Monday, July 01, 2013

Cirque Du Soleil Performer Dies After Accident During Show

For the first time in the 30 year history of Cirque du Soleil, a performer has died. On Saturday night, Sarah Sassoon fell during a performance of Ka. According to audience members, Sarah was 50 feet in the air when a wire snapped and she fell to the stage. Ka, which is at the MGM Grand has been canceled until further notice. After Sarah fell to the stage, the show was called off. I'm actually shocked that no one managed to record the incident. As much as they say no video cameras, people always have them there and are always recording. Of course, if they had it, then it would be aired and then it would be like watching that Wallenda fall to his death 42 times during the course of a one hour special. Discovery Channel just loved showing that guy falling during the Wallenda Grand Canyon special. I get showing it once, but the only reason they kept showing it again was some people had not recorded it to their DVR and were screaming to their significant other they had just shown a guy fall to his death and too bad the other person missed it. So, that gets the other person's attention and they sit down so you just have to show it again and then they call their neighbors who start watching and then they show it again.


  1. RIP.

    I'm glad this wasn't recorded. No one wants to see that.

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Very sad... Ka is a unique show where the stage goes sideways then completely verticle. Witnesses said they heard her screaming as she fell; she was so young and mama to two little ones.

  3. Enty!!!! Decaffinate!!!!!
    My sympathies to family. Obviously something she had done thousands of times. Rip

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    So sad, I'm also glad that it wasn't recorded. That's terrible. The poor woman, and her kids! I hope that she had some good life insurance. Her poor family.

  5. Wait, I thought Nick Wallenda successfully made it across the Grand Canyon? Or maybe I can't decipher Enty's ramblings at this hour.

    This is tragic, I hope her family finds peace.

  6. Wait, I thought Nick Wallenda successfully made it across the Grand Canyon? Or maybe I can't decipher Enty's ramblings at this hour.

    This is tragic, I hope her family finds peace.

  7. @Ja' was Nick's grandfather (I believe) who fell many years ago.

  8. Why weren't there safety measures in place when a woman is on a wire 50 feet in the air???

  9. Nick Wallenda's grandfather died in Peru, Nick successfully traversed the Grand Canyon last week.

  10. Yup, the Wallenda who crossed the Grand Canyon did so successfully. I just read the story about how he and his family now have a lifetime supply of Buffalo jeans because that's what he was wearing during the wire walk.

    My heart goes out to Sarah's family and the Cirque du Soleil troop.

  11. FYI - her name was Sarah Guillot-Guyard; Sassoon was her stage name.

  12. As a loyal reader, I lol'd out loud over the Wallenda falling reference hehehe

  13. I've seen this show and it's really unbelievable what these people do to move on that stage. I don't know the details of how it happened because I heard a commentator say she was "supposed" to be hooked to a harness so I wondered if maybe she wasn't properly secured?

  14. That's just so tragic and sad. Cirque Du Soleil is very meticulous about safety.

  15. My husband and I went to see that show on our mini-moon. It was a late show and because we had drank the day away... we both fell asleep during the show...

  16. Jeez, Enty needs to learn about spaces.
    Sorry about that lady, RIP to her, and my sympathies to her family and friends.

  17. Thank goodness there wasn't an video. That would have been awful. RIP.

  18. Ummmm, @Ari -- I'm just a dumb broad from East Egypt, but why did you 'lol' at the Wallenda reference?

    Also, has anybody heard from Turkish Taffy [Sp.???] Things aren't going well in her 'neighborhood'.

  19. I was just in Vegas this past weekend and the husband and I were seriously thinking of going to see KA on Saturday night. So this is so shocking! Sad to hear, but glad I didn't go and see that happen firsthand. RIP Sarah. :(
