Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Cleveland Kidnap Victims Say Thank You

This is some pretty touching stuff from the three women who were kidnapped by Ariel Castro.


  1. Saying a prayer for these brave women.

  2. They are just remarkable, and I really hope they are doing as well as they appear to be.

  3. What Roman Holiday said x10

  4. Did he beat the retard into that last one?

    1. Oh aren't you a piece.

    2. Marie-ski maybe someone should beat the retard outta you. What a horrible thing to say.
      And why are you 'lol' yvettie? You must be just as vile.

  5. Its nice that for the most part they are being left alone to deal with whatever they have to deal with away from the public eye.

  6. I wish them nothing but goodness and happiness for the rest if their lives.

  7. God bless these women--it says a lot about the resilience of their spirit. I hope they have wonderful lives from this day on.

  8. @marie-ski, let's see you survive years of rapes and beatings and come out unscathed.

    What a hateful thing to say. Congrats! You've replaced Massive G as the most offensive poster.

  9. Is god bless the only thing you guys can come up with? Where was 'god' when theses girls were with that sick fuck? May peace be with you sounds less corny, just sayin'

    1. Oh yes @Marie-bitchski- "May peace be with you as you are being raped & beaten over & over." That's so much better.

  10. @marie-ski. Ariel Castro beat her so badly that she does have brain damage as well as facial nerve damage. How astute, you troll, to notice and point it out.

  11. @marie-ski, No - he beat her until she was partially
    deaf and her facial bones broke.

    She has no learning disability.

  12. @Marie-ski...aren't you just the most precious of snowflakes?

  13. Normally, I wouldn't watch these types of videos on this website, but I couldn't resist seeing how they were holding up. Oh man, I am bawling right now...I wish I could hug them all.

  14. Yay! My goal was accomplished! To follow in the foot steps of massive g, wow. Better put this date down on my calendar!
    Now why don't all you lazy jobless housewives go kneel and worship at the altar of the count
    Since you guys don't find him no where near as offensive as me and g.

    1. Your writing is so familiar to me.

    2. Did G "beat the retard" into you? You're a moron who doesn't get the difference between funny and offensive. You probably think Daniel Tosh is comedy genius.

    3. We're all "lazy jobless housewives". You on here to bitch.


    1. Oooo there is a threat! Should I call the cops?
      Or was that an attempt at a joke?
      Ya know, it's only funny if the count says it
      Cuz he's so smart and eloquent
      Maybe you need to suck on his knob and get some of his 'creative and funny, not directed at anyone personally' jiz
      Idk how all you 'women' just love this self-descibed meth head who like to pray on women,then if you call him on it
      He calls out his loyal 'fans'
      So....just because it was funny to rape and beat 'niggers' back in the day, ya know cuz it was acceptable back then in that 'community' his shit is ok now?

  16. @marie-ski, I'm sure that if the Count sent you a dick pic, too, you'd also be worshipping at his altar.

    1. I don't worship at no altar but my own. It's called being a strong woman. Real woman don't get dickmatized by a dick pic sent to them from some lame tweeker on a gossip site.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @ Marie Ski, for the record I do find Count to be very offensive.

  19. I also think jerkula is offensive more often than he is not, but at least he doesn't attack the other posters (usually)

  20. Haha, makes me smile how worked up y'all get. It's a pretty safe bet if I saw ANYTHING (see, I can type in caps too)
    that is attached to the count my vag would shrivel and dry up, just like yours @mouse and grape. Y'all are ready to freak the fuck out over some words. And if you think the count is offensive @roman, why don't you speak up?

  21. Meanwhile I was just going to say how remarkable Knight is doing after all the beatings, starvation and depravation she's been thru! It's so wonderful to finally see the "forgotten" one.

    And while I'm a non-believer, I'd say her belief in God is gracing her, and who am I to judge?

    I wish them a lll so much peace and happiness.

  22. My mornings are busy getting the little one off to daycamp & trying to get to my job on time, but this morning this video was on our Nation News (I'm not in the USA) & I actually sat down to watch it. I've thought of these ladies almost every day & wondered how they have been doing. This story is heartbreaking. May these ladies find peace someday. And I also hope that Ariel will get ganged raped 3 times a day in prison until he dies a long, slow death!

