Thursday, July 11, 2013

Busy Phillips Named Her Daughter Cricket Pearl

When I first saw that Busy Phillips named her daughter Cricket Pearl, I thought I might start calling her Firefly Diamond, but then I thought about it and Cricket is not the worst name ever. Is it unusual? You betcha, but I think it is way better than going for the joke of North West. To me, that is ridiculous. Cricket Pearl Silverstein, so CPS for short. Cricket was a big baby. She was almost 9 pounds. Now, Busy's oldest daughter is Birdie. I could see an adult named Birdie. I'm not sure you would find a Birdie or Cricket named President. Although, there was a Newt who ran a couple of times. Now we just need a Toad.


  1. It could be a cute name. It's definitely memorable.

  2. Newt, Toad -- what's the difference?

  3. I can't stand her. Her face annoys me

  4. I know someone with that name, it is hard to take seriously as an adult though...

  5. Cricket was the name of Connie Steven's character in Hawaiian Eye....geez why do I know this ?

    1. Thanks! I was wracking my brain trying to remember who played a character named Cricket.

  6. CPS? reminds me of Child Protective Services

  7. Anonymous6:13 AM

    My mom still calls my 38yo sister BIRDIE.

  8. "Almost 9 pounds" isn't THAT big.

  9. Why didn't she just name her "beat my ass at the playground"?

  10. she must be a Young & The Restless fan a long running character and daughter of the show's creator character's name is Cricket.

    It's cute. Better than North West.

    1. Y& R was my first thought too. They called her Cricket for years although the character's real name was Christine.

    2. I was just about to say that....Cricket from Y&R. I love the name. :-)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I grew up with a "Cricket". At the start of every school year, the teacher would call her REAL name, and Cricket would look like she was going to projectile VOMIT, and sternly corrected the teacher.....
    The real name she hated SO SO much? Charlotte.
    I never understood why it almost gave her an aneurism to hear it. I like Charlotte.

  13. Better than Inspektor, Radio or Apple. Cricket is kinda cute.

  14. Cosign Andrew and yeah, 9lbs ain't that big.

  15. Will the next kid be Grasshopper?

  16. @timebob yeah but Cricket was her nickname and after she got older they changed to her real name. They couldn't possibly have a lawyer named Cricket Blair who becomes a govt agent and federal prosecuter

  17. I was almost 9 pounds at birth.** 42 years ago it was big-ish, but today not so much.

    **btw, Bacon Ranch, if you ever need my weight or health records notarized, just say so. GMAB.

  18. I like Firefly Diamond!

  19. Cricket is a nickname. So is Birdie. Less and less respect for folks that can't seem to understand that giving a child a weird name does NOT guarantee that they will be an individual. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that half these kids will change their names later.

    I blame David Bowie and Frank Zappa for starting this ridiculousness.

  20. I like the name Cricket. It isn't the most dramatic one, but it is cute. I have an uncle named Birdie, who is now in his 70s. He was named after my grandpa Byrd, who was born in 1896 to a rural couple from the shallow South. It's not a weird name at all, just retro.

  21. Pearl, the middle name, also seems to hearken back to the same turn-of-the-century period as Byrd/Birdie. It was fashionable then to name girls after gemstones, like pearl, ruby, opal, etc. I like it.

    Okay, I'm done with being a nerd, for now.

  22. I think Birdie and Cricket are both cute individually. As siblings it's ridiculous.

  23. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I also like Cricket, and Firefly Diamond, that's what Holly Madison should've named her little child support check, rather than Rainbow Your Company Name Here, her own name is Busy, Cricket is cute, but yes a nickname. I say give the kid a classical sounding first name then give them a fun middle name if you must, or a good nickname, don't be a selfish Mom, they're the ones that have to live with your choice.

  24. Birdie is what Don calls Betty on Mad Men when he is being semi-lovable and semi human. Just sayin'. Cricket has the same kind of preppy nick-naminess as Birdie-- at least she was honest enough to call them that instead of "oh I'll name her Cristabel but call her Cricket"

    1. I thought of Don Draper too, @Kelly. Although i think i must like him more than you do :)

      And in related news, every time someone mentions 'Y&R' (meaning young and the restless) I have to remind myself we're not talking advertising Y&R (young and rubi R orn agency).

  25. Anyone remember when "Cricket" on Y&R were TWINS? This would have been around '75, before I went to kindergarten, and I watched soaps w/ my mom back then. I LOVED the Cricket from back then.

  26. Don't birdies eat crickets? :/

  27. That's kind of awful. Cricket is a nick name.

  28. @ libby - I don't remember that, but I do remember when Nikki was a stripper and she got kidnapped and held hostage in a basement by someone - Rose DeVille, I think? CBS soaps were my birthright. I cried when they took Guiding Light off the air, and then quit the soaps forevah when As The World Turns was cancelled.

  29. And I'm of the Give Your Kids a Real Name baby-naming school. Our boys both have presidental/biblical names, and our girl name was Katherine. I'm super-boring that way. Name 'em a real name, then you can call them Cupcake or Speedy or whatever nickname suits them.

