thing and showing the Lilo worthy conditions in numerous golden corrals. If the food was being disposed, why was the manager fired? He wasn't doing anything wrong by throwing away bad food, so why fire him? Oh wait

  13. When I was a kid my mother had to go back to work --took a job cooking in a restaurant-and she always hated eating out after that---she said the things that go on behind the scenes would make you crazy.

    She did learn to become a really great cook from that job tho--she was a good home cook before, but she really learned from the pro chefs she worked for.

    I almost never eat out if I can avoid it--I have a lot of food allergies so it is hard to know how things are prepared.

  14. Any other 1st or 2nd hand accounts of nastiness from food and beverage workers?

    Lets hear about the craziness...

  15. Best friends boyfriend in high school, spat on burgers, thank god that place is long gone!

  16. I cooked in various restaurants over the years. We weren't nasty like that. Never worked in a franchise.