  23. Ok, which one of these girls would I
    That's the game you girls play with daddy count,right?
    Oh no, that's offensive.
    Better delete it.

    1. "Daddy Count"

      Hmm, I guess we know where Marie-bitchski's issues stem from.

  24. "Now why don't all you lazy jobless housewives go kneel and worship at the altar of the count
    Since you guys don't find him no where near as offensive as me and g."
    ......Says the loser who clogs up the comments the most.

  25. The Count lists the order he'd want to have sex with them; he's not playing Fuck-Marry-Kill. There are plenty of things to complain about when it comes to the Count, but that's not a legitimate one.

  26. It's only a blog - Other people like him so who am I too say anything? - It won't change any one's mind about him! Who died and made me boss?!
    P.S. The Count knows I find him offensive because I have said it too him a couple of times.

  27. Clogs the comments the most? Haha, can't remember the last time I've commented.
    But if you say sooo.

  28. Get a hold of yourself, spaz, and go for a gd run or something. You've got a whole lot of misdirected, bottled up piss and vinegar!!!

  29. Why are you feeding the troll?

  30. Because, people that make the type of comments that marie-ski makes, should be called out as the skids marks on society that they are. Foul, unwanted, and hard to get rid of.

  31. Haha, foul and unwanted. That's the best thing I've heard all day! How am I suppose to troll you guys if I'm out running?
    I doubt I'm whats wrong with society. But thanks for the thought! It's funny how if you run out of witty shit to say, you start throwing the 'troll' word around. It's called not giving a fuck. And yes, I do find Daniel Tosh funny. If everyone would stop getting offened at every little thing that hurts their feelers, then maybe society would be a better place.

  32. 1. Calling someone a retard.
    2. Using that name to describe someone that has been through that nightmare.
    3. DEFENDING what you did!!!
    People like you, my friend, are exactly what's wrong with society.
    There's nothing witty about anything that you've said. People who lack intelligence often resort to shock value, because it's the only way they know how to leave an impression on anyone. Good lord knows you're not going to do that with your social graces, lol

  33. Does anyone remember when a poster, whose name I can't remember, came and started a HUGE shit storm one day and then claimed he did it all on purpose as a research experiment for his psychology or sociology class or something. Along those lines, for human behavior? I am having deja vue

  34. marie-ski is a whiner looking for attention like massive g. Post the meanest, rudest, most hateful thing you can think of, sit back and watch the fireworks. Don't feed her, she'll go back under her bridge with her Tosh rape jokes.

  35. Marie-ski is no troll. Well not technically.
    I'm almost positive that she posts under a different name usually. Marie-ski is used when she wants to be disrespectful.

  36. JSierra---Sounds very familiar. I can think of a suspect, for sure.

    a non a miss -- +1 to your assessment.

  37. I started to bash Marie-ski but changed my mind bc Jenna is right.

    God Bless these women and help them heal mentally and physically.

  38. I live about 45 minutes away from where these girls were found. And I've been following this story for a few years now. It's absolutely heart breaking, but to see them looking so alive and well is nothing short of a miracle.

  39. Marie Sky - I would love to tear into you, but by the looks of it, someone else (probably your own ' daddy' already tore into you).

    Plausible reason for such hate. Whilst Count is a jerk, you're full of hate which echoes your real life more than you'd admit.

    SO instead of being upset and validating anything you'll say, I'd rather just tell you; don't let the hate consume you, take responsibility for yourself into making your life better.

    No well-adjusted person living a fruitful life would ever post/think/say such things.

    1. Ohh, was that a thinly veiled joke at incestual rape by my father?
      Full of hate when I'm calling out the hypocricy?
      Thought rape jokes were a no no?

  40. Aww man,I thought I was the most offensive poster here! Damn it Marie-ski! Lol :)

  41. I hope all three ladies get good counseling. Sending prayers of peace and healing to them.

  42. OMG. To have this stupid argument in lieu of the topic at hand and the ordeal that these three women went through. God. Get a grip. There's so much tension on this site sometimes.

    These women are amazing, amazing people. I wish them much health, healing and happiness.