  30. One of my uncles weighed 13 lbs., 9 oz. when he was born. 9 lbs. is yawnable.

    Wouldn't it be funny if all these celebrities were screwing with us when they announce these weird names? Just getting reporters off their backs by giving a name and putting something totally different on the birth certificate?

  31. Agreed with @Frufra, don't legally impose something stupid on your kids.

    Tho for some reason, nicknames as names don't bother me AS much as the STOOOOOPID trendy names that come and go with each decade. Remember all the Brittany/Britney/Britni etcs? Then all the Tyler/Taylors? Now it's 1001 variations on Jaden/Jaiden/Jayden and Kaden/Caden/Cayden. I know an infant boy just named Kayden and was/am like...reeeaaally??

  32. @ figgy - you are so right. I work in elementary school, and right now there are a whole lot of Ellas, Emmas, Cadens and Jadens of both sexes and all spellings, and the general trend of names giving no indication of a child's sex. It's a brave new world out there. I am so relieved when I meet a child named Matthew or Mary any more. I always tell people who ask for baby naming advice to consider Joe - cut the kid a break.

  33. haha right @Frufra. I know another young woman having a boy...she's only 19 so I might have thought she'd give him a trendy name but no, he's going to be "Vincent." Now THAT is a great name for a kid: it's a real name, i.e., it doesn't sound like the same marketing team that creates new meaningless car names jumbled some letters to come up with it, yet it's unusual AND lends itself to cute nicknames.

    1. @figgy - that's a 19 year old who has her head on straight. Vincent is a great name - I had an adorable neighbor named Vincent for many years.

  34. This won't go well, because birds eat crickets

  35. I had a huge doll that you would put cassette tapes into her back (maybe chest, I can't remember..) and she would "talk" and "sing" to you, very creepy. Her name was Cricket.

  36. Busy has previously said that the reason she chose the name Birdie for her oldest is because Busy is an actual nickname for her actual name- Elizabeth and she always got tired of correcting people to call her the correct name.

    So, she decided to give her children nicknames to begin with. I think it's brilliant.

  37. I'm super-boring that way.

    @ Frufra - No, you're traditional.. :)

    When my sister was pregnant with her second baby she knew it was going to be a boy. Her husband is a Brit and is distantly related to the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas ("Do not go gentle into that good night".) I pushed for Dylan Thomas LastName, and I'm glad she didn't choose it because right around the same time the first 90210 show EXPLODED and all of a sudden babies were being named Dylan. Kid dodged a bullet.

  38. greenmtngal, you and I share a hatred of this no necked asshole.

    As I said on Dlisted, and when Birdie eats Cricket, she'll wonder why.

  39. I've known a few Crickets. I think it's cute. Especially if they go with Pearl.

  40. Cricket won't ever get to whine "But Mom, you have no idea what it's like going through life with such a strange name". Would you say that to a girl named Busy?

  41. Birdie is a pretty common nickname for Bridget where I come from. I think Cricket is cute.

  42. Maybe she was dreaming of cell phones from 2007 when she came up with the kid's name.

  43. The next kid could be Locust Agate.

    I don't like crickets. Have you ever had a f-cking cricket chirping outside your bedroom window at 2am, still at it 2 long hours later?

    I do like Cougar Town, for the most part.

  44. Enty plays favorites so obviously. He loves Busy so he is obviously going to tell us it's "not that bad." Imagine if a Kardashian named their child Cricket? We would never hear the end of it...

  45. Anonymous11:12 AM

    NO WAY! Enty is equally judgmental and critical of everyone. This blog is completely objective. Jeez, it's like you're trying to ruin Christmas or something!

  46. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Birdie and Cricket...niceeeee

  47. I have only seen her on Cougar Town. Does she have that annoying way of talking all the time or just when she's in character?

  48. Didn't Barbie's little sister Skipper have a friend named Cricket? I'm talking about Barbie Dolls in the sixties. I think I remember that name.

    And we did have a first lady named Ladybird and a first daughter named Lindabird.

  49. Poor kid. What the fuck is with these retarded ass names? Why can't people just give their kids normal names? But of course if your kids have normal names, you get some odd stares and people asking you if they're named after your dead relatives, their father or whoever. Uh no, motherfuckers, maybe some people don't want their kids named Cricket or something else equally stupid.

  50. The first soap opera Cricket was played by Lisa Loring on As the World Turns. :)

  51. I actually like this one. "Cricket" reminds me of a bubbly, wholesome actresses on one of those early '60's beach shows/movies, and "Pearl" reminds me of Janis.

  52. Jesus, I hope my fuzzy head clears up by tomorrow. Kinda need the brain to work...

  53. well, I guess it could be worse. stupid name, but not the worst.

    I heard something about a tribe that named their children after whatever they first saw after the baby was born. birdie, cricket, whatever.

  54. isn't she the one that was always showing up as michelle Williams +1 after heath died?



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