  43. Just sad is all I can say, that some troll would say such a thing just to get negative feedback? Michelle, Gina and Amanda are brave strong women, something you, Marie-ski would know nothing about!

  44. Ok, long time lurker, new poster, but I couldn't stop myself from putting in my two cents. I live twenty min from Cleveland, this has been in the news for ten years! So glad these girls made it home!

  45. What Marie-Ski said was vile and inexcusable. That said, s/he makes a good point. The fact that some people here are so selective when it comes to which troll should be tolerated or not, is quite hypocritical - and I have a hard time taking hypocrites seriously.

    You won't tolerate one troll's vile and antisocial comments about victims of severe abuse, but you will tolerate another troll's vile and antisocial comments about, well, any female celebrity? One troll's comment about three rape victims are offensive, but another troll's rape jokes are funny?

    Count Jerkula said:
    "If a chick is with it and responsive when the sex begins, but the pills kick in 1/2 way through, is it proper etiquette to stop or can you finish? I'm not talking roofied up, I mean more like she grabbed 2 percs out of her purse when you got back from the bar.

    If the proper thing to do is stop, then is it wrong to do some groping while you finish yourself off?

    It has been a decade since I was last in the dating pool and I need to know these things."

    Be consistent.

    1. There is a difference between a poster who establishes a relationship with commenters and makes it very clear that all of his comments are said in jest. Yeah, he has a terriblrrsense of humor, so do most of us. But a poster who randomly drops by and posts spiteful shit just to antagonize Ans rile everyone up will always receive backlash over someone like count. Also, as someone already pointed out, find one rjust one example of count making a personal, hateful, or spiteful attack against another poster or against a true victim, not Lindsey fucking Lohan.

  46. I hope all these ladies pull through and go on to live happy lives. I can't imagine being locked up and tortured all those years.

  47. @85#####, look up George Carlin's tips on how to make a rape joke. That's what Count Jerkula is doing.

    (Seriously, look it up. It's not about "rape jokes." It's about how to make a joke that seems wildly inappropriate but isn't.)

  48. Oh @Jenna was right - Tosh's rape joke was for shock value, not comedy. Just like throwing out "beat the retard into her" isn't a comment on the actual story but a "let's get 'em riled up" troll comment. You got what you wanted... but at the end of the day, you still suck. Have fun with that life.

  49. wonderful video. so happy for them. they sound strong and happy. hope everyday is a good day for them from now on. they look so, what us the word, excited or alive, maybe. good for them.

  50. I skipped this post, because there is nothing funny about the subject. I'm glad someone notified me of a jealous betch in here.

    @marie-ski: Nice attempt at a swerve. Wish I noticed earlier so I could steer the conversation.

    You should be so lucky to get to suck my cock. It would be the smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth.

    I'd explain why other posters enjoy my remarks, but you don't deserve it. It is better you continue to be clueless and jealous of my appeal, while you are laughed at as you attempt to spread your misery across the internets.

    @Karen: SHHHHHHHH! And don't share that. Everyone gets a different pic, so I know who to punish should they ever post it.

    Also, I did do one F, Marry Kill yesterday, because I seen Lena Dunham in a Random. She is a special case.

    @Little Girl: Thank you for noticing. I work hard to live up to my name.

    @Roman Holiday: Yep, you have. You are entitled to your opinion.

    @Say Cheese: Yeah, I try to direct the insults and bile at the subjects of the posts. Sometimes I have even backed off or refused to engage another poster if I got the sense she was Shark Weekin. Aint not fun shootin fish in a barrel.

    @Jade: Welcome. Throw them 2cents around all you want.

  51. @ 85134943: As I said in the other thread, that isn't a rape joke. That is a chick passing out during consensual sex because she took pills. ARE YOU TOO DENSE TO READ THAT? I state specifically that it isn't a roofie situation.

    Some people only read the parts they want so it will fit their agenda.

  52. Thanks Count! Your posts usually make me giggle! :) and yes, there IS a difference between joking and making fun for the knee-jerk reaction. There are some who do not know the difference.

  53. Yes, there are certain conditions where people can't detect sarcasm. I would list them, but my ex said I was unqualified.

  54. If someone is so impaired that they pass out midway through sex then they are unlikely to have legally been capable of giving consent to having sex in the first place. Doing so anyway opens you up to criminal rape charges. There is tons of case law on this.

    It's funny that things like "and the rice you flew in on", is "never" funny and is horrible and racist but potential rape jokes, abuse, misogyny (amongst others) are jokes because a person has a "track record" about being "funny" and "refreshing" about things.

    It's funny because my friend said it.

    The hypocrisy is thick.

    And no, Count. I don't want to suck your balls or your dick (which seem to be the only insults you are capable of). I prefer to engage with men who don't feel the need to describe, on a daily basis, their fantasies of belittling and humiliating women. But I should probably just get over it. It's just a joke. Right?

  55. @Lola: I'll take it easy on you since you aren't commenting where my comment was originally posted. 851??? succeeded in baiting someone into an argument I already won elsewhere. You are her Huckleberry.

    There I had to explain to someone else how pills kick in. It is generally 45 minutes after you take them, allowing for ample time for foreplay to be over and intercourse to have begun before they hit like a ton of bricks.

    There is no rape involved in what I asked about and it isn't a joke. Girl77007 was the only one to give an answer.

    You have once again failed to lump me in with your racist friend. Misogyny, racism and humor are like obscenity, up to community standards, not your standards, and my widespread acceptance here shows I am not misogynist, I am funny, and you friend is a racist. You can go on and on defending hate speech, that is fine. Maybe you could take your internet fake lawyer credentials and get a job for the Westboro Baptist Church or Stormfront.

  56. I don't need lawyer credentials...I have this fancy thing called the Internet. And Google. You asked if it was "proper" to finish. I'm pointing out that anything done after she is incapable of giving consent is potentially rape (if she views it as such not if you do). So yeah. You made a rape joke.

    You may not have intended to make a rape joke but to continue to defend it as perfectly acceptable because of "community standards" is hypocritical. Perhaps you don't understand what that word means. And as far as defending your joke because the "community" thought it was funny (and therefore okay) is pretty sick.

    Here's a news flash, just because you're a superstar on a Internet gossip site doesn't mean you aren't a misogynist, it just means few are calling you on it. So few people say anything to you because when they do your cadre of admirers comes out of the woodwork to defend you and you attempt to label your detractors as ugly, lonely cat ladies who are racist in their spare time. If you follow the predictable path of others of your ilk, next I will be a child abuser and a pedophile (the only one you've missed so far in your insults is labeling me as "fat").

    And as some who, due to severe illness, knows firsthand exactly how "perc" works...let me be the first to let you know that you are woefully uninformed about the rate at which it enters your system.

  57. Those poor women, I'm so glad they're were rescued and wish them the best.

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  59. Just remember. Those who feel the need to spout negativity and hate in the virtual world are sad and lonely in the real world, no matter how confident they want to appear or how much they defend themselves.

    They are attention seekers period. Any normal person wouldn't think to troll period, or to purposely be mean about a controversial topic just to get a rise out of people.

    Let's not encourage them, instead offer them empathy as they are clearly hurting and could use a hug. Or therapy.

  60. I know everybody is SO over posting in this thread already, but I don't comment or look here too often.

    Anyway, @count jerkula I wanted to mention I normally like your sarcasm and I'm not responding, nor do I know about your original post concerning "rape" but I saw the exchange between you and Lola. I'm not going to agree or disagree, except I know that some pills do NOT take 45 minutes to work, especially if drinking is involved.

    I have a sleep disorder and take medication for it. In college I was on Ambien for 1.5 years and that would knock me out stone cold sober after 5 minutes without warning. It was scary. I'd be on the phone and then just be asleep, dead to the world. That is one reason I asked to get off of it. Just don't assume, unless you are a pharmacist, that the reaction time is that long.

    Again, I state that I don't even know what types of medication you were referring to, etc., I'm just going off the randomness of your post today. No intentions involved.

  61. I had just gotten back from taking my Dad to the doctor when I saw this on TV and for some reason I developed the biggest, crush I guess is the best way to describe it on the third one pictured with the glasses.

    I just want to hold her in my arms and let her know nothing or no one will ever hurt her again. It's not a sexual thing but for the first time I've seen someone on TV that I just want to take care of make feel safe and secure.

    Weird I know. I just hope these young women are able to keep their heads up, realize how strong they are and that they have an entire country, if not world that loves them.

  62. Prolixe:
    Count Jerkula is not George Carlin, and Count Jerkula is no George Carlin. Well, to some of us at least. Whether inadvertently or intentionally, Count Jerkula made a rape joke. A joke about rape. Not the rapist. Not rape culture. But a joke about rape. It's about the rape joke. It's about how he made a joke that seemed wildly inappropriate - because it was. Making light of rape usually is.
    (Side note: Did you notice how I didn't passive-aggressively leave the rest of your handle's letters out? If my handle is genuinely too hard to remember, just copy and paste - I do.)

    Well put, you made some very logical points. In fact, you pointed out most of the logical fallacies I was considering pointing out. Thus, I will not reiterate, only second what you said.

    Kelsey D:
    Count Jerkula is both an obvious and self-professed troll. So, when you said: "(...) They are attention seekers period. Any normal person wouldn't think to troll period, or to purposely be mean about a controversial topic just to get a rise out of people.
    Let's not encourage them, instead offer them empathy as they are clearly hurting and could use a hug. Or therapy."
    And then said: "Anyway, @count jerkula I wanted to mention I normally like your sarcasm. (...)" Was that you hypocritically encouraging him, or you offering him empathy?

    Amidst the superabundance of hypocrisy, double standards, rationalizations, deflections, projections and denials; logically, there's one vital thing lacking: consistency. Be consistent.

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  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @prolixe...

      I didn't make any comment about "it being funny because my friend said it" in regards to the rice comment. I was making the point that there were several who said people didn't understand Vicki's humor, etc. and many of the same people now defending CJ (including CJ himself) basically said her intent didn't matter and that just because people liked her and knew her humor was often racy, that racism never gets a pass. "I" didn't say it. I am merely pointing out that the same general argument is being forwarded by CJ and others as to why his "joke" was funny and that his "acceptance" was proof that there was nothing wrong with his joke or other things he has said.

      That, proliox is hypocrisy.

      Incidentally, just because he makes jokes about "mansogyny" doesn't make him incapable of misogyny. It merely means he's good at deflecting (some) peoples' attention. That's like saying that if I make native American jokes (my heritage) that means I'm somehow magically incapable of being bigoted towards other groups.

      At least Massive doesn't pretend to be anything other that the troll he is.

      Finally, perhaps I'm obtuse but I don't even understand what number 5 is.

  64. @prolixe

    You fucking little bitch stalker.

    Is that some kind of personal threat against me there? Trying to out who I am in real life? So you're a stalker? What are out going to do? Come peek in my windows? Because I don't agree with your point of view on a fucking gossip site.

    You are a sick fuck. Way sicker than anyone you attempt to defend by threatening me.

    Do you honestly think you are anymore difficult to find. Here's a news flash honey...it's the age of the Internet. We are ALL public figures.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. @prolixe

    Yeah, isn't that funny how your little "cupcake" link that you conveniently deleted just happened to link to a video that is my profile picture on Facebook.

    And it's not like it was some well known link.

    Your, "what... Who? Moi?" falls on flat ears you fucking stalker.

    Prolixe wrote:

    Edited: I see what you did there, cupcake.

    Count Jerkula didn't make a rape joke. READ the text. Do you need it copy and pasted? OH, you already know how to do that.

  67. All your threatening posts quickly deleted.

    So you stalk and threaten but are too much of a fucking pansyass to stand behind what you said?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I have removed my comments because I am apparently a 'threat' to Lola for voicing my opinion and also a stalker who is not difficult to find. Lola will be doing her best to ensure the CDAN Community is safe from people like me. (Not people who spout racism or porn or sexism, but at least safe from JLaw's bird finger.)

    If you'd like to google the offensive stalker Prolixe, plug this into your Google: "Prolixe site:www.crazydaysandnights.net". Totally a crazy bird.

    Bye, Lola & Company. Congrats on driving another reader away with your thinly veiled threats.

    (Also, I don't care who you are in real life. Really, I don't and I NEVER threatened you or anyone. I made a joke about someone being sensitive FFS.)

  69. Prolixe:
    Yes, he did. That is, unless he is unintelligent enough to not know or understand, that sex with an unconscious person is sexual assault. And although I wouldn't call him intelligent, his intelligence is not below average. So, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he did. See Lola's comments regarding this for a logical explanation.

    Did Prolixe threaten you? Wow, now that is truly disturbing. If you feel genuinely unsafe, then don't hesitate to report this to the authorities. As I don't get "follow-up comments," would you mind sharing what s/he said?

  70. Rape-shmape. Didn't you see where Lola called me a SUPERSTAR! (safe for work)

    AAWW you fiesty lil dame. You can't start getting sweet on me during all this. If you make yourself seem human to me I won't be able to find the bile needed to take it further.

    What would I be with out all the Margaret Dumonts (big upps to Brooklyn), Boss Hoggs and Lex Luthors out there? I can only write one end of this stuff. Give em a round of applause.

    And the Jerkuladies...ya loony broads...what could I do without their encouragement as my fuel? They are truly the wind beneath my wings.

    I'd also like to thank Compaq, Google, Blooger, The Weinstein Brothers, My Cable Internet Provider, My Lord and Savior Lemmy Kilmister, and the Millions Watching at Home.

    Thank You and Good Night.

    Count Jerkula

  71. 85134943

    When I copied it, it didn't save "cupcake" as the link. It was a link to a somewhat obscure (in the USA) British TV show that is the subject of my Facebook profile picture.

    I didn't get a chance to copy the other posts. But they were to the effect of, "what? I didn't say anything..."

    It was a "ha, ha... I found you and could tell everyone who you really are if I wanted to."

    It wasn't a threat of physical violence. It was a threat to "out" me.

    Notice that she deleted all of her posts very quickly key before coming back and boohooing about how I ran her off. Poor proliox.

    Thank you for being concerned. And thank you for standing up to the bullying behavior here. It's refreshing to see people actually speak up.

  72. Lola:
    Ah, I see. I only saw the "cupcake" comment, but didn't click on the link (usually don't unless the person seems serious) as I feared it would make something unpleasant pop up. I did think it was odd when so many removed comments appeared, I find it even more suspect now that you mention how the "cupcake" link coincidentally "matched" your Facebook profile picture.

    I want to give him/her the benefit of the doubt, and say that it genuinely was a coincidence, but what are the probabilities? Let's hope it truly was a coincident, and not a badly veiled threat. Although the deletion of all the comments would suggest otherwise.

    Don't mention it, it was a given. I might not take this site very seriously, but I am fully aware of the fact that there are real people behind every comment. Some less and some more rational than others. And when a real person threatens another real person, then that is something you take very seriously. Statistically, threats made by an "Internet commenter," are usually empty, but once in a while - they're not. And that is something one should take into consideration when someone starts crossing some serious boundaries.

    Thank you, I appreciate it - and likewise. It was, as you said, refreshing to read your comments regarding this topic. Again, you made some very logical points, and I greatly appreciate your - or anyone's - use of reason.

  73. 85134943,
    there are some posters on here that find the time and energy to stalk other poster's facebook and twitter profiles. Then they slowly release personal info on here. Only the person who's info is being released would catch it. Shocking, right?
    People seem to forget this is a GOSSIP BLOG! Not A stalking blog!

    By the way, I am sure Ariel Castro also thought he was just having fun with those poor young women. Apparently the rest of us don't understand is humor either.

  74. *his* not is.
    The Victor/Victoria shenanigans going on here got to me.

  75. SUPA STAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Top of the mutha fuckin food chain, yo.



    Super Star.


    Count Jerkula, Super Star

  76. I wish nothing but the best for these three strong women. And Rowdy, what a sweet sentiment from you.

  77. Seriously - how did a cool post about 3 women overcoming some serious adversity become a hate fest in the comments?

    I come here for the commenters most times - today I probably should've skipped it.

  78. @Mala: Marie-Ski said something stupid and then deflected onto me. Then someone cut and pasted my comment from elsewhere to rehash an argument I already quashed with an explanation. Lola not seeing things elsewhere decided to bring up her racist friend again and slipped in some "superstar" luvin on me. I don't know what happened after that. Some convoluted accusations or some shit and the harpies be harpin.

    All you need to take out of it is that I'm a SuperStar.